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Do you have actual examples? I've lived here (greater Boston area) for over 10 years now and, having grown up in and around WI, the level of racism here strikes me as virtually non-existent in comparison, and where you do see it (lots of systemic artifacts), there is a constant and loud pressure to address it.

I'm not saying that Boston doesn't have issues with racism, at many levels and in many ways, but I hear people claim it's exceptionally worse than elsewhere in the country and I'm just confused. Had family friends from Chicagoland suburbs try to convince me Chicago has less racism issues than Boston and I just can't imagine what the fuck happened to their brains to think that.

My z flip is hands down my favorite phone I've ever owned and I didn't get it expecting to like it much. I just needed a new phone and with Samsung's recycling program, my old near-tablet sized phone made the switch like barely 100 bucks.

There are a lot of small advantages it provides that quickly add up to it being an overall superior experience. Now if only Bixby wasn't the worst fucking thing ever.

Their non-profit status had nothing to do with the legality of their training data acquisition methods. Some of it was still legal and some of it was still illegal (torrenting a bunch of books off a piracy site).

The actual entry into Afghanistan and overwhelming of local forces was wildly fast? The majority of our time in Afghanistan wasn't slowly advancing on Kabul. It was failing miserably to build a coherent state sympathetic to US interests amidst a mad dash of privatized MIC interests maximally extracting revenues from the US.

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Also, the search was triggered because that's literally what happened and he refused to cooperate.

It wasn't, nor is it now, being hidden. Some reporters are more interested in her black heritage and others in her Indian heritage, and the overall context of the piece also factors into that. But by and large, "left" leaning outlets haven't paid a whole ton of attention to her race as it doesn't fucking matter. However, Republicans sure as shit have been very vocal about hee "blackness" and are now all "omg, but she's Indian heritage, too, and we haven't even dug into that. HoW COuLD thE LeFT Do ThIS tO Us?!?!"

Honestly, conservatives have become so transparently ratfuck racist with their attacks on Harris, it's beyond wild. So tired of hearing pudgy white old dudes screech about "DEI" and not realize how INSANELY racist that is.

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Not great, so people should continue to apply pressure. And not just over Palestine, but over all MIC capture of our government. Otoh, this administration and hopefully Harris' will continue it is one of the most union friendly in living memory and the FTC has been insanely active. If we're lucky, we might even see the return of the CFPB as a legitimate and effective entity. So your characterization is beyond brain dead.

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At the presidential level, there are in practical reality only two parties right now. Aside from the electoral realities, presidents also need to work with groups in congress, and only two parties are effectively present in congress. It sucks but it's the reality we're in. Now, this can change, but it needs to come from the bottom up via RCV and creating and enabling effective third+ parties at lower levels of government. Are you participating in your local and state level elections to enable creation of this necessary base of power and proof, or do you just run around online trying to find excuses to justify not voting? As for the choice we are faced with when it comes to Palestine, if you've been aware of this issue for more than the time it's become a performative meme, then you're well aware that there is a very real difference in the way the two parties enable Israeli crimes and merely by basic principles of harm reduction (because, at the end of the day, you should care about stopping as many people from being murdered as possible, not about signaling how wonderfully moral you are), it is very clear who is the more dangerous candidate.

Undecided are largely not actually undecided. They mostly vote along party lines. The point, in the current political climate, is to demotivate turnout of the other side's undecided. And I think based on that, this was a deep loss for Trump. Outside the pundit sphere, he was literally a punchline and joke the entire night. Memes of the hilariously dumb shit he spewed almost instantly sprouted up and are all over the place.

Yes, only marvel movies come out now. Everything else is actually banned at the moment. Christ, your takes are fucking awful.

Yea, Judaism has no such thing as a deep and extensive set of rabbinical discourses that are as fundamental as the Torah. Really solid and thoughtful observation.

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This might be very idiosyncratic to how you engage with people or with whom. I've lived in the deep Midwest and in an east coast major city. My name is EXTREMELY jewish. I have literally never had to explain my position on Israel or zionism when introducing myself. If Israel comes up in conversation in one way or another? Sure, people have asked what my opinion is, as a Jewish person, on Israel or such and such events, but that's pretty reasonable and I don't think ever frontloaded with anything.

I am 37 and grew up in an unincorporated town in Wisconsin. Never in my life was it considered socially acceptable to use this term. Don't be a fucking moron.

