18 Post – 1725 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Hannity also groused that Republicans’ push to ban abortion in states across the country, as well as the reversal of the federal right to abortion, meant that “Democrats are trying to scare women into thinking Republicans don’t want abortion legal under any circumstances.”

When Republicans keep saying things like “total abortion ban”, yeah, we get that impression.

edit: fucking Texas is trying to make it illegal to drive to get around their abortion ban

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was seen dancing at a private homecoming afterparty on 30 September, behind a friend who was twerking.

she wasn’t even the one twerking

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“everyone’s favorite alpha male president was against masks because it would ruin his makeup”

yep, ok, but drag queens are the real danger to society, got it.

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Far-right Republicans like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and former President Donald Trump have praised Johnson’s promise to release the footage, saying it will “prove” that the activities of Jan. 6, 2021, were peaceful.

Only morons and guilty people believe this. I saw evidence to the contrary on live broadcast.

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Maybe he has a personal interest in this?


The amendment would also reduce the designation of incest by contact to a Class D felony for some cases "unless it is committed with a person who is less than twelve years of age," in which case it is Class C.

uhhhhhhhhhhh…. that age cutoff seems low

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from the copy and pasted review:

Situations like these would bring you together, not force you apart.

Did any of these assholes pay attention to their own behavior during the pandemic?

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districts with a traditional dress code are safer

Trying to wrap my head around the concept of “dangerous hair.”

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I'll add here again that the judge randomly assigned is Judge Tanya S Chutkan, a 2014 Obama appointee, who ruled against Trump trying to keep his documents secret from investigations, saying "Presidents are not kings, and Plaintiff is not President."

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Maybe the dipshits who host the updated GoXLR firmware and software solely on Discord will finally take the advice to put it somewhere where it actually makes sense, like on their own fucking website where it should be.

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What bullshit is this? So any president can engage in insurrection as recognized by a court completely unpunished as long as they aren’t an officer in the military and “only a civilian”? Maybe this legal system does deserve to be burned to the ground if it’s that ignorant.

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“It’s not common,” Tristan Snell, a former assistant attorney general for New York State, told the Lawfare podcast after Trump’s impromptu courtroom remarks on Thursday. “That’s the kind of thing that someone would do if they were a criminal defendant with mental health problems.”

Checks out.

We don’t think it. We know it.

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State motto should be “Welcome to Hell.”

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Ok, now pass one requiring the President to support and defend the Constitution, and to not be such an utter shithead.

I realize that second one is delusional when it comes to Trump.

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I mean, good luck, you’ll have to provide better justification than revenge to keep it from being overturned.

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The most reasonable solution I’ve seen so far, from the pixelfed and creator

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Or live service games.

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Whoa, the GOP still cannot govern, what a surprise.

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And how has Onlyfans content somehow managed to escape being pirated

It hasn’t. Just check torrentgalaxy.

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She could probably arrange a temporary babysitter be flown over from Saudi Arabia.

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Counterpoint: Ben Shapiro

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My original NES and game cartridges. Still work great, although retired as collectibles in favor of emulators now.

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what kind of shitty service is that

it’s eBay

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you win today, no notes

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I’m anticigarettes, but still impressed.

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Really testing the spirit of the community name here.

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the tumbleweed is a nice touch

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idk why Republicans are so upset at him, he seems to be their natural leader.

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Spends most of article telling you why they probably aren’t necessary.

Ends with 4 examples why they’re useful, which are the main reasons they’re used to begin with.

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Ivanka has separately asked for a pause in the trial, arguing that compelling her to testify during a "school week" would create "undue hardship" for her.

oh please

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Valez believed that two women had come to the house to evict him and he lost his temper

so… how did that relate to his partner and son?

so confused

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That whole statement is still really problematic. Not your problem, but damn.

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Must mean it’s great, can’t wait to see it, which is not something I expected to say.

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probably gaming’s understatement of the week

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As far as I can tell, every delisted Steam game I own is still in my account.

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So... he did just admit to using election funds for his personal legal battles, which is illegal... right?

Least surprising report of the last decade.

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Honestly tho, how can you forget that you were vaping and a pregnant lady behind you was directly complaining to you about it? Didn't remember, my ass. (edit: and your date offers this pregnant lady an alcoholic drink. Can see why he's into her, they are both really dumb.)

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Public, because I’m a lazy bitch leecher with a mobile data cap.