
32 Post – 326 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If I own a community that's related to a piece of software, service, or other community and someone who actually contributes to that wants it, message me and it's yours. I stake no claim in communities, I simply want to see them exist and thrive.

I'm glad he got off on the first two charges, but his lawyer argues that the third charge, "shooting in an occupied dwelling" shouldn't be applicable since it was deemed self defence. The judge will be hearing arguments for this next month.^[https://newsio.com/2023/09/29/alan-colie-man-who-shot-youtube-prankster-at-virginia-shopping-centre-acquitted/]

Also, dude's now spent 6 months in jail, only to be found not guilty of at least 2/3rds of the charges. Is there any compensation he'll get for those missing months of his life? He's already been punished, and yet he's still presumed innocent.

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I think also a big part of why Colie was found not-guilty is that he disengaged, said 3 times "stop" including attempting to swipe away Cook, and only then did he take violent action to end the perceived threat. He fired a single round low into Cook, and then immediately retreated from the scene.

The argument at hand isn't whether or not he was acting in self defence, but whether he used proportional force to justify it as such, and the jury found that it was proportional, likely due to the factors you described.

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This is a bad move that's anti-community and user-hostile. Hopefully it also fucks over the monopoly they've been trying to get over communities. People need to stop defaulting to putting their communities under .world jurisdiction and use other, smaller, and more relevant instances instead.

Well, that's not exactly the demand. The demand is simply that if they wish to sell a product in the country, it meets their regulatory specifications by June 2025. Apple doesn't have to upgrade their older models, they could also simply stop selling them.

But if they wish to sell a product, it must meet the manufacturing requirements of the region in which they wish to sell. Hardly a big deal if you ask me.

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So, I really want to be optimistic about this project. I love that it integrates multiple sources, that it lets you use different identities that are not attached to any of these services. I installed it and already paid for it even, because I love initiatives like this.

I think it's unsustainable. In 5 years, everyone who'd use the app's already paid for it, which means the devs have no incentive to continue to work, and funding dries up. When that happens, they'll of course just let the app run until the plugins stop working. Nobody will be able to pick it up and continue development in an open forum because it's not FLOSS.

My hope is they re-license it under a copyleft license later, but I'm not optimistic about that happening. With how things are now, it does appear to be doomed to enshittification.

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uTorrent doesn't play well in the landscape of the modern bittorrent protocol. It's also adware, infringes upon your privacy, and is a malware risk.

qBittorrent is my client of choice, but other popular and great clients are Deluge (only up to ~500 torrents), transmission, and rtorrent (on Linux). There's other clients as well but YMMV, especially if you do any private tracker usage.

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Tinder power users sound like extremely poor dates.

Oop, sounds like a mass exodus is coming. 4chan's now too old for its userbase.

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Wow that's over 50% of the platform's current value!

As long as it's optional, I think it's great. It lets me play smash bros with friends who do tournaments. It lets me play, too, with literal children who are gonna have a hard time doing much of anything.

That's a pretty penny.

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The most heart wrenching for me is seeing the little tweet he posted when he was excited about his promotion. When he felt something good was happening for him, his talent and skill was being recognized, and his life was about to get better for it, only to have a sad reality crush him. :c

Omar and Tlaib Are Condemned in the US for Saying What Prominent Israelis Are Saying^(^^direct^^)^

About 1/3rd through the article, they start highlighting some of the progressive conversations that have been being had in Israel, comparing them to the remarks AOC, Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush, Rashida Tlaib, and others have been criticized as "disgraceful" for.

Some important ones IMO:

Daniel Levy, a former Israeli peace negotiator and top adviser to former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, who told the BBC, “If anyone told me that what the militants did on the weekend was a legitimate response to years and years of occupation. I would say: ‘No, you’re wrong-headed. You’ve lost sight of humanity and reality.’ And if anyone tells me that what Israel is doing in Gaza today is a legitimate response to what happened on the weekend, it’s exactly the same.”

Israeli human rights lawyer Michael Sfard, an expert on the rules of war, observed Wednesday that “Hamas committed abominable war crimes for which there can be no forgiveness. But the laws of war weren’t meant only for situations in which our blood is cool, or when there is no justified anger or understandable desire for revenge.” The lawyer explained:

It’s not easy for Israelis to think about Gazans’ rights in a week when Hamas committed crimes that are still impossible to digest and our whole society is mourning and crying. But Gaza’s catastrophe won’t wait for the end of our seven-day shivah.

Consequently, this needs to be said: Israel has held millions of people under a brutal blockade for more than 15 years with the support of the entire Western world. That is inhumane and inconceivable, and every solution to this bloody conflict ultimately includes respecting the rights of all people, both in Gaza and Sderot, to live with security and human dignity. And that begins with respecting the most basic rules as set down in the international laws of war, which are designed to reduce the harm to civilians.

It's easy to get stuck in a North American bubble of media, but it's also important to note what's being said locally by people who have eyes on the ground and have been watching this stuff grow first hand for 75 years since the occupation of Israel.

It's yet another hole in his wallet... assuming it's even him paying for it. I'll say one thing, these troglodytes are good at just not paying for things they owe for. Whether it be fines for putting up an illegal sign, or lawyers and other service-people.

Elon too, while misguided, wants to do good

There's no reason to believe this.

But look at how his dad has treated him growing up

An explanation as to why someone's a bad person doesn't make them less bad.

Plus I’m pretty sure he’s neurodivergent.

He's autistic. Most autistic people aren't narcissistic megalomaniacs, and if they are, they should be called out for it.

If anybody wants to get him to see the error of his ways, more abusive language is certainly not going to help.

A moot point, he will not accept anything but the yes men he grew up around and lived the last 52 years being applauded by.

He’s being pushed into a corner and in his mind he sees a world that is increasingly broken by vile people who don’t understand him or his vision for improving the world.

I do understand his vision, and the vision is broken and harmful.

Elon has in fact done a lot of good for the world, but he needs people he trust to keep his feet on the ground.

He has? Like his racially segregated factories? Or the monkeys he experiments on the brains of?

That can’t be achieved by chastising him, but by praising the things he does well and getting him to spend more time among “normal” people and good role models

This is ineffective with people in such a power position.

In the meantime though, to protect the world from powerful broken men, we need regulation to keep them fenced off.


Ultimately, Elon Musk is a genuinely harmful and bad person, who is both uncritically malicious to those who dare criticize him, and is incredibly foolish at every endeavour he involves himself in. "His" successes come as a result of people he hired walling him off in his companies so that he continues to invest in technologies while being blind to any important part of production he might find interesting enough to meddle in.

Your take on him is one I can empathize with, and I even held myself for a while, but at the end of the day, it's a benefit of the doubt he expressly does not deserve.

The moment a gun is involved, every single confrontation has a skyrocketing rate of lethality.

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Valve about to become as litigious as Nintendo with IP they've let rot.

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Now with outbound communications nearly completely cut off, how often will we get updates on what's happening on the ground? On the crimes against humanity Israel's committing?

I hope for the best, I really do, but I feel so helpless. I've already contacted my representatives and told them they need to do their part or I'll be rescinding my support. I'm vocal within my community as well. But beyond that, there's so little I can do but bear witness to what is happening.

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On what basis do you say that? There's tons of legit malware on there, just search for shit that implements denuvo.

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What makes you so confident? It's not as though the internet's "fine" right now compared to where it was 20 years ago.

EDIT: I see your entire personality is hating Mozilla, and apparently that means people can't hate Chrome too. Gonna just block this google shill.

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Nobody's stopping you. Just saying it's either ignorant or stupid to, and actively makes the internet a worse place.

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The end goal is security for the Israeli people.

