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Christ what a fucking moron. Seems to be a running theme with fascists.

One thing I've heard is when conservatives use the word "woke", just replace it with "uppity", because once you cut out all the bullshit that's what they mean. To a conservative, everybody has a place in society in that there are people born onto a natural hierarchy. Black people are inferior to white people, poor people are inferior to rich people, etc., and in true Calvinist fashion it doesn't matter what choices people make, there's no action one can take to change their position. Wherever a person happens to be as an accident of birth defines their value. And in that line of thinking, the worst imaginable crime isn't murder or rape or genocide, it's upsetting the little caste system they've imposed upon the world. Woke ultimately means upsetting the caste system. That includes allowing women to have human rights, letting black people attend college, but even also applying the oh so bronze age concept of rule of law to those who commit crimes against someone "lesser than".

Conservatism is literally incompatible with civilized society in the most fundamental sense. Democracy isn't just at stake, it's the entire concept of rule of law. If conservatives had their way, every day would be like The Purge.

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Turns out Fascists only like free speech when it gives them a chance to talk freely about genocide. But then it's "how dare you teach my children about human rights and good touch/bad touch, off to the gulag for you."

I'll be honest, sometimes I forget this guy is even a real person and not just some spooky boogieman who apparently lives in every easily-frightened conservative snowflake's bedroom closet.

"Many of [your friends and family]" vote for legalizing racism, sexism, and now literally the attempted overthrow of the United States of America. If your friends and family vote for that and vote for taking away peoples human rights, they're terrible people. Maybe they're nice to you but they're actively ruining other people's lives. Your cowardice in continuating to associate with, tolerate, and defend these people and their evil behaviors is childish. "But! but! some of my friends are in the Schutzstaffel, they can't be all bad!" Grow up.

Covid-19 is a biological weapon invented by the Chinese military to mass murders American citizens but also a complete hoax made up by pharmaceutical companies to siphon a bunch of money from American taxpayers, BUT ALSO a nefarious plot by Bill Gates to install a nanobot swarm into every man, woman, and child, so that one day they will combine into a giant Metal Gear and fight Solid Snake for the fate of our nation. Nanomachines, son.

Republicans have got to be the dumbest fucking people on planet Earth.

Conservatives would ban the sun because even their own shadows terrify them.

I find it a tad amusing that this news about Facebook's latest attempt at fucking over the Fediverse is where I hear about the pixelfed project for the first time.

Didn't realize there was a big piracy scene on Twitter. Time to go download some tunes. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, National Music Publishers Association!

Throw in some random gore there for the nuclear option. NSFL is NSFW. And reddit never bothered to distinguish the two so let them down in yet more of their own poor decisions

imagine this guy will weasel in some kind exception for the Confederate flag and the swastika flag. Republican has become just another word for traitor.

These are the same people desecrating the American flag, with the theme of factionalism, like that stupid thin blue line. So much for e pluribus union.

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Don't commit treason against the United States of America if you can't do the time.

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Oh this is nothing by comparison. Republicans also vote to legalize child rape (which they preciously insist on calling "child marriage") and are trying to bring back child labor because adults are getting fed up with unfair labor practices while little kids are easier to manipulate.

"surely tanking our company will save us"

I hope they all get bought out by fucking Yahoo.

A shark killed my brother a few years back. He was just standing there minding his own business and this shark came out of nowhere and toppled a vending machine on top of him. Poor bastard never knew what hit him.

More proof that billionaires are just sociopaths with a lot of luck that hasn't quite run out yet.

These people jerk off to the idea of hurting children. Every new policy Republicans come up with, whether its supporting child marriage legalized rape with 12 year olds or trying to bring back child labor, or making children too hungry to learn anything in school, makes their "moral" panic over a bunch of people who happen to be wearing dresses reading to kids even more hypocritical. Honestly I think it's the idea of children being functionally literate that probably terrifies them the most.

Attention conservatives: you can't marry legally rape children or force them into child labor if you already starved them to death first.

1 million Americans are dead because of disastrous Republican-lead mishandling of covid. Some have even labeled it as a literal genocide against our countrymen.

And yet, there is some evidence to suggest that the Trump administration did in fact intend to use COVID-19 to target certain political and racial groups. According to reporting from Vanity Fair, Trump’s son-in-law and advisor Jared Kushner shelved a federal COVID-19 testing plan because he believed that the virus would mostly affect Democratic states, and the administration could then blame Democratic governors for deaths. Blue Democratic cities are disproportionately home to Black people and other minority populations. A federal plan to allow deaths in blue states inevitably and predictably disproportionately facilitated the deaths of Black people and other people of color.

