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Joined 1 years ago

Inferring that Trump was anything like John Wayne would make the Duke spin in his grave.

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Well actually, You can heat things up to a temperature where they do sublimate, without there being an ignition source.

“No smoke without fire” is a misnomer.

The bottom has dropped out of the OEM software licence market. Microsoft have to find a different way of making money. Their loss-leading hardware sales have not borne fruit so they are getting desperate.

All they have left is services, which means that the only way the can actually make money is selling out their customers private information.

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The problem is that they are not actively asking permission.

They are technically legally asking permission through the EULA, but nobody reads these.

Apple do this differently, they require the user to opt in for each of their services, and except for a pitiful amount of storage, the user has to pay for a useful amount of storage. This makes the user the customer, instead of the product. They could make it easier to roll-your-own “cloud” storage by NAS, but I assume that it isn’t worth their effort.

This is one of the things I love about the Lemmy community. No one wants to argue, every one can be passionate about their opinions, but still respect other people’s passion.

I used Linux back in the 90s as my primary OS. They were simpler times. Since then I have used BeOS, various versions of Windows and (primarily) MacOS.

I am seriously thinking of going over to Linux as my primary OS because of all the TechBro “AI” bullshit that Microsoft, Adobe, Apple and Google are trying to ram down our throats.

Let us analyse it critically;

  • change of API policies resulted in death of third-party apps.
  • exodus of content creators due to inaccessibility of official Apps and user interfaces.
  • exodus of high-value users due to lack of high-value content.
  • exodus of medium-value users due to increase is low-value content and ads.
  • increase in toxic behaviour due to lack of moderation and encouragement of antisocial behaviour.
  • fediverse (and Reddit) attracting content creators and users with better (more insular) communities and content.
  • loss of brand equity with bizarre name change.

I’m honesty surprised that it only tanked by 56%.

Also, pay attention, u/spez!

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Social media company’s don’t understand what makes a Social network great. It isn’t advertising, or social manipulation, or exorbitant subscription fees and API charges. It isn’t restriction of speech or freedom of speech, it isn’t algorithmically controlled moderation and curation.

It is the people that make a social network great.

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I blame their mothers.

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When I was at a Holden dealer, CarPlay (and Android Auto) would sell cars.

Customers would wander in, drooling over a cars performance, styling, economy, luxury etc. they’re oils then ask about CarPlay (or Android Auto): if the car did not have it, they would go cold straight away and just walk straight out the door, without even thanking the salesman for their time.

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“I wouldn’t use the piece-of-shit first-party App, even if you paid me!”

What if we pay you?


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People want companies to stop trying to exploit them in every little way.

We can be satisfied by respecting us and treating us as customers, even when advertisers are throwing money at them.

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I think that Lemmy does need more of the right exposure.

If you search for any Lemmy content on Google or Duck-Duck-Go, you don’t get any good results. This is probably because most people use Apps or secure browsers that don’t allow tracking.

Maybe Duck-Duck-Go need to have a !bang search modifier for Lemmy.

Owning shares when you are an elected official with jurisdiction over the industry you own shares in.

Also, any political figure owning shares in a media organisation, regardless of whether it is traditional media or “new media”.

Please don’t call them AI. They are “Language Learning Models” (or “Spicy Autocorrect” if you want to be cheeky).

Copilot is no more “intelligent” than Clippy from Microsoft Bob in 1995. It just appears to be to people who also have low intelligence.

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As plenty of other people have already said, if YouTube Premium went up by a pittance every month (boiling frog price increases) I would probably keep subscribing. The fact that they A) clamped down on AdBlockers and B) increased Premium rates is a major disappointment.

Add to this that Patreon are introducing invasive User Agreements and it is getting more difficult to support Independent content creators.

Platforms like Curiosity Stream are looking more and more appealing to those of us who want interesting content and don’t mind parting with a reasonable amount of cash to support creators.

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In a non-local language.

This also provides a minimal level of security against robocall scams.

The cream on top of this cherry is that Meta claim that they don’t have any ex-twitter employees.

“Andy Stone, Meta’s communications director, told Semafor that Twitter’s accusations are baseless. “No one on the Threads engineering team is a former Twitter employee — that’s just not a thing,” he said.”

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Some people think that Google is trustworthy. They still believe that the motto “Do No Evil” was ever relevant.

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Considering all the Bloatware that Microsoft has been pumping out lately (don’t get me started or Outlook), this may be a good excuse to get a Radeon Graphics Card.

If I can be guaranteed that installing this software will prevent having to deal with CoPilot, I would jump on that straight away.

I will quite happily pay a reasonable price for the privilege of avoiding ads.

I understand why people block ads, even though they are a a free tier, even if I don’t agree with it.

