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Joined 1 years ago

Make mine two big round scoops

Income tax for the highest earners in the USA, as an example, used to be 93% tax

You read that correctly and I believe my number is accurate.

Rich assholes bought PR machines to convince the public that system was unfair to them. So they lowered taxes on the rich. However, that lost tax revenue had to be made up some how. So the poorer pay more So the rich can piss on them from on high - err so the rich can trickle down.

Low taxes for the Uber wealthy is a relatively new thing.

Not to veer too far from your original post, but I feel the same way about torture in Disney Pixar movies.

Every single one has a torture scene- torture defined as "I'll hurt you in some way if you don't give me information or do XYZ for me"

Toy story - "where are your rebel friends now?"

Toy story 2 - " you can go to Japan together or in pieces. If he fixed you once he can fix you again , now get in the Box!!!"

Toy story 3 " not the nehru jacket from The Groovy formal collection" (Ken as he is tied up and being tortured by barbie) " where's that manual!?!?"

I could go on forever, pick a kids movie from those publishers, there is a torture scene in it, for some reason.

I think Trends and patterns like what you describe are worth exploring because they give us warped senses of reality. There's a large swath of the population right now that believes torture works to produce good information or cooperative captives, that does not actually match up with reality. Much like what you describe, I imagine there are a lot of unhappy women out there because they watch these Hallmark movies

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Heyyyyy aren't you that cute girl with the new dress?

May I ask what you use a download manager for these days?

I'm an older internet user myself, I remember using idm for my connection dropping on dial up and it being able to resume without issue. Now though it seems I wouldn't need it as I download things without much issue.

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I second this gay!

Oh I know, "every guy thinks about being a girl from time to time right? Who me? I suppose I think about it every day, that's normal for a boy, right? Wait... what do you mean you literally never think of that? come on, you're not joking? Never? Oh... wait... you really don't think 'what would this be like if I were a girl'?"

I was baffled. How could these other boys I knew not think of it that way?

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My understanding is he was asked for them back, repeatedly

Oh there's so many more

They strap Mike Wazowski to the machine and try to suck his face off or the screams out of him so that he tells Randall where the kid is in Monsters Inc

They literally torture a car to death in Cars 2. They want to know where the information is and he reveals that Mater has it. And at the end of the torture session his charred remains can be seen in a reflection.

In Finding Nemo, near the end when they're looking for Marlin again, they come across the two crabs that have seen him leave and the crabs say I'm not going to tell you where he went and there's nothing you could do to make me. Dory then holds him above the water and he starts screaming at the site of the seagulls that are eyeballing him " I'll talk I'll talk!!!"

Its literally every movie, someone gets tortured.

Think about how often you see someone get tortured in everyday life. PRACTICALLY NEVER. In the movies it's like quicksand, it's just one of those things that people seem to run into all the goddamn time for inexplicable reasons.

The problem is, it gives people an excuse to actually torture people. In fact, people are cooperative and offer information when they are cooperated with when they're promised protection, when they're treated with respect, when good things are done for them. When people are tortured they become more oppositional and more uncooperative. So in reality, torