Microsoft owes $29 billion in back taxes plus penalties and interest to IRS

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 723 points –
Microsoft owes $29 billion in back taxes plus penalties and interest to IRS

Microsoft owes $29 billion in back taxes plus penalties and interest to IRS::The IRS sent a surprise bill to Microsoft, hitting the company with a $28.9 billion bill for back taxes and penalties spanning a decade, starting in 2003.


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That's a pretty penny.

Yeah but they eared more than double that in profit in their 2023 year. This is taxes over a 20 year period.

In this context it does not seem like it’s too much.

It's still way more than "none". Let's not let perfect be the enemy of good.

I didn't believe you so I looked it up. You're wrong. Their gross profit is over 4x that amount in 2023.

I got my number from the article that was posted.