The fact that the cost of YouTube Premium almost doubled overnight is making me rethink my ethics, when my current subscription is up for renewal, I will be reassessing whether to cease watching YouTube, watch YouTube with ads or determine another way of supporting content creators.

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Posidriv can bugger off too.

When you look at a Robertson, or a JIS or even a Phillips you just use a JIS or Robertson and you’re fine. If it is posidriv, you must use posidriv and you can’t use posidriv with a conventional Robertson/Phillips/JIS. The only way you can tell the difference is by a teeny-tiny little dot on the screwhead or some extra minuscule fins on the driver. If you do t have your glasses, or aren’t aware, you will damage the screw and your driver.

Hex and Torx are OK for certain things where you don’t want an ignorant pleb to gain access. Security Hex and Security Torx are OK where you don’t want an ignorant pleb in denial of their ignorance to gain access.

All those other drivers, Triwing, Pentalobe, variants of Posidriv are just there to push proprietary applications and should not be used by anyone.

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Ain’t gonna happen. This is the only reason they are releasing Threads. It is also the only reason Elon and u/spez have killed third party apps.

It is also why you can’t use Threads in a browser. (You can read other threads, but can’t post or use any of the other features.

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With Blackjack! And Hookers!

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Back in the '90s, ISPs would provide subscribers with Email (POP3/SMTP) access, NNTP access and even basic web hosting of static pages. They also used to provide FTP mirrors of most large software repositories. This saved them wholesale bandwidth and also a faster connection for their users. Maybe modern independent ISPs can reimplement this Service for their subscribers. For instance (pun not intended) Telstra and iiNet (in Australia) could offer access to a Lemmy instance, or a consortium of independent ISPs could sponsor a regional Lemmy instance.

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WizardBeard has advised how to get rid of the nagging without any RegEdit or Profile Editing.

Oversized vehicles are just as destructive to the environment, regardless of whether they are EV or not. In order to move that much mass, they require exponentially more electricity, which results in increased battery size and therefore more mass.

This isn’t a flaw EVs per se, it is a flaw of obnoxiously obese vehicles.

He did restore faith that George W Bush decision to finish reading a children’s book when the planes were crashing into the trade centre was the best choice.

It is a much better (and more honest) way to manipulate users using the Sunk Cost Fallacy.

Instead of blackmailing Mods to stay by saying “you have invested a lot of your time into this subreddit, it would be a shame if something would happen to it”, they could say to users “you are already paying for the ability to use Reddit, you might as well use Reddit”.

When Christian Selig announced his independent Apple Vision YouTube App, I thought twice about actually getting one, just so I would’t have to use YouTubes ridiculous Application and Web UIs.

Then I decided that it would be silly to spend any money on a 1st Gen Apple Vision.

Yes, It is definitely a case of taking US$44 billion and throwing it away. But it is worse than that, because Twitter was a resource for the internet community.

And his attempts to make money after the fact are as pathetic as a World Leader using his position to spruik tins of beans.

It is almost like some sort of performance art.

My Suzuki/Bosch headunit is occasionally a bit flakey when connecting to my phone via CarPlay, on the way home last night it gave up so I listened to my music using its iPod mode.

Having a simplistic interface was not too bad, it reminded me of the good old days.

But when a phone call came through and I had to answer it via Bluetooth, all hell broke loose as it tried to switch between iPod mode, A2DP, HFP and HSP.

I pulled over and restarted the car until CarPlay started working again.

The subs I have witnessed (although it is difficult because I did delete my account in protest of the API changes), are all full of Astroturf and Ads and are no longer usable.

Apple aren’t serious about snubbing Musk and Twitter until they Suspend the App from the App Store.

I’m sure their marketing, legal and AppStore teams can find some way that it has violated App Store rules that isn’t going to cause a terrible precedent.

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‘Data Detectors’ in MacOS are just as bad. Just like how sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, sometimes a string of numerals is just a string of numerals.

It is not a phone number or a flight number or a ticket number, it is just a string of text that happen to all be numerals.

I asked Apple Support how to disable data detectors in Preview (MacOS’s native PDF and image viewer) so I could highlight some part numbers without MacOS trying to make a FaceTime call and they told me to use Adobe Acrobat instead! The problem is that Acrobat is worse.

If Apple really wanted to send a message, they would suspend the Twitter App (I can’t bring myself to call it by the stupid CyberTruck name) from the App Store.

Maybe after another 11 months of this…

I would bookmark it so I could watch it next time I’m constipated.

You are a bad mother.

They all died due to competitive market pressure. Reddit and Twitter are dying due to managerial incompetence. I believe that Threads will be stillborn due to managerial incompetence, but we are yet to see.