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Joined 1 years ago

We spent 20 years in Afghanistan and didn't make a dent. While I agree what is happening in Afghanistan is deplorable, this is what Afghanistan wanted.

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Ad block is NOT piracy. And use Ublock Origin.

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Pay attention boys and girls, this is also what they want to do with over the air broadcasts with the ATSC 3.0 format.

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I may not know how the sausage is made, but I do know if it tastes good or not.

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Also Netflix: We should raise our prices again.

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Remember this when Florida is flooding.

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"If you flag our lies, we'll cry!!!!" -Republicans

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News reports have Reddit making the IPO push this year. Get ready for more DRAMA!

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The big device manufacturers DON'T WANT INTEROPERABILITY. They want you nailed down to their ecosystem and hit you with planned obsolescence. Like most anything else in the economy, they want premium pricing. If you adopt open standards, then you're competing with everyone else but now on price. The majority of device makers don't want to do that. THAT is the problem with the smart home.

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Even if Reddit does negotiate manageable rates for "non profit" 3rd party apps (lol), wait until Reddit users figure out they still can't access NSFW content except from the Reddit official app and the new Reddit layout. Break out the popcorn.

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uBlock Origin

Google's problem is they reward bringing new product to market, but they don't reward steady stewardship or iteration to improve existing products. That's why you see Google release multiple products that do the same thing.

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So broadcast TV currently broadcasts on ATSC 1.0. You get an antenna and a box or TV that has a digital tuner and you're good. Industry is pushing for ATSC 3.0, which allows for DRM. So even though they are broadcasting on the public airwaves, they can decide you can't watch. It sets up the local broadcasters to be the new cable with ever increasing prices AND play king maker on devices by choosing which can and cannot produce tuners. In my area, 5 channels have ATSC 3.0, and 1 of them turned on DRM. Meaning I can't watch it because HDHomeRun devices aren't approved, likely because it has the ability to record. Luckily, that channel still broadcasts in ATSC 1.0, so I can still watch it for now. 3.0 isn't a fully adopted yet, but that can change in the future (2027?).

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It's still going to ship with Notepad.

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Right after he releases his infrastructure plan.

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In the next breath they'll call him "sleepy Joe."

They DON'T want to live in peace. They don't want to accept the democratic process. They don't want to have to live with any democratic policy. They are working themselves up to something, and Jan 6th was just the first crack at it.

Nebraska and Iowa lust intensifies.

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China: you can't talk bad about us!!!!

Just like when Christopher Tolkien died. No one else was left to be passionate about his father's vision and desires.

"We're being persecuted!!! Violence!!! Give me sympathy!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not the bad buy here!!!!" -Spez.

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Anything to bitch about Cyberpunk.

Use Firefox. The crypto bros running Brave have been caught multiple times gathering and selling user data. You use Chrome as the base when you want to hoover data.

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Funny how the usual suspects aren't in here complaining about this. Meanwhile, Joe Biden doesn't kowtow their every policy wish and he's the devil.

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And it won't show up in court either. But now MAGAs are going to run around screaming about "indisputable evidence of innocence!" Which was the whole point. Just like his healthcare and infrastructure plans.

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The Board of Directors at Zoom should be having an emergency meeting right now to fire this guy with prejudice for comments directly damaging to the brand. Wonder why that isn't happening? Zoom shareholders should be revolting.

Then let's start liquidating assets.

This is why we need more competition in the ISP space. And use a VPN.

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Bullshit. While it was the most pirated show no doubt, It did drive HBO subscriptions and BluRay sales. The drastic fall off in show quality after season 4 did it in.

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They're just waiting around until China and Russia tells them they need the extra distraction. If NK starts attacking Japan/SK, expect China to follow with a Taiwan invasion shortly after.

Sucking up to Putin and Kim Jong Il isn't anti-war. It is just picking the other side of the war machine.

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I don't think judges and juries will see it that way. The "it's not a crime when I do it" is a sign you're fucked.

Attacking piracy AND competition in one fell swoop! Capitalism!

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Not only that, it would have been easier and cheaper to just shut the whole thing down after taking ownership. His very public (mainly by his own tweeting) stewardship of Twitter is damaging to his reputation, and the reputation of his other businesses. The reality is, he just is that dumb.

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If we needed any more proof we're not a democracy anymore...

Because he's a money loving whore?

We did do something permanent: We let the private sector fuck us all in the ass while the rest of the world passed us by.

Their fee-fees were hurt when Biden won the election. This is all about revenge for Trump.

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Even Slate can't get the framing right. It's not that Reddit wants to charge for API access, it's they set an absurdly high rate that signals the intent is to kill those 3rd party apps. And Ellen Pao didn't have a disastrous tenure. It is that she was setup to fail. She was given marching orders to do what Huffman and other Reddit execs were too frightened to do. When the backlash from the hate users came, Huffman and Reddit threw her under the bus rather than say, "we're cleaning up for an IPO and this needs to be done." Spez then walked in saying, "look at me! I'm your savior!" The idiots on Reddit didn't realize they'd been duped. Remember, Spez never reversed any of Pao's policy decisions.

The Reddit admins, and Huffman in particular, have a problem telling the truth. That's the core of the issue.

I have a friend that is a pilot. He said the quickest way to be out of a job and never be hired as a pilot again is to remotely admit you might have a mental health issue. And not in the "I hear voices" severity, more like "Hey my job is stressful, I'm away from home all the time while working, and I'm going through a divorce. Maybe talking to a professional will help me cope" kind of thing.