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An attorney general is “advising hospitals to ignore a court order”.

Read that sentence again.

He is supposed to be an officer of the court. It is his job to uphold the law, regardless of how he feels about it personally. The judge ruled explicitly on this particular woman’s specific situation - there is no reasonable room for interpretation here.

This man is putting his own opinion above the rule of law. He is radically unsuited for his job and deserves to be disbarred.

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At first, I didn’t see why this was even newsworthy. “We need to extinguish the Left” just sounds like typical right-wing motivational crap to me. Then I actually read the article:

"The only thing that's good enough is completely and totally destroying the political left in this country. Destroy it," Sabatini said.

"I'm talking about defunding government agencies, defunding bureaucrats, defunding government schools and going 100 percent private school like Florida's making gestures at right now.”

So, he’s talking about gutting the country. This isn’t just some moron shooting his mouth off at the bar, either. That’s not great.

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“I was told that professor was not okay, Dr. was not okay for me because I didn’t have a Ph.D., but there are lots of people at FLVS who do use Dr., which, coincidentally, is also in violation of the same law I got disciplined for,” Vary said. They were told the other acceptable courtesy titles were Mrs., Ms., or Miss. Using "teacher" was also out of the question.“

“We’re going to refuse every attempt at compromise, and force you to choose between abandoning your principles or your career. Why? Because we’re bastards. Fuck you.”

Serious question, though: how does one pronounce Mx.?

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Those “antiwoke” people disgust me. I encourage disagreements. I don’t encourage thinly veiled hate disguised with code words. Tolerance isn’t “far left”.

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Reality is left leaning…

It really is. So much of conservatism involves pissing into the wind, and trying to argue against objective truth.

Snelling added that the agency later discovered Thompson had warrants out for her arrest and the autopsy found illicit drugs in her system.

Man, I hate it when the cops bring up this irrelevant bullshit. All they’re trying to do is make the victim look less sympathetic, and make themselves look less bad in comparison. Even if the officers had known about the warrants and drugs, these facts don’t make it okay to gun a woman down.

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I can’t believe I’m going to bat for Pfizer, but apparently I hate deliberate, selective ignorance even more than greed. Oh well.

Paxton said the claim was based on only two months of clinical trial data…

It was a GLOBAL HEALTH CRISIS, you fucking morons. Millions of people died. Have you already forgotten how serious and urgent the situation was? Speedy availability of a vaccine was more important than lengthy, time-consuming tests.

Ask your god-king Trump. He’s the one who threw bushels of money at pharmaceutical companies and ordered them to solve the problem quickly.

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The only way this might be worth Zelenskyy‘s time is if he silently beats Carlson to a bloody pulp.

The man has REAL problems to deal with. He doesn’t need to be “interviewed” by some fascist bootlicker.

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As a guy, the same thing would be important to me. I’d want a girlfriend who valued herself enough to make that choice. Also, what if I screwed up and got her pregnant? I’d want her to get whatever care she chose, and not be treated like a breed sow.

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The people responsible don’t care. They will be perfectly fine letting the rest of us die. They’ll only start giving a shit once cheap labor starts getting hard to come by.

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Actually owning something you buy has become a selling point. Think about that for a minute.

Huh. This isn’t some dirtbag domain squatter, either. This is a ten year old company with a serious, legitimate claim. Plus, their services are easily similar enough to create marketplace confusion, which is a major factor in trademark cases.

This doesn’t help, either:

It appears that Meta was aware of Threads before launching its platform of the same name. Company lawyers made four offers to purchase the domain '' from Threads Software Ltd from April 2023, all of which were declined.

Zuck fucked up.

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Probably the best line I have read in any article this month:

I drove back and forth to a bookstore job in an ancient Oldsmobile Cutlass Calais so apocalyptically derelict that when I got pulled over for a busted taillight, the lady cop fixed me with sad eyes and asked "Is everything OK with you?"

“The world’s changed by average, ever day ordinary people who’ve had enough, who are willing to stand up for a country and a planet that is more humane, peaceful, and just. And that’s what I’m here to celebrate tonight,” Morello said. “Fans often ask, but what can I do? Let’s start with this: 1.) Dream big and don’t settle. 2.) Aim for the world you really want without compromise or apology, and 3.) Don’t wait for us. Rage is not here, but you are… If you got a boss, join a union. If you’re a student, start an underground paper. If you’re an anarchist, throw a brick. If you’re a soldier or a cop, follow your conscious, not your orders.”

Outstanding speech.

Good on the anchor for sticking up for her. The reporter was just going to downplay it. She needed someone to take her side. She rocks for using that encouragement to confront the guy, and the anchor set a fantastic example by speaking up. He even said to her “excuse me for interrupting you.”

It feels good to see people support each other like this. They’re both awesome.

