Che Banana

2 Post – 201 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

I don't think he's angry enough. Cowboy Regan scared the shit out of everyone...Black would Make Everyone But America Shit Again (black trucker cap with MEBASA)

Stewart/Colbert ticket would absolutely rock his orange ass off.

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Nah, I'm down with the 9s. 9+6 is 15 so it must be 13

Lewis fucking Black as Secretary of Defense!

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Easy peasy.

Saute small mince onion & red pepper. cool add to crab meat, season with salt & pepper, some dill and add peppers & onions add just enough breadcrumb & mayo to bind

form into cakes, you can bread again but i wouldnt. saute until brown, hit with some lemon and you got yerself a meal.

Backfin is probably the best value, jumbo lump being the most expensive

Lil' Cuntito

Hail Satin!

The most evil fabric.

Please do, and please send me a link

You're not wrong

Shout out to our Vietnamese & other Asian friends who get the shit thrown at them in SoCal by racist cunts.

In the US (SoCal) the dryer climates I needed a daily lotion and boy did Lubriderm dona good job with A) daily use B)unscented C)non greasy D)SPF 15 E)affordable.

Here, in EU the shit is 3x the price with zero SPF... lotion here is crazy expensive ot absolute garbage

Convicted Felon and Twice Impeached Donald Trump

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As someone who made an account there when first coming to the fediverse I can say man, what a bunch of assholes.

80% of men cannot find the trigger

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Not really since i've been focused on beehaw insteadof, but I'm also happy to see someone articulating what these trolls are: shills for authoritarian regimes.

IMO its a specialty market now, the demand isnt there to make a streamlined business model for a large enough profit for the investment

OP explicitly states a vote for Biden isnt a vote for genocide.

Regardless, Trump would be an absolute nightmare for the your argument is not in good faith and just want to invoice emotional responses.

OP recognizes the system there is right now in the US is badly flawed, but since nobody did shit about fixing it these last 4 years you have a choice of pinching your nose and swallowing bad medicine or never have a voice again.

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the hell is wrong with those hips?

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Invisible sky daddy

Why would uou steal giant dildos?

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All studio execs do is "mitigate" movies to appeal to a broader audience...

An analogy would be a corporate chef who removes garlic from a tomato sauce so that people who don't like garlic will eat it, and those that do will know something is missing but can't complain too much because... endless salad and breadsticks, plus mom likes the "atmosphere"

Replace garlic with trans character, and endless salads and breadsticks with the MCU

First pants, then shoes.

-Gary Larson

And here I go, throwing caution to the wind and daring fate with my bluetooth buttplug...

Hornyhead chub checking in

Weird, I feel like the older I get the more diverse my musical tastes have become.

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Any kitchen work demands muscles you never even knew existed.

Your legs will hate you, but get some good, proper shoes with insoles.

Your back will hate you, try and find a place that has kitchen mats, instead of bare floor.

Your arms will hate you, and they will just have to get used to it...

The thing is, you'll work steadily and THEN ALL OF A SUDDEN EVERYONE HAS AN ORDER NOOOOOOWWWWW and you run yer nuts off, and finish & go home, genrally buzzing from the adrenaline, which is why so many cooks, chefs and staff drink shut down the be wary of that

Your body will adapt, go have fun.

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It's OK but really has a lot of rage bait and ban happy mods.

and called vets losers and suckers

Party of Law & Order

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Hold on, let me check what instance I am on so I won't get banned (again) commenting on here because, you know...tolerance

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I'm getting banned less since moving to Beehaw?

So for me it's personal growth.

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I absolutely love little "time bomb" jokes that are only placed for the amusement of the perpetrator(s), but are then found randomly. This is the best type of humor.

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Stupid question: does this mean M>F or F>M? So I can better understand the reference.

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Did you say....jeans?

But the TV shows all say they're the good, righteous peeeeeeeoooooople

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Honey Pot 🍯

I feel the opposite.

Now I have feeds from Malasia to SGerman speaking Swiss, and watched highlights of the Sydney Swans beating the Giants in Australia Rules Football and although I have no personal experience in Malay or Swiss worldviews, and have absolutely no clue on what is happening in the Aussie match, I really enjoyed seeing them as opposed to the procured algorithm commercials that the resto of social media presents today.

Glad you're still with us.