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Joined 12 months ago

No idea but, after a quick search to learn what this is, I'm not sure how it would help were it to be an option.

The customer who's paying the higher price is eating it

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Realistic human skin? Realistic robot skin?

Laziest common response to things like this. People still use Windows? People still use cars? WordPress is insanely popular and there's no indication that's going to change. Not even after you've chosem to signal to all of us here that you don't use it. Good for you, though!

I did that and it was a mess, with warnings about being unable to backup that I couldn't get rid of. I had to reinstall to try to turn off syncing, then remove again. But it's so integrated that my desktop is still under a OneDrive subfolder and it's still referenced in various places.

Is there a guide to completely removing this from Windows 11 cleanly?

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Tesla model 3 doors do not lock immediately every time they shut. But if you use your cell phone as a key, the default behavior is that they are locked if you walk away with the phone a few yards.

An ungodly amount of people do, there's no point in pretending otherwise.

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Or fund new content

Novice web site owner/coder here: wondering if I can block them somehow via IP address in addition to robots.txt. Server firewall rule? Remember, I said I was a novice....

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I agree it's down a large amount but it started at a really high level. Tens of millions to go before we get to ask "Who on earth still uses Twitter?"

As we learned from the reddit app changes, the ending of Netflix account sharing, etc etc the people who will take this action are few enough not to matter. Regretfully.

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The strategy here is to be able to say Biden was impeached, just like Trump was, when it comes to 2024. Devalue the process. Neutralize Trump's impeachments. You say Biden's is illegitimate? So does trump about his.

It doesn't matter to this strategy if the claims have any value. It doesn't matter if they never get voted on, either. Just having an inquiry could be enough.

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There it is, buried in paragraph 26:

"He and his colleagues believe that the company's move was the result of workers' decision to unionize."

I'd argue this is not a valid "technology" topic, and is instead more about capitalism, workers' rights, etc.

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Biden and Trump are the same, and the country is worse off now than in 2020? You are clinically insane.

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I thought he was all about opening up the algorithm

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So .. don't vote? There absolutely is a No Trump voting option - only one - and it's voting for Biden. There are several Yes Trump voting options: vote for Trump specifically, vote for a third party candidate, or vote for no one. It's not that complicated.

Do the electoral map and electoral college make this difficult to achieve? Of course. But we can only win if we vote, and are guaranteed to lose if we don't.

The fascists love voter apathy. Don't do their job for them.

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I've read the article and still have no idea what supposed issue is going on in private backyards that the NYPD needs to see.

There's surely a name for when people react with disdain to even the slightest move in the right direction.

"Should have done it earlier" "Not enough" "It'll probably get shot down in court" "Why bother"

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This is the deceit of these laws. They pretend to be about a genuine "problem", giving a degree of plausibility, just like you are doing now. But we should not be fooled. The real motivation is to deter voting by non GOP groups.

In this case, consider which areas have long lines and which don't. You're not sure? Look at which areas have had the number of voting places reduced. Look at which groups find it difficult to vote during weekday working hours, and who is limiting weekend voting and early/late voting hours.

It's always been illegal to campaign within X feet of a polling place. Banning water and snacks is irrelevant to that. You could never just set up campaigning tents anywhere you wanted. Was there really an epidemic of lawless tent-weilding water and snacks givers before this law? "How do you solve for that?" You don't because it's not a real problem, the law is simply designed to make it difficult to stay in line in mainly non GOP overloaded voting places, to make people give up and go home.

Isn't the catch that it's 900 dollars a month?

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Who wrote this article, Oil and Gas Inc?

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Amazon enshitification continues. The 2 day prime shipping expectation is already decaying, and now this.


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Ask Google to rename theirs.

Which you will need to prove by sending your personal identification to a commercial third party provider. Who will eventually get hacked and your data will be leaked.

I did notice that the CEO who decided to pay a single podcaster 200 million dollars never got laid off. Same guy whose big expensive bet on several other exclusive podcast deals failed spectacularly.

Do the top executives also sit randomly with other colleagues?

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Let's not make dirty industrial activity clean, let's move it off world (destroying another different planet). Because, you know, that's apparently easier than actually solving the problem.

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It's fortunate that Uber is famous for following the rules.

The interviewer lost me at "while Elon does appear committed to openness and freedom of speech". Especially when they proceed later to talk about Elon taking down posts when asked by the Indian and Australian governments, locally to those territories and the world.

"musk says"

"BREAKING: Staffed gas stations have been robbed at gun point, scaring drivers into buying EVs so they can charge alone safely instead"

Oh no, ONLY half the entire population of the United States would benefit from EVs* so let's throw those cars in the trash.

  • Even if this is true I don't care because: see above.

Ron Desantis is already on it. Careful what you wish for

There's is a design deficiency.

"Some crashes occurred due to Onewheel skateboards malfunctioning after being pushed to certain limits. "

Cars get recalled all the time for faults.

If they did the banks, you'd say Pff, now do Amazon. Let's value what we have and hope to build on it, rather than dismiss it as not enough.

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I appreciate you letting all of us know. I hope all is well with you and your family, and I look forward to your feedback when you return.

He's so proud of himself

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It's always supposedly about protecting the little guy, the small business person. While also, just coincidentally mind you, also protecting mega corporations that bankroll the GOP.

Newsom lost me as a national candidate when he vetoed several important and impactful bills passed by the CA legislature. He clearly did so because he was trying to ensure he wouldn't put off a potential right wing electorate for the presidency.

Google kills its golden goose search engine and is thought here up be too smart to disable a workaround... I'm doubtful.