This is nearly a certain white supremacist dogwhistle. Don't trust people who want to murder an entire people for the sake of "security" of other people. That's how ethnic cleanses and genocides are justified.

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Any moderation or oversight is considered "abuse", even if it's a result of the instance admins completely failing in their due diligence. Really, how poorly did they moderate CSAM as to necessitate their registrar stepping in???

Very happy with how Engoron's been handling the case. He's not done anything unceremoniously harsh, but has been very firm in how his court will be conducted. I'm glad to see it after 3 years of judges treating Trump with tender care.

This is just a corporate passing of the buck. There’s no reason to believe a third party infringing upon the properties of two parties would give the latter parties any ability or risk of going after one another.

This project was not on steam and as such was not distributed by nor associated with Valve in any way beyond infringement of IP and use of their assets. Let's not give Valve a pass just because they can lazily and baselessly say "um nintendo!" about it.

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Wikipedia just summarizes the primary sources.

Wikipedia actually much prefers secondary and even tertiary sources to primary sources. They have rules against original research, and follows the guideline that "secondary or tertiary sources are needed to establish the topic's notability and avoid novel interpretations of primary sources". It's only with exception that primary sources are allowed, in which the primary sources "have been reputably published may be used in Wikipedia, but only with care, because it is easy to misuse them."

Not disagreeing with you, just a bit of nuance.

Please let the door hit you on the way out.

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I hope they have the PR for when he misses the deadline already written up so they can just hit "Publish" when he fails to respond.

Ya, no pirate worth their salt would risk it at this point. It's so infested with malware, with seemingly no moderation, and no meaningful original releases.

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No game project should be AAA. It's anti-creative, as developers must turn their game into something that appeals to the broadest audience, and it's unstable, as companies bet their entire next 3 years of revenue on a single title. I'd much rather everything become B or C-tier developments. The great games that come from this development style simply are not worth it for the damage they do to the medium.

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Do you think that such legal prose runs through the minds of people in the heat of the moment? You really expect people to look at things in such a clinical manner when they're under immediate perceived threat? You think too much of humans and too little of people.

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Please don't bring up LastPass in this conversation. They aren't relevant to anything wrt security, and worse yet, they remain extremely opaque with their security protocols.

IDK where the lemmy admins are based out of, but many countries consider hentai depicting underage characters to be illegal; my country of Canada's one such country.

Like others have said, but I will repeat:

  • GB->GBC->GBA->DS->DSi->3DS->n3DS
  • GCN->Wii->Wii U

It's very much something they have a strong history of doing where it can work.

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I'm glad he got off on the first two charges, but his lawyer argues that the third charge, "shooting into an occupied dwelling" shouldn't be applicable since it was deemed self defence. The judge will be hearing arguments for this next month.^[https://newsio.com/2023/09/29/alan-colie-man-who-shot-youtube-prankster-at-virginia-shopping-centre-acquitted/]

Also, dude's now spent 6 months in jail, only to be found not guilty of at least 2/3rds of the charges. Is there any compensation he'll get for those missing months of his life? He's already been punished, and yet he's still presumed innocent.

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Imagine if companies could just sue and take down products just because they could theoretically be used to view pirated content (not to pirate, but to view it).

Goodbye Adobe Acrobat Reader, v1 Nintendo Switches, all home PCs, Android phones, and web browsers,

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Smartphones are at a level of ubiquety in many societies where depending on where you live, even the poorest of individuals will have one. It's not uncommon at all to see homeless people around starbucks getting free wifi to connect online with whatever smartphone they have. It's really dependent on where you live whether a smartphone is at all correlated with wealth.

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It was Google translate reading out “Hey dipshit, stop thinking about my twinkle" in English then again in Spanish. It's mostly harmless and just confusing, but Cook following after Colie's definitely what forced the situation to escalate, as he held the phone uncomfortably close to Colie's ear.

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