
92 Post – 180 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

35 year old that enjoys games from 1980 to today. Pokemon/Final Fantasy fan. Loves RPGs. Twitch Affiliate. Trans woman. Other interests include bad movies, history, cheese and camp, leftist politics, and humor.

Mastodon profile: https://retro.pizza/@UngodlyAudrey

The killer here is that we don't really have any recourse. Like, the best case scenario is what, wait until some of the right wing justices pass away and hope that the Democrats have both the presidency and the Senate? And, even then, it would take a long time to undo the damage the Roberts Court has wrought. Maybe THIS will get the Dems to ditch the filibuster and pack the court. Of course, that would require the Democratic party as a whole to show some fight, something they refuse to do for some reason.

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Please keep in mind that OP is the author of this piece. I have seen in other threads people who have viscerally disliked Their writing and Their opinions, and I ask everyone to treat Them with respect, and to respect Their pronouns, even if you disagree with the concept of capitalized pronouns. Be(e) nice.

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I definitely do have to walk a tightrope here, and I am erring towards assuming good faith. A lot of the comments so far have done a great job of pushing back on this, so most of the official actions I have made so far have been to try to prevent tempers from flaring.

But, yeah, I will say that I also am uncomfortable with the implied reverence given with capitalized pronouns. I've held my tongue because I don't want to get sucked into this, and other people have already made my point better than I would have. I don't want anyone to feel as though I'm disregarding their feelings or ignoring your concerns. Moderation of Beehaw often takes a wait and see approach and actions are often only made after the mod team thoroughly comes to a consensus. But, yeah, the thread's run its course and we're locking it now.

I'm locking this thread, as I can envision this going south very quickly. Remember to be(e) nice.

I want to keep this space as one where people can be free to vent. That being said, I'm honestly kind of loath to encourage fedi drama from other instances leaking over here. I'm not saying you can't vent about other instances, but I don't intend for this to become Subreddit Drama.

Anyway, OP, after reading through everything, you're coming off as needlessly hostile. I don't think that's how you meant to be, but that's what you appear to be. If you see someone who mentions that they don't have it in them to follow politics, you shouldn't be pushing back on that unless it's clear they're doing so in bad faith. As someone who does follow politics, it can get depressing. It can be bleak. And it can get overwhelming. If you are able to power through that, great! It helps. But not everybody can read about how the right is planning to genocide us. I guarantee that there are trans people who have taken their own lives over this. I guarantee it. Your demand that people refrain from saying they don't follow politics is deeply, deeply misguiding. It isn't your place to determine what people can and can't do. And that's exactly what you sound like. Also, it looks like you got banned for a flippant, ableist comment. Suffice it to say that I won't tolerate that here. Be(e) nice.

Former Fox News personality Megyn Kelly said she no longer has empathy for people experiencing gender dysphoria. “There should be a healthy measure of ridicule,” she told Kirk during a lengthy discussion about trans people and the erasure of trans rights, which Kirk said is a “winner politically for Republicans.”

These people are fucking ghouls.

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Interesting that they mentioned Beehaw, but not Lemmy or Kbin as a whole.

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Even I could have told you that a vague digital "proof of ownership" of a hideous, mass-produced ape image was a bad investment.

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That's what they should be doing, but it isn't what they're going to do, unfortunately.

Kimathi Bradford, a 16-year-old Oakland tech repair intern, has looked into whether there was a way to replace the outdated Chromebook software with a non-Google brand, but it ended up being a lot of work, Kimathi said, and the open-source replacement wasn’t up to par. “It’s like the Fritos of software,” he said. “No one really wants to use it.”

Now, I'm not sure if what they tried was Linux, but I wouldn't be too surprised. The younger generations grew up with smartphones; I feel as though operating systems will become more streamlined and opaque as time goes on. I suspect we'll have to contend with the phonification of mainstream computing in the coming years.

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I've mentioned this before here, but my stance is 20 years flat for a work owned by a corporation, and life for works owned by an individual.

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Criticism of the actions of Israel's government does not make one an antisemite.

That image sure was a choice.

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The Lemmy dev AMA really shook my faith in the future of lemmy itself. That being said, I'll support and stand behind you, regardless of what you decide. If we make a new platform, I'll follow, if we choose to stand our ground and make the best of it, I'll help do my part. I believe in Beehaw and I'm proud to be part of the community.

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The parents of a woman who was beaten to death at a county jail last year are suing the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department, alleging failures by several of its leaders and deputies allowed her to be killed by her cellmate.

Chief among the failures, the lawsuit says: Deputies gave Kaushal Niroula, who was transgender, a sex offender cellmate with a violent past.

The new filing adds to the cascade of similar suits over inmate deaths that have been recently against the department, which is also being investigated by the state attorney general over the deaths and other allegations of misconduct and civil rights violations.

A record 18 inmates died in the jails in 2022.

The suit states that the department acted negligently and in violation of both the constitution and state law by allowing Niroula to be housed in a cell with Ronald Sanchez, a man who was a convicted sex offender and had a history of violent behavior. The sheriff's department manages all jails in Riverside County.

The suit states that sheriff’s personnel knew Sanchez posed an imminent threat to Niroula, who was particularly vulnerable because she was transgender and HIV-positive, and yet the sheriff's department allowed the two to be housed together at the Cois Byrd Detention Center in Murrieta.

The cops murdered her.

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The idea of a major nuclear power like Russia having a civil war is terrifying, but hopefully Ukraine will be able to take advantage of this.

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I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit. This has to be nipped in the bud IMMEDIATELY. Can't be giving them ideas.