That would be a fraud on the copyright office. Nothing is "stopping" people from committing fraud other then it's fraud and has legal repercussions if found out.

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I think this is a deeply flawed and simplistic categorization of Americans' political sentiment. "Progressives" capture a broad swathe of people with different concerns and intents, very many of whom are doing just fine but appreciate the myriad systemic issues that merit address. Keep in mind, Republicans have effectively turned being focused on the existential threat that is unchecked climate change into a "progressive" issue and part of their culture war.

Moreover, political spectrum positioning historically shifts only one step one way or another between generations (i.e., children are usually one step more centrist than their parents when they settle into a stable political outlook). What this means is that most people just don't give significant thought about their politics and their practical and lived impact on their lives. This isn't to say most people are stupid, but rather they are thoughtless and myopic. It also means that a very large portion are not reacting to anything-- they're just bumbling along like humans always have and it's the incidental cascade from flapping butterflies here and there that cause the population level swings and societal changes we ultimately see.

You are making the same mistake that economists (used to and some still do) make in that you are baking perfect rationality, at least along some axes, where it just does not exist. And trying to build any sort of model from such a flawed axiom is doomed.

Even assuming that is a viable application of sovereign immunity, which I am not at all convinced, at a minimum you've described a very strong due process violation. No, libraries cannot just arbitrarily infringe copyrights.

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Historically, bedouin have been seen as a distinct ethnic/cultural group, separate from the surrounding ones. Basically, they're similar to the Roma of Europe and my understanding is that they're treated and viewed by local communities very similarly as to what the Roma go/have gone through.

Or they could just decline to host something they think is dumb trash. Surely, you can just download the mod fucking somewhere else if you want it?

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In addition, people act like she isn't also the acting VP during this campaign. It would be extraordinarily problematic for the VP to actively undermine the policy of the president with whom they are serving even if their own presidential policy would be significantly different.

I really don't see how this could possibly be "the most success they've ever had against Israel." Public support is still very much mixed, Israeli support has been all but fucking obliterated as the country shifts hard right in response, Gaza has been predictably utterly devastated, and the settler fuckwits are being given a blind eye by both the Israeli government and people now to thoroughly escalate their intrusions and crimes. The only "success" to come out of this entire situation is that Hamas I guess, as well as Likudnik ahitheads and worse, are reapectively experiencing massive rally round the flag gains.

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It's just woke. /s

Increasing housing supply is explicitly part of her announced plan. Are you under the impression that this was the entirety of her announced economic plan?

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What are you even talking about? She explicitly addressed healthcare, women's rights, and economic relief in the fucking debate, not to mention she has actual platform and policy on all the other topics you mentioned. Like, she has positions and lack of positions I strongly disagree with but stupid revisionist shit like this is such blatant misinformation, it's distressing to think thus is what "informs" so many voters' opinions.

I feel like this paints Hamas in a much more forgiving light that it deserves. Hamas "won" the election after a violent campaign of intimidation and even then only by a plurality. While Fatah has many flaws, it's not a religio-fascist organization prone to arbitrary violent cruelty. Yes, Fatah criticizing Hamas is nothing new, but more because they're fundamentally opposed groups than Western preferences.

EDIT: It's been pointed out to me that I was wrong about the context of Hamas' election and sources seem to back this up. While Hamas IS a violent religio-fascist organization, its violence against its electorate and opposition parties did not escalate until a few years after they were elected to a clear majority.

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Yes, it's called a GAN and has been a fundamental technique in ML for years.

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But Walz is a Democrat?

Large corporations devote significant resources to developing patentable technologies strictly for IP creation rather than productization. Part of this is for aggressive licensing purposes, part is for participation in patent licensing pools with other major companies, and part is for defensive purposes wrt blowback analysis (i.e., someone considers enforcing their own IP, but the target has so much other IP that could be turned against them, the blowback risk outweighs the possible gain in a successful enforcement).

This is pretty different than a troll, which typically does not develop technology but rather goes out and snaps up assets on firesale from companies having solvency issues or pruning their portfolios. Moreover, trolls are not entering pools or worrying about blowback.... they produce nothing so they cannot infringe a target's IP.

You have been corrected because you are very obviously wrong. Are you going to integrate this correction into your espoused views going forward or are you just going to repeat the same brain dead bullshit again and again?

