Introducing: Raspberry Pi 5

m-p{3} to – 111 points –
Introducing: Raspberry Pi 5! - Raspberry Pi

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Yeah, I think I'll pass. The Raspberry Pi people hired a former police officer who used their stuff in hidden surveillance. Then when people called them out on it on Twitter, Pi blocked those who did.

Was just thinking that when I read the news. Since there are (better?) alternatives out there it's not hard not to support them.

I don’t know if it’s better, but Orange Pi looks great. And there’s another one based on the Pi spec. Can’t comment on how they run their businesses.

I have 5 different Orange Pi devices of varying types and they all work well. I don't have the higher end one that was competing with the Pi 4 and such, but some of the smaller/low end ones. They all run Armbian and do what they need to do for me without any fuss. Given my experience with the smaller ones if I needed something faster now I wouldn't have any reservations about buying the bigger ones.

The main problem I had was finding reputable sellers, even when I did find one it only shipped from China. Took them a while to get here but otherwise it was fine. I think the more popular/faster models may have some resellers on Amazon that ship from the US now.