
1 Post – 310 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Isn't the entire point of the newer versions of Windows just to force the engagement with applications you normally wouldn't use?

Religious people alive today do shit like this. Like Mormons "Soaking" and such.

I am an idiot. I didn't click to the next page after it suggested I make an account.

I just close down the launcher immediately.

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I can certainly see we're keeping the reddit-tradition of being an angry little muppet at any given opportunity alive.

Yes, I asked a public forum for help about something I didn't know. And they came through for me, more so than I would have expected.

You can go back to being angry elsewhere now. Shoo...

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Which is weird when you think about how dependent Bethesda is on the Modding Community.

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The question is 'Do they want to keep throwing money at techs in the hope of forcing people to watch their ads?'

At best, people will keep finding ways to get around the ads and YT will have wasted a ton of money on nothing.

At worst, a bunch of people will abandon YT all together. And YT will have wasted a ton of money getting rid of them.

Both options seem self-defeating and wasteful.

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Thank you for the step-by-step. Steam can be a bit of a maze when you don't fiddle with these things so often. :)

Edit: Apparently it's " --skip-launcher" the extra dash matters XD

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Yeh, but It's still EGS... So, do we care? Are.. are we caring about this?

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Can't we do both?

Is Baldurs Gate 3 considered Woke? Why?

Is it the bear fucking? It's the bear fucking, isn't it?

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The game has only just gotten it's first patch and they wrote in the notes what other things could be expected in Patch 2.

It'll be polished off before you know it. Plus, I have a sneaking suspicion there's plans for a DLC. More content is likely to come.

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We all have our own principles.

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Then you should know the content quality of their games have gone steadily down since Morrowind, as they have prioritized trend-chasing over, pretty much, everything else.

It culminated in 76's concept and I highly doubt they are done with it.

Yeah, but what EGS is doing isn't competition.

If they had stuck with being a cheaper alternativ for Indie Devs and maybe followed it up with even more favorable deals for using their Engine and being on their platform, I wouldn't have had a problem with them. It would have been a good strategy to compete with Valve.

Like GOG did with retro games. Tapping into something Valve didn't focus on.

But they didn't. It all came down to a shitty attempt at Storefront Exclusivity. And that isn't competition, that is just removing customer choice.

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Gotta love Bethesda going all "You think you want it, but you really don't." Like Blizzard back in the days.

I have to admit, I find the entire thing immensely entertaining.

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I don't think I have a lot to add to what was already said here.

But I will say that the Baldurs Gate series already had a pretty big following. It had an established fan-base, like Fallout. But unlike Fallout, Larian chose to stick with what people liked about the originals and expand upon that.

So there's another tiny reason to add to the collective.

So it's both cute AND efficient? What an amazing creature.

Meh, there's a ton of songs written strictly from female perspectives or with a female audience in mind. From Peggy Lee to the Spice Girls and so on.

I feel like they apply as "Girl Songs".

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Compared to a lot of Triple-A games out there, it is polished.

It's a pretty big game with a lot of variations. And as i said; It just got it's first patch and more are coming.

It took Bethesda about 12 years before they got around to fixing the "Games for Windows Live" thing in Fallout 3. Which literally made the game unplayable. That was a problem.

I'm sure they'll get Wyll fixed for you, if he hasn't already been in this patch.

But now I'm intrigued... If you don't think you're setting the bar high, what games are you comparing BG3 to that were that bug free at launch?

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Indeed. But I have no intention of linking anything up with Twitch, or any other streaming service for that matter.

I just want the games I buy to launch when I press play. No sign-ups, no extra launchers popping up. Just the game I bought, that's all. :)

It was only one for me, Baldur's Gate 3.

So yeah, very much a matter of opinion.

It's all a matter of personal taste. But yeah, Beth's best games are definitely in the past.

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Just from a quick search about the case, it seems to hold very little water.

Hell, it's already been dismissed once.

We wouldn't have any games with the stardards you're suggesting. I think you'd be hard pressed to live up to them yourself, if I'm being honest.

No product is without it's faults and flaws.

I'm sorry you happend to be one of the people that got that bug.

If it's as big a deal for you as it sound like, I'd recommend getting a refund. It's as simple as that.

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At the risk of sounding like a cynical bastard, I'm gonna address some of your points.

Just let me start off with: If you enjoy the games, great. More power to you.