Keep in mind that this isn't creating 3d Billy volumes at all. While immensely impressive, the thing being created by this architecture is a series of 2d frames.

They'll support Israel because the way we do it is another of the many infinite money hacks our MIC has created and entrenched deep into our politics. I really dislike this American trend to racialize the conflict. In virtually every way, Palestinians and Israelis, and Jews in general for that matter, are pretty indistinguishable but for small differences in otherwise very similar ethnic and religious cultures. Jewish culture, even across the diaspora, has been pretty clearly a Levantine originating one forever (not to mention the far deeper similarities between Judaism as a religion and Islam than between either and Christianity).

While I agree that there should be a secular, non-ethno-, state of The Levantine Union or something, there is no realistic path to that that doesn't start from a two-state basis I don't think. Palestine and Israel first need to comingle culturally and intertwine economically (in a mutually beneficial manner--not just Israel exploiting Palestinians for cheap hard labor) before any unification can really happen imo.

We live in an age where you can literally talk face to face with virtually anyone, nearly anywhere in the world on a tiny rectangle in your pocket. Yes, we can all afford to travel a little less over long distances.

No, this isn't really correct. The US Copyright Office has released policy that pretty clearly states where the line falls and it's certainly beyond super simple prompts. In fact, by the reasoning in the policy document, I'd say it's any time where if the AI were replaced with a human and you'd want a work for hire agreement to assign copyright, then that is likely non-copyrightable subject matter.

I'll add, how this works with modern AI art flows, still remains to be seen, but I think probably on the side of no copyright. Currently, works use very elaborate prompts, some edits, bashes, and masks in an editor and then img2img and inpainting to really get your work where it needs to be. However, under the current rubric, the sort of nexus of creativity is still happening in the model so unlikely to be granted copyright.

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The Copyright Office recently released a webinar on just this point. Basically anything that is creative and human generated is still granted copyright, but the AI generated components are themselves non-copyrightable. In your examples, those components are fairly de minimis (small and insubstantial) and so the overall copyright of the work wouldn't be impacted.

This is absolutely wrong about how something like SD generates outputs. Relationships between atomic parts of an image are encoded into the model from across all training inputs. There is no copying and pasting. Now whether you think extracting these relationships from images you can otherwise access constitutes some sort of theft is one thing, but characterizing generative models as copying and pasting scraped image pieces is just utterly incorrect.

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Filing and prosecuting a patent application is already very expensive. Moreover, different entities are charged different rates, ranging from solo inventory (75% discount), to small entity (50%), and large/standard entity (0%, of course). Might be a little off on those discounts, been a minute since I've had to look directly at it.

This is a fascinating issue, though it looks like from that article that there is no consensus. I think I'd side on it being kosher and pareve though as Rabbi Lau asserts in that article. The root principle of kosher laws is food safety and kindness to animals (however misguided that is given the we now know schechting an animal is actually horrifically cruel to it). Moreover, the rule against mixing meat and dairy derives from the prohibition on boiling a calf in its mother's milk. Cultivated meat is the least cruel method of acquiring meat obviously and it has no mother, so kosher and pareve in my book.

I really hate this reduction of gpt models. Is the model probabilistic? Absolutely. But it isn't simply learning a comprehensible probability of words--it is generating a massively complex conditional probability sequence for words. Largely, humans might be said to do the same thing. We make a best guess at the sequence of words we decide to use based on conditional probabilities along a myriad number of conditions (including semantics of the thing we want to say).

The ultimate issue is that the models don't encode the training data in any way that we historically have considered infringement of copyright. This is true for both transformer architectures (gpt) and diffusion ones (most image generators). From a lay perspective, it's probably good and relatively accurate for our purposes to imagine the models themselves as enormous nets that learn vague, muddled, impressions of multiple portions of multiple pieces of the training data at arbitrary locations within the net. Now, this may still have IP implications for the outputs and here music copyright is pretty instructive, albeit very case-by-case. If a piece is too "inspired" by a particular previous work, even if it is not explicit copying it may still be regarded as infringement of copyright. But, like I said, this is very case specific and precedent cuts both ways on it.

The reasoning that claims training a generative model is infringing IP would still mean a robot going into a library with a card it has to optically read all the books there to create the same generative model would still be infringing IP.

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