Anybody who still supports Trump is a traitor to our country.

One of the most self-damning things about Republicans is how quick they are to start defending allegations of bigotry, racism, sexism, transphobia, treason against America, etc. upon the first mention of conservatism, without noticing that they're usually the first to bring up those topics. It's almost like the very concept of conservatism and bigotry against people for their "station" at birth are inseparable, and any attempt to pretend otherwise is just that: pretend.

Hurt feelings isn't what we need to be watching out for. Literally by definition, to be a supporter of the Republican Party after the events of Jan. 6 is to be a supporter of and defender of domestic terrorism against American citizens.

Guess I'll just... Stop paying for shit ever again. Already set up a nice Jellyfin server with 16,000+ movies in anticipation of this garbage move so I'm good for the next 43 years assuming one movie a day, every day.

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Kinda feels like there's not much he doesn't fail to understand

I take offense to the idea that there is something called Frito pie, and worse, that your comment leads us to believe, hopefully errantly, that somebody has concocted such an abomination.

Why would you subject yourself to eating something that's famous for smelling like the bacteria that festers between dogs' toes:

The good old days when VCs could thrive by adopting a “spray and pray” investment strategy and counting on a surging market to lift all valuations are over — even when it comes to AI. Investors are going to have to make smart, discrete bets in a time of technological turmoil and in a highly unpredictable world. But that, after all, is their job.

None of that is very flattering. Sounds like the entire investment / venture capital industry itself should be replaced entirely by AI.

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The continued existence of the seditious Republican Party is a threat to national security.

This witless cunt is a literal traitor to our country, and so is anybody who lends him even a modicum of support. The FBI really needs to start doing their fucking job and pry into him and the weasels funding his traitorous ass.

Not op but one positive is making their users aware of the existence of the Fediverse and providing an opportunity for non-meta servers to take up some of those same users. The question is what means are available to do that without putting the community at risk.

Exactly. What's so conservatism about trying to murder congress and overthrow American democracy again, like what happened on Jan. 6? These traitors sure aren't trying to preserve the Union, that's for damn sure.

Enemies, foreign and domestic.

Coca-Cola: the official drink of treason.

This is almost as bad as Pearl Harbor: Brought to You by Winston Cigarettes, an advertising campaign that will live in infamy.

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Easier to control your populace if they just have a 4th grade education and are directly dependent on the government to eat. But don't worry about the Texan economy, they'll be more than happy to siphon unearned money from blue states that actually create something of value instead of more culture war bullshit

“I don’t believe that anyone is starving. I just ate a large lunch so obviously nobody is going hungry.”

Exactly. Same energy as "I made a snowball in January so obviously global warming doesn't exist and neither does the sun by the way." Weaponized incompetence at the object permanence level.

I'd argue that they understand it perfectly. The cruelty is the point.

It does seem more and more that the type of person waving the American flag is also the exact same type of person itching to wave the flag of the third Reich or the Confederate battle flag of the army of northern Virginia (which stands for murdering American soldiers, not just owning human beings as playthings, you) next to it or even above it.

These are the same people who claim to be patriots while trying to overthrow our government and murder the vice president and murder our legislative branch, while voting for a man who likely sold top secret documents about the defense of our country to enemies who want to destroy us.

Not all, but many of those who fly or wave the flag are nothing but cosplay patriots.

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Sounds like more gross incompetence from the Elon Musk playbook, whom spez idolizes because he's also an incompetent fucking bozo. Oh well, fools and their money and all that.

I liked it better when these rich pieces of shit used bread and circuses to distract the poor from rising up and cutting their heads off instead of this tiring busy-body culture war bullshit.

Indeed, what is the point? It may be as simple as them trying to coopt the movement to get ahead of it and steal mindshare. Think Hitler and the intentional naming of "National Socialism".

"Oh, ActivityPub is the hot new thing, let's check it out," says clueless user #39,728 as they click on the first link in their Google search, which coincidentally now happens to be Facebook.

The right is willing to resort to credible threats of violence to achieve their selfish ends, even if it results in the destruction of all life on Earth.

Meanwhile, otherwise decent people on the political left are too cowardly and comfortable to take the measures that are necessary to protect our world.