The lack of depth isn't just reserved to the RPG mechanics. The story, the dialog, the characters... everything is lacking in depth. All the "Environmental Story Telling" in the world can't make up for the neglected writing.

And everything that has been added isn't new by any stretch of the imagination. It's all borrowed from other current franchises, then half-assed and shoveled in by Bethesda. The loot system being one of the few things that actually works as intended.

Pac-Man is old as balls and I haven't seen anyone trying to pass it off as something new. Hell, even The Legend of Zelda series still follow the exact same premise of the very first game on the NES. The sequels get bigger, smoother and more beautiful. But it's still the same game at it's core, because it actually works.

Next point: All games launch buggy. Yep, and it has become a bit of a meme with Bethesda for a reason. Their newest games still have the same game-breaking bugs in them as Morrowind did. Some have even gotten worse. The modding community are literally fixing the same stuff, every title. Which is amazing, as Beth keeps updating their crappy Engine, but at no point in 21 years did they take the time to iron this shit out.

I do agree that we shouldn't be shitting on a game before it comes out. But it's not like people have zero idea what they are in for. From what has been shown, Starfield just looks like Fallout 4 with a fresh coat of paint. And there is a bit of a track-record to back most of the assumptions up.

As i said: If you like the road they have been taking with their games and you enjoy them. Keep enjoying them.

I think there's just a general sense of disappointment from a lot of old players. And it builds up fast in the echo-chambers of the internet and can come off as aggressive even when it wasn't the intention. And it works both ways. Dear lord, have I met some angry people defending games, simply because they can't fathom the idea that they might just like playing a 'bad game.'

It's the circle of public gaming forums.

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Thanks for making me feel slightly better about it. ;)

And you didn't even have to click on my shitty post as it already had (SOLVED) in the title

A solid first step. Sadly, I don't think it will bring back any semblance the old Blizzard.

I think it's damaged beyond repair.

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I think MS expressed interest in the idea. But I doubt even they saw it as an actual possibility.

I don't think we should underestimate the savvy programmers out there, who are just as fed up with ads as the rest of us.

And at this point, most of the cousins who don't know how to update their adblocker are already there. It's a matter of time. YT won't keep pouring money into this. Just long enough to the "balance the books." When the 'number of viewed ads' start slowing down again and they've hit their max viewership, they'll call off the hounds.

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Yep, that sounds like a very Mega-Corp thing to do.

Corrupt law enforcement is sadly not a unique concept.

American Cops are just very loud & proud about it.

Fast Food and Porn for Peace!

Sadly, nothing good remains that way forever. The structure and terms of Gamepass will eventually change to something less optimal.

Right now, the focus is to draw in people and create a "loyal" userbase.

Once they're content with the state of the userbase, they'll start restricting access and features to make people pay extra for different "premiums" and it'll slowly go to shit.

It is 'the way' of mega-corporations.

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I feel like Deodorants and Perfumes for men aren't as much of a choice as it is chosen for us. There's like two main smells, "Old Sweat" and "Motor Oil". Anything other than that is just variations of "Drain Cleaner Citrus".

Like clothes for men, the selection feels so limited.

The worst part is that it wouldn't be that hard to "up" the level of Bethesda games. More focus on the writing, both story and characters would go a long way.

Dropping the whole "It's one big world, no transitions." goal. Make cities huge, with transitions and fill them with stuff and people. More "inhabited biomes" so to speak.

Choice & Consequence. Having different paths the players can go down. Locking players out of certain content and areas because of their choice, isn't a bad thing. It just encourages multiple playthroughs. As well as adding multiple ways to dealing with a problem.

Not forcing motivation or character upon the player. The "chasing after a loved one" motivation in Fallout is terrible. And being a 'shiny superman' in both TES and Fallout is boring. We need more grey-area to move around in.

There's clearly more that could be added to the list. But these four points alone would elevate their games to a more passable grade.

But this is just my personal opinion.

Nah, there's just not enough of actual old titles that could do with a remake or remaster.

Not really my type of games, so... They can keep 'em.

Although I am quite against all that exclusivity silliness.

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I think that, regardless of brand, most users just want the most basic (almost blank slate) OS that can run the programs they choose to install.

And that is close to, if not completely, impossible to get if you don't have a mind for Linux.

I am quite aware of that. My current Char is in a homosexual relationship.

My comment was supposed to be a humorous jab at the fact that BG3s romances go way further than same-sex relations.

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