
2 Post – 668 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

no “Last Train to Cis Central” either

“toilet water for men”

unless they’re priests – mixed fabrics were only for the elite, not the peons

forget Martha Stewart – but Snoop Dogg and Willie Nelson as heads of the DEA and FDA

sponsored by Raytheon and [Redacted]’s Child Hunting Island

the products and services sponsoring today’s show? they definitely won’t sell your kidneys, you have our word on that!

^1^ Take care not to practice your righteousness in the sight of people, to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.

^2^ So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, so that they will be praised by people. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. ^3^ But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, ^4^ so that your charitable giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.

—Matthew 6:1–4

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keeps getting better the further you read:

^14^ For if you forgive other people for their offenses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. ^15^ But if you do not forgive other people, then your Father will not forgive your offenses.

Robert Evans – writer, comedian, conflict journalist, podcaster – Cracked, Bellingcat, Behind the Bastards, did a podcast from Rojava, and reported live from Portland’s George Floyd protests

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Trump is a bullshitter, not a liar – a liar at least has a passing acquaintance with the truth

“We don’t appreciate you stealing our stolen data!”

this is referring to canned coffee drinks, not ground coffee sold in coffee cans …

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nAtUrAl ImMuNiTy!

  • “younger residents having smaller families and moving elsewhere for jobs”
  • “many residents in this deeply Republican town”

gee, I can’t imagine why young people would want to leave such a stagnant regressive environment …

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no love for RISC-V?

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he also promised me a taco truck on every corner if he lost … I’m still waiting …

the more subsidies, the more transparent EVERYTHING about their operation has to be

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(also keep an eye out for where you’re stepping)

  • handwriting is pretty much pure muscle memory – regardless of which direction you head, it’s going to require practice to learn a new style and practice to break old habits
  • cursive was based off of drawings (copperplate etchings), not writing, which is why it comes across as hard to read and feels artificial
  • italic is an older style out of the Renaissance that has the advantages of being based off of writing, is far more legible, looks just as elegant, and (with practice) can be faster than both print and cursive
  • “Schneider is a known transphobe and anti-vaxxer”
  • “a Canadian medical nonprofit”
  • 🤨
  • just how many red flags did they ignore?
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for many years now – stopped using them back when they started to ignore +include, -exclude, and "phrases"

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“because that prevents the creator from being rewarded for viewership”

not like Youtube rewards creators for viewership either (and then lying to the advertisers as well)

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older version of "pirate a movie" meme

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not like Google has already tried and abandoned several instant messaging options over the years or anything …

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ooh, can we get Bezos and Musk on this one?

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second a few other comments, a lot of people conflating emoticons and emojis

  • emoticon: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • emoji: 🤷
  • emoticon: =>^.^<=
  • emoji: 🐱
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If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing. [yes, from the same guy who gave us “enshittification”]

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no panel gaps? it’s the premium model!

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Engineering the future at Boeing!

  • the launcher starts with updating itself and grabbing the most recent file manifest
  • launcher then prioritizes the game engine itself before starting on the data files
  • data files (textures, models, maps, etc.) are then prioritized by what the developer thinks you are most likely to encounter first (ie. starter towns, main cities, new content, etc.)
  • once the game engine is ready and some certain amount of base data is downloaded, the game will be marked as playable
  • most likely you will never notice anything but if you zone into an area where the data hasn’t been downloaded yet then you’ll get some lag and texture flickering as the game tries to shove that content to the front of the queue
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