Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

UngodlyAudrey🏳️‍⚧️ to – 231 points –
Windows 11 is now automatically enabling OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

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Like every time windows is mentioned the Linux users come out to try to convert people. You guys are so fucking annoying. Just make a post about Linux. We dont want your shit ass OS. We need one which actually runs the software we use. Guess the posts are good to block these annoying Linuxers

I see where you're coming from but you aren't really speaking for the majority on lemmy. We are more open to open source projects and linux around here.

Unfortunately, I also have to use windows for some things, but microsoft and windows 11 are hot garbage, just like your attitude.

Please try not to escalate comment threads that are already tense. Remember to be(e) nice. I think think it is understandable that someone might be frustrated with the regular, low effort responses to practically any mention of Windows or a number of other topics.

My bad, I didn't think pointing out someones bad attitude was crossing the line.

No worries. I don't think anybody in the comments here have crossed any lines yet; I'm just trying to defuse things before they get to that point. I'm finding that !technology is one of the communities where we're most likely to have to lock threads or remove comments, other than maybe !politics, and I'm trying to be more proactive about reminding folks to deescalate when things get tense.

This is one of the things I love about the Lemmy community. No one wants to argue, every one can be passionate about their opinions, but still respect other people’s passion.

When there's a post about privacy issues, expect alternatives with more privacy be mentioned. It's just that there are so many moments that big corporations violate user's privacy nowadays, so that's why you see it that often.

Hey, I totally get your frustration here, but in the future please keep in mind the primary ethos on Beehaw and try to be nice in your comments here. I sympathize with how irritating the constant barrage of "just install arch" as if that's a simple fix for every problem, and I think it would be valuable for users on this forum to think about this before they comment, but let's try to stay respectful and kind to other users. Thanks!

I used Linux back in the 90s as my primary OS. They were simpler times. Since then I have used BeOS, various versions of Windows and (primarily) MacOS.

I am seriously thinking of going over to Linux as my primary OS because of all the TechBro “AI” bullshit that Microsoft, Adobe, Apple and Google are trying to ram down our throats.