After Mar-a-Lago Search, FBI Agent Wondered, “Am I Dreaming?”

UngodlyAudrey🏳️‍⚧️ to – 64 points –
After Mar-a-Lago Search, FBI Agent Wondered, “Am I Dreaming?”

Just shows that the FBI is filled with reactionary dickheads. Don't expect an agency like that to have changed since they murdered Civil rights leaders.

But the TV shows all say they're the good, righteous peeeeeeeoooooople

Mulder and Scully were good, but they went against what their superiors and the organization wanted all the time. I thought the point was you need to be a rebel to not be an evil asshole at the FBI.

It think that goes for any position of relative power. Be the change you want to see in others and all that.

That's how you know the shows are fictional

Agree, and its very start was as a government-sponsored hit squad extrajudicially murdering bank robbers under the direction of an extremely troubled man. It's never strayed far from its roots.

1 more...

I really don’t give a shit about the trials any more. At this point, he’s gotten away with it. I’m so tired of hearing this “the wheels of justice work slowly” non-sense. We all watched him do what he was accused of, live, because he himself did it on video, and posted it. The things we all watched him do, live, are expressly prohibited of any presidential candidate, and yet, the justice system has failed to adequately sentence him, and prevent him from running again. So here we are, again, 4 years later, and he’s been allowed to run again. The justice system has failed our country on this case, they aren’t slow, they aren’t “getting there eventually”, they’ve fallen flat on their face. There is a very real chance this man will be dead of natural causes before he will face any real penalty for his actions, beyond a fine or two here or there. He’s still living in de-facto luxury, he still has millions and millions of followers, what have we actually done other than keep his face on TV for the last 4 years? Even that seems like something he wanted any way. I am just so tired.

The defeatism energy is strong, but really I am just so tired of having hope and seeing it crushed over and over again. I just have to give up hoping this situation will resolve justly at this point.

“If he took documents, give him a call and ask for them back. Like ... Seriously?"

Quote guy really expects Trump to go "Oh yeah here are the documents I stole, sorry". You have to be completely clueless... I fully realize this and I don't even live in the US. This guy works for the FBI

Ok I read the entire article now. Pretty worrying stuff

Also, the search was triggered because that's literally what happened and he refused to cooperate.