Built-in software ‘death dates’ are sending thousands of schools’ Chromebooks to the recycling bin

UngodlyAudrey🏳️‍⚧️@beehaw.org to Technology@beehaw.org – 776 points –
Built-in software ‘death dates’ are sending thousands of schools’ Chromebooks to the recycling bin

There are few things quite as emblematic of late stage capitalism than the concept of "planned obsolescence".


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That's what they should be doing, but it isn't what they're going to do, unfortunately.

Kimathi Bradford, a 16-year-old Oakland tech repair intern, has looked into whether there was a way to replace the outdated Chromebook software with a non-Google brand, but it ended up being a lot of work, Kimathi said, and the open-source replacement wasn’t up to par. “It’s like the Fritos of software,” he said. “No one really wants to use it.”

Now, I'm not sure if what they tried was Linux, but I wouldn't be too surprised. The younger generations grew up with smartphones; I feel as though operating systems will become more streamlined and opaque as time goes on. I suspect we'll have to contend with the phonification of mainstream computing in the coming years.

As a lover of Frito pie, I take offense to this

It's not a sensible path for a school with budget constraints (which is most schools). They would need to come up with a new MDM solution because they can't manage their computers with Google anymore. So their IT costs would increase dramatically, probably more money than they would save by keeping the old hardware alive. The simplest path forward is to just buy new Chromebooks.

I haven't (will never) had the experience of owning chromebook as a student, what does the MDM will do here? Cheating prevention?

Mobile Device Management, aka the administering of software to a fleet of devices.

Same thing it does for any instution that loans out hardware, e.g. employers:

  • monitoring

  • remote lockdown / wipe

  • remote management of installed software

  • etc.

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What kind of monster doesn't like Fritos?

I've heard of CS majors coming in these days not knowing what a filesystem is.

so they think that reformatting is wiping the drive clean instead of recreating ntfs/exfat metadata files

A decade or more of kids growing up with shitty toy computers instead of real computers will do that. Mobile OSes, in their ridiculous pursuit to dumb down the computing experience, have dumbed down the computer users.

There seems to be a sweet spot in age where you grew up with actual computer experience. Young enough to actually grow up with computers in your household and school but old enough for those computers to not be toy mobile crap.

I'm very glad mobile Linux phones exist now. Having a real computer in my pocket rather than some awful imitation of what a computer should be is refreshing. I always wanted a pocket computer as a kid, but then when it actually happened it felt nothing like a computer unless you hacked it.

The first PC my family had, and thus first computer I had extensive experience with, was a Dell Pentium 4 running XP. Yeah, obviously I used a file system implicitly, but I remember thinking later when I entered college and the workforce that I was deprived of learning how to use a "real" computer because I didn't get to experience the consumer PCs of the 80s. I didn't have experience with a C64, I didn't need to learn BASIC or a command line just to use the computer. As a user, understanding how reads and writes to disk happened, and how to make the best use of my working memory wasn't necessary, the OS handled it all. I just needed to know to click "eject" first. And yet I'm doing fine (I think :D).

My point is, every generation will be able to say "I grew up with a dumbed down computing experience". But I'm more optimistic about this I think. I welcome a generation of computer scientists who think completely differently about how files should be organized. It's not important that I know BASIC, and maybe it's not important that today's students think in terms of file systems. They're still smart people, they'll still need to learn trees and graphs to solve problems. They just won't be pre-programmed with assumptions and requirements that may not exist anymore or in future hardware.

2023 python programmers not understanding why you need to use the context manager when you open files (or not learning c++ first) "whats a file socket?" "why do exceptions mess everything up" "__exit__ worse than c++ destructors" (if they even know dunder methods and didn't have python as a first language) "whats the big deal if you don't close a file"

Sorry but Fritos of software is dumb & in no way representative of bringing old chromebooks back to life beyond their support date.

Schools often buy the bottom baseline of everything & in now way was a 4gb of ram a good, decent or proper experience to begin w/ & their replacements probably also had 4gb of ram - just a faster cpu, gpu & ram to hide that it’s lacking ram still.

I think schools could easily band together & make their own education focused Linux distro & then just focus on hardware that’s compatible w/ that’s Chromebooks or Windows laptops. Hard part would be building out an on par MDM &/or ldap server if not using a Windows server.

All Chromebook are is a browser basically. It already is the bag of Fritos imho. I think the hard part though would be to hire an IT guy that knows Linux better than the students tbh. Schools already under pay teachers in the US & that goes 2-3x for IT staff.

I mean, underpaid IT aside, do they need to be better than the students?

We like to organize school like there's rules, you follow them, and if you do better it must be because you are better.

But thats not how the world works, and it's not how technology works - it's all about understanding the system and looking for loopholes

Is it better to enforce absolute control though? It teaches you nothing but how to be a good cog in the machine.

Teaching you that the rules aren't absolute, but requires skill and legwork gives you a mindset to actually succeed in our warped little resource allocation game. Instead you should teach them to consider the effects - if they crash the network, make school suck for everyone for a few days.

But as to your original point, you still need an admin who can at least manage the network, and they should be given the funds to pay for that

Well, given that android would be Unix based he was probably talking about a Linux distro being a lot of work, which it can be if applied to individual computers, instead of a network.

@UngodlyAudrey @cerement there's chrultrabook project focused on allowing to install Windows or Linux https://chrultrabook.github.io/docs/

@selfisekai @UngodlyAudrey @cerement
Person you've linked to clearly didn't bother reading the documentation.
Ubuntu is unsupported (any distro that sticks close to mainline will work).
RW_LEGACY doesn't work correctly, newer models don't use WP screws anymore.

@elly @selfisekai @UngodlyAudrey @cerement To be fair, that Substack article was written in May, before Chultrabook documentation pages were written - and before that there were only some random pages and the whole Discord server.

I think that instead of pointing kiddos to Discord server and serving them one by one, the focus should be moved to polishing documentation, so everyone could at least throw a link to the part explictly noting that RW_LEGACY/Ubuntu/something other is broken/unsupportable .-.

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