Bad strategy. Even if he got off with a $2 fine, he’d call it an “injustice”. He’s gonna go off the rails no matter what, so might as well nail him to the wall.

He’s interfering with an election, and it's a disgrace.

This statement is so dementedly ironic that I think it may have damaged the time-space continuum.

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Politicians want to harm each other directly instead of harming millions indirectly? Fuck it, let em.

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From the title by itself, I was expecting a simple change to skin tone, which would have been bad enough. Reading the story and looking at the pic made me realize that things are much, much worse. What the FUCK.

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He already would have, if congress and SCOTUS weren’t fighting him every step of the way.

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“Above everything, including profit, X works to protect the public’s right to free speech. But for speech to be truly free, we must also have the freedom to see or hear things that some people may consider objectionable,” he added.

It’s important to note that one of Musk’s lawyers, not Musk himself, made this statement. That’s because lawyers are immune to levels of irony that would be lethal to an ordinary human.

“You might get attacked while on the job, so here, wear this camera.”

“If what I’m doing is so dangerous, don’t I deserve a raise, too?”

“Very funny. Now get back to work.”

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Filing a nuisance suit against her former employer is a great way to boost her career, and teaming up with a scumbag like Musk helps clarify her ethics for anyone who’s unfamiliar with who she is. Outstanding move, Gina!

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If the student somehow doesn’t win, I’ll have even less faith in the justice system than I already do.

Oh, and this isn’t quite the point, but I’ve seen pictures of his hair from other angles. It’s cool as hell.

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This is the first “TikTok trend” I’ve seen that doesn’t make me cringe

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People want to be treated like human beings regardless of who they love? Yes, that’s a dangerously extreme view. Wanting to exterminate them all is perfectly normal, however.

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There are quite a few Native Americans who would agree.

Microsoft reneged on promises it made in court…

If those promises aren’t legally binding, then why take them into account in the first place?

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They make union dues seem like a big deal, but not unionizing will cost you even more. A union will pay for itself when they negotiate a raise.

You have much fewer guarantees on pay, benefits, and work rules without a union on your side. Amazon can, and does, change policies at will. A union keeps them in check.

Bringing complaints directly to your supervisor or manager will solve nothing, and in the process, it will get you on their shit list. Sometimes, anonymity is priceless.

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I don’t need bad math to make me feel old

Remember, folks, it’s only “socialism” when we talk about sharing profits among the people. Sharing blame and responsibility is perfectly okay!

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Yup. I used to vote for people based on their opinions regarding the issues, regardless of party. I’m afraid to do that anymore. I’m not willing to further the career of some spineless, unprincipled tool who will ignore their own judgment and just vote along party lines. I still pay attention to people’s opinions, but if they’ve got an R next to their name, I can’t risk voting for them.

It’s not the way the system is supposed to work, and it frustrates me, but I don’t feel like I have any other ethical choice.

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I am here to profess my eternal and undying love for this description

Xitter, the steaming remains of Twitter

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I don’t understand why the federal government allows these buses (or chartered planes, or whatever) to continue. Since it involves crossing state borders, don’t the feds have jurisdiction?

I don’t know what the passengers were told in this instance, but in other cases, people were lied to. They agreed to go because were told they would be getting jobs and homes. I don’t think they would have voluntarily gone if they were told the truth - “we’re going to dump you somewhere as a political stunt. We’re not giving them any prior notice, so it’s anyone’s guess as to how you and your family will be taken care of. We don’t care, because to us, you’re not people. You’re just tools we’ll use to own the libs.”

When some creep lures a kid into a van with the promise of candy, and then drives them halfway across the country, we call it kidnapping. Why hasn’t anyone been prosecuted?

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He doesn’t need to normalize it. Anyone demented enough to still support him wants him to be a dictator. The only difference is whether they can admit that to themselves or not.

I’m usually ready to laugh at this asshole, but if he has a drug problem, then I pity him.

Important note: pity and sympathy are similar, but not the same thing.

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The title alone is a great reason to investigate broadband prices.

Even scarier, one of those two approached from behind.

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In this case, the sweeping 64-page bill also dealt with city and county governance and banned COVID-19 vaccine requirements for public workers in Missouri.

Why is this the only sentence in the entire article that even mentions this part of the law? This is an important issue, too.

I don’t give a shit if Mabel has a sudden “religious objection” to vaccines, and whines about “freedom” to the few people remaining who can tolerate her. I have an objection to catching potentially deadly diseases from public employees, and unknowingly spreading them. Doesn’t that matter?

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…although he has not shied away from approving digitally altered versions of himself in film.

Besides being irrelevant, does this seem a little bit judgmental to anyone else?

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I like (most of) the people I work with, and my boss is pleasant, sane, and reasonable. That does more than any bullshit “well-being initiative” ever could.

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