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Joined 1 years ago

LDAC or bust, homie.

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Depends on your definition of "better". Better bitrate and quality? Yes. But that comes at the cost of reduced range (since it's more dependent on a good connection to the source device).

Drink verification can, peasant.

NASA invented a space ship powered by a rotary engine? Noice, at least until the apex seals give out, but they should be good for 80k at least.

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There is no requirement to do so, although GMail's adoption of this non-standard seems to have popularized the practice.

They do the same shit for Google search results. Search weather or stock tickers with a Chrome user agent* and you get a rich, interactive chart of the weather forecast or stock history. Search with another mobile user agent and you get a static snapshot of the weather or stock price at an instant in time.

There's even an extension for Firefox for Android which changes the user agent for Google searches to Chrome, to get the rich content.

* just a user agent, not an actual browser, which proves that it isn't about browser capability, but rather abusing their monopolistic market position in search to further their web browser's market share. Sound familiar, Microsoft from the 90's?

Hardware keyboards on mobile phones

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Remember when a self-driving car killed someone walking their bike in Arizona, while the car's "handler" was watching a movie on their tablet?

Yeah, the employee should have been paying attention, but it's not realistic to expect someone to stay alert for an 8-hour shift where the task is as monotonous as watching a car drive itself. That's why commercial transport drivers have mandated breaks and why two pilots are in charge of an airplane at a time.

To be clear, I am in favour of self-driving cars and don't think they need to be perfect, just better than the average human, but the companies training them need to have standards that are both realistic and safe.

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git gud

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Yikes, I also looked into the background of Ferdinand Porsche, and man, he was a real Nazi summabitch.

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Sounds like DMCA abuse to me. You can't copyright a fact. In this case, the fact that these IPs are used by a company is a fact.

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Ever heard of anti-trust?

Cant say I didnt use this to find stuff about my exes

And I can't say that doesn't sound creepy at all...

From the first line:

We may receive a commission on purchases made from links.

and when I copied that string, they added this to my clipboard:

Read More: https://www.slashgear.com/1347620/new-sony-walkman-cost-price/

This is just an ad from a garbage blog.


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Changing your MAC will make older messages undeliverable, but that just means the connection will be momentarily interrupted until you establish new connections after re-connecting to the WiFi.

Why not just assign yourself a different internal IP? Because a. the router probably wants to assign you one itself via DHCP; and b. the router isn't looking at your IP address to lock you out; it's looking at your MAC address.

If your IP address is where in cyberspace you are, a MAC address is who you are. If you want to fool the bouncer, change your name, not your address.

I love my flip phone. I'd love a phone with a hardware keyboard even more, but at least a folding flip phone is interesting in a sea of rectangles.

being required to use github so that your latest software purchase can run on your system

I don't know what this is referring to.

The 3D printed watches are prototypes. Here's what the shipped product looks like: https://twitter.com/BitBangingBytes/status/1695192177310150993

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I prefer "super-availability".

I was initially skeptical but if they actually sold lossless, Blu-Ray quality rips of videos, I'd pay more than a few bucks per movie or show for that.

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A security camera with only local storage has a pretty obvious flaw that the incriminating footage can be more easily stolen and/or destroyed by the perpetrator.

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Nah, I'll just switch to Jellyfin.

That's a problem with the shell though, not the filesystem. It doesn't matter which files filesystem you're using; most interactive shells use spaces as token separators and therefore spaces in filenames need to be enclosed in quotes or escaped.

I finally caved and decided to log in to the MuseScore app and it's awful: confusing login process, and pop ups to prompt you to subscribe to Pro before even using the app to view a single song, with no obvious way of closing the pop up (no skip button or X button).

Trash. I will never subscribe out of principle.

Also don't underestimate all of the background services that the IT department loads: email certificate managers, VPN client, DLP client, backup client, endpoint protection, etc.

No singular entity.

All keyboard layouts can be customized in software but some keyboard hardware like QMK can be programmed in hardware, which makes it especially convenient for switching computers.

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Sincere question: do you use a unique, secure password on your Spotify account, and are you sure that it's never been compromised? Your story sounds very similar to a case where a Spotify account was being used by someone else.

Reply All episode about it: https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/j4he7lv

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So the average human is, what, 0.05 HP?

I don't think there's any need to be snide about this comment. A 2015 Honda Civic is objectively superior in almost every way to a 1967 Corvette, but the 'vette is inherently cooler in a way that the Civic will never be. It's just nostalgia for a bygone era, that's all.

If you can post an image, you can post text, right?

Which part of diversity, equity and inclusion are you opposed to? Or do the quotes mean that Ubisoft is doing something nefarious in the name of DEI and I'm out of the loop?

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The one the door fell off of? That's not very typical; I'd like to make that point. There are a lot of these planes going around the world all the time and very seldom does anything like this ever happen. I just don't want people thinking these planes aren't safe.

Ding ding ding ding ding!

I refuse to pay for pirated content out of principal. It's bad enough that I'm infringing copyright (and boy do I!) but commercialized piracy rubs me the wrong way. I even prefer Bittorrent over Usenet and FOSS media software over commercial software. Yarr!

can't, or won't?

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3D Pinball: Space Cadet for life.

Please hear me out – wouldn't requiring females who identify as men and look like men, to use women's washrooms, be virtually indistinguishable from a cis man using women's washrooms? It seems like this law might actually result in more manly-looking folks in the women's washroom, as all trans men would be required to.

Also, how do you enforce that? Is there going to be someone checking ID at the door, but only if you look "manly?" In that case, wouldn't a male who identified as a woman, and looks like a woman, be able to slip by undetected anyway, or is this "bathroom bouncer" going to check everyone's IDs?

Even if I agreed with the thesis that people born with penises shouldn't be allowed in women's washrooms (and I don't), any implementation seems like it has far too many flaws to be remotely effective.

Instead, how about bathrooms have actual, private rooms instead of stalls with doors you can see over, under, or around? Wouldn't that be a more practical solution to the problem of bathroom privacy?

Thanks for reading. I'm curious to hear your thoughts.

I remember having free dial-up Internet in the 90s in exchange for an adware banner while connected.