Honestly, how I feel about it is this: I am a woman. No matter what, I am a woman. My gender identity isn't something that can just be taken away, even if I do something awful. She's absolutely a massive piece of shit. But she is still a woman, and should be treated like one.

Yeah, at this point, having the "if the Republicans win, my way of life is basically over" thing constantly over my head is really draining.

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Honestly, any Republican that tries to work with the Democrats at this point is going to get eaten alive. Even if it's a "moderate" one. They have completely gone off the deep end.

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Is it true that he can still run for the office even if he’s in jail?

Eugene V. Debs ran for president in 1920 while he was serving time for "sedition"(he had been making anti-war and anti-draft speeches during World War I). It's certainly possible, though incredibly doubtful he'd win. I find that I can't really count anything out when it comes to Trump, though.

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I've been using it for years, first out of disdain for Internet Explorer, now out of disdain for Google Chrome. I just do not trust the corpos at all, and Firefox has always been solid(outside of a few years in the '10s).

If they're informative and/or helpful, I don't mind bots. If they're those stupid pointless novelty bots that were plaguing Reddit, they can go away.

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I'd prefer if we didn't have repost bots in this community. A lot of people find them off-putting(myself included). It's pretty quiet here, so a bot could theoretically be posting most of the threads, and, honestly, that isn't a good look.

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Hey, that's neat, wasn't really expecting that. It's still an absolute joke that he lasted this long, though.

Yeah, I think I'll pass. The Raspberry Pi people hired a former police officer who used their stuff in hidden surveillance. Then when people called them out on it on Twitter, Pi blocked those who did. https://petapixel.com/2022/12/09/raspberry-pi-under-fire-by-creators-who-are-upset-it-hired-a-former-cop/

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Convicted Felon Donald Trump. Let us hope that his downfall is nigh.

I get the feeling that the Republicans are going to start openly running with a "bring back slavery" platform. I feel like I'm being hyperbolic here, but their mask has gone off so far, really since Obama was elected. All they have left is hate.

Yeah, that's why I feel it's important to share things like this. The trans community knows how bad things are, but I'm not sure the populace as a whole understands how dire our situation is right now.

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I will concede that probably they should not have even bothered playing in Malaysia at all. However, protesting garbage laws is the right thing to do. Slavery was legal in the U.S. at one point. It was illegal(even in the North, where slavery itself was banned) to help escaped slaves evade the authorities. What I'm saying here is, some laws don't deserve to be "respected". This is an evil law, one that should be mocked, scorned, and flaunted.

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I feel so bad for Dylan Mulvaney in particular... she can't do anything or associate with anyone without the conservatives going ballistic. This is what they want for all of the transgender community. Even happening to see one offhandedly is "shoving it down their throats".

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If something's going to try to grab my attention, it had better be worth my while. I block as many notifications as I can, both on my phone and my computer. I also try to avoid using apps for things unless I have to.

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Good. She can't win; she'd only function as a spoiler. Not that I'd want her to win anyway, she was awful. I still remember that weird thumbs down into curtsy motion she made to kill a bill (I think it was to increase the federal minimum wage). Had real "fuck the poors" energy.

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I was in the same boat. I cracked when puberty hit(so about the turn of the millennium). I knew that trans people were a thing, but I had little to no exposure to them outside of fucking Ace Ventura. I didn't feel safe in approaching anyone about it, so I had to sit there and let it fester for years. I dedicated most of my 20s to becoming financially independent, but I just as I was gearing up to come out after I left the military, Trump got elected. That freaked me out so bad that I went back in the closet until late 2021. I will always lament what could have been had I been allowed to transition at age 13 instead of 33.

Fortunately, Musk walked it back(for now):

UPDATE 1/9/24: Hours after reporting out this initial story, some of the suspended X accounts returned. X has not explained what happened and the affected account owners have no idea why they were briefly suspended. The reinstatement came after notable users such as George Galloway, a former member of the British Parliament, called out Musk for banning the accounts.

Of course, anyone who's still on there should consider leaving... he's going to continue to pull this shit, and the more people that interact with the platform, the more legitimized it is.

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I seriously do not understand why his base latched on to him so hard. Like, the man is every terrible stereotype of Americans rolled up into one, and he somehow manages to be worse THAN THAT. The only thing I can really think of is that his behavior gives people an out to be as shitty as they truly wanted to be. Kinda like that "He's not hurting the people he's supposed to be hurting" lady.

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get out of here with that transphobic shit

Same. I thought I might have had to put my mod hat on for this.

I am so fucking sick of these ancient Democratic lawmakers supporting an awful proposal because they do not fundamentally understand the internet. We constantly have to fight shit like this back.

Also, the Heritage Foundation just going mask off and basically laughing about it... they know that their overall perception doesn't matter, and they can get away with it because their base eats this up. I wish them all the worst.

Live service games have always kinda rubbed me the wrong way, and that's past just the obviously predatory stuff. I like to hop around from game to game to game. But the live service games are all like "what about the daily log in bonuses and weekly challenges?" I can ignore that, but it still bothers me how much they try to badger you into being obligated to play. Give me a regular old single player game any day of the week.

That being said, I suspect that as time goes on, AAA single player games are going to be harder and harder to find. Multiplayer is simply where the money is(and where the players are), and in this stupid "perpetual growth no matter what" economy, that's all the suits will pay money for. Thankfully, we still have indies making great stuff.

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Welp. With this and other AAA games like Alan Wake going full digital, I suppose the end is nigh for physical media. It's a real shame. I own tons of physical games dating back to the Atari 2600. I tend to view things like Limited Run Games to be collector bait, so I guess most of my games are going to be purchased on GOG or Steam once the plug is pulled(I do not trust digital storefronts on console).

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I like candidates that don't aspire to be tinpot dictators.