Linda Yaccarino was set up to fail to – 83 points –
Linda Yaccarino was set up to fail

The buzz out of the Code Conference this week is, naturally, all about the disastrous performance of X / Twitter CEO Linda Yaccarino, who closed out the two-day affair in spectacular fashion. Vox’s Peter Kafka, who has been going to the conference since it started in 2008, called it “the weirdest session I’ve ever seen.” If I had to sum up the vibe as everyone trickled off to dinner afterward, it would be stunned disbelief. As for Yaccarino, she immediately fled the premises with her six-person security detail.


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There's no paywall on theverge.

Narrator: yes there is

tell me more

tell me more

Reporters and journalists deserve to get paid for their work.

My comment was purely about whether or not a paywall exists.

While you're technically right, I don't see a material difference between paying with cash and paying with data (Verge sign up is free, but it's still sign up).

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