jlow (he/him)

@jlow (he/him)@beehaw.org
1 Post – 326 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Jellyfin has a watch-together function but to set all that up will probably be even more complex than the "complex" options ...


Black Mirror is not an instruction manual, people. Quite the opposite. Can we stop trying to make every episode real?

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It's literally part of hacker-ethics to not judge people by their fancy exterior:

Hackers should be judged by their acting, not bogus criteria such as degrees, age, race, or position.


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I'd also encourage you to look into FOSS alternatives but I have a friend who's a graphic designer and he's been pirating the crap out of Adobe since he began his studies in the early 2000s. He says neither he nor any of his collagues (all freelancers) ever had a problem with pirated software. It's literally unheard of. And if you think about it, how is Adobe gonna find out if you block their phoning home with a firewall? Printers don't give a damn (and couldn't tell), neither can clients or random people on the internet. No one is ever going to be "Nice work but can you quickly somehow proof to me that you actually have the ridiculously overpriced subscription for that barely functioning design suite eveyone uses because there's no alternative (except for Affinity maybe)?"

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"รœbel Eats" ๐Ÿ‘Œ

(รœbel meaning awful or bad in German (tad old-fashioned or slang depending on usage?) True for the underpaid and overworked workers especially)

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I'm afraid I need examples. Lots of them. Just to, uh,... see what you mean.

Lol, I can't help but imagine the researchers armed with stopwatches and clipboards peeping on all that steamy alligator sex ๐Ÿ‘

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Yeah, this has to be satire, right? Right?

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If we change the names of genes because of MS Excel why not change names to make the world a little less awful for some people as well.

I learned the term greedflation yesterday, combine with shrinkflation for extra afk enshitification ๐Ÿซ 

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So unfortunately the usual toxic bro-culture stuff ... ๐Ÿ˜ข

Yeah, also getting strong "not for me"-vibes. Looks like a less grimey Fallout in space. Graphics seem to be far less amazing as I imagined from trailers.

Edit: Buuut I think lots of people will have fun with this and that's cool!

So which company will he destroy next? He devastated EA before he did all this to Unity if I'm not mistaken.

I hope people will still learn from this and come to Godot and help making it a better game engine ^__^

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Good old Brackeys, his videos helped me so much back when I was using Unity. I'm checking out Godot atm for fun (started way before the current Unity debacle, it was apperent that they don't care about what's good for game-devs when they started buying spyware companies) and it looks pretty good, obviously it suffers from not having thousands of people doing assets and tutorials for it but if the enshittification of Unity continues (which it will) this will hopefully change to the better even more.

Yeah and it feels like there's a "study" coming out every other month how many hundreds or thousands of apps on the playstore are filled with spy- and malware, I'd think that can also "really compromise your safety, very significantly." So ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

And then they started to make out, right?

๐Ÿดโ€โ˜ ๏ธ

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You can learn to cook together ๐Ÿ˜ป

I have been really appreciating open source software this year. I always preferred FOSS over the alternatives (Firefox, Thunderbird, Libre Office etc) but I tried to use it for as much as I could this year, even professionally.

Haven't bootet into my Windows partition with Adobe Cloud for months now, it's almost exclusively Inkscpape, Scribus, Blender and Krita on Fedora and I love it! I'm also slowly, slowly getting into Godot which seems like another piece of amazing software.

Sure there are some (very) rough edges here and there and I will have fire up Illustrator or Unity (๐Ÿคข) at some point when clients demand it but I'm pretty amazed at how well it's going.

Welp, sending this is totally gonna jinx it but whatevs ๐Ÿ˜˜

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On Twitter ...

Are they using a red pen to write the checkmarks for correct answers to make it confusing but logical at least?

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Handy (as we do in Germany).

You can't steal, only copy digital things but I know what you mean ^__^

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That's some Interesting lighting or whatever is happening with her arm and neck ...

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"He ordered his troops to shoot weeds, instead of arrows, at a few enemy soldiers. When these soldiers noticed that they were being shot by weeds and left unharmed, they were overjoyed. They promptly ran to Yin Ziqi to report that the Tang army had already run out of arrows. Zhang Xun noticed where the soldiers ran and ordered his best archer, Nan Jiyun, to shoot at Yin Ziqi. One such arrow hit Yin Ziqi in his left eye, throwing the Yan army instantly into chaos. The siege ended with the expected major blow to Yan morale."

That would be amazing if it actually had happenend.

The capitalist part of the Fediverse, that is, obviously.

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And women. Maybe negative pressure aka not pictured here?

Yeah, that's totally what skull and bones look like, thanks AI.

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Yeah, there are some nice articles from the BBC on this, including one with the person playing that masked-character. The dialogue/story for actresses/actors was apparently LLM-gibberish as well.

Used Adobe for years, made an effort in the last year to switch to FOSS, mainly Inkscape and Scribus. And yes, as other comments have mentioned these tools have some weird quirks and some things don't work. But that's the same for Adobe and most other software. I remember switching from Macromedia Freehand (lol, remember that) to Illustrator back in the day and everything felt just wrong and awful in tge beginning (until you learned to work around the quirks?). It's super hard to tell how much it's "Software Bad" vs "Not Used to New Thing" and this will be different for everybody as well. But nobody (including the software) is stopping you from using this professionally, I just finished a 20 page PDF for a client with Scribus, used it to print my 32 page comic etc.

It's also "impossible" to have multiple terabytes of media on my homeserver without copyright infringement, so piracy is ok, right!?

O no, wait it actually is possible, it's just more expensive and more work to do it legally (and leaves a lot of plastic trash in form of Blurays and DVDs), just like with AI. But laws are just for poor people, I guess.

Nice, I still had this in my browsing-history: https://forum.fairphone.com/t/operating-systems-for-fairphones/11425

You can just change .zip to .cbz either manually via a filebrowser or a script (cbz are essentially just zips).

I think .cbz can only contain images, no subfolders, so maybe you need to make a .cbz per chapter or do a lot of remaming to be able to put them in one directory.

Cbr is the same but for .rar files (which are not open source?).

I think there is a program for adding metadata to manga like Comictagger (which does not work too well for manga) but I can't remember the name ...

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Wait until he gets to know about neutron stars ...


Creatove Freedom Summit (https://creativefreedomsummit.com/) are doing their events with Jitsi, seems to be working fine. Other options would be Nextcloud Talk where someone recently told me they're using it in a university setting with lots of people and BigBlueButton which is also used by universities.

Ghost in the Shell live action, or any other "Americans are too uncultured to watch foreign cinema, so we need to dumb it down with a remake (starring only white people)" movie.

I can understand people not wanting to read subtitles (though I'll personally take subs any day over a bad dub) but remakes of foreign movies just make no sense to me.

If real I love that their symbol for "entertainment" is two people shooting each other. On point.

Aww, so nostalgic, that was one of the first things we did on a PC as children. Listening to many nations anthems in terible midi quality ^__^

There seem to be quite a few up on archive.org:


Yeah, but there is no way in hell they somehow convinced movie studios to let us have drm-free files. It would be amazing but I can't see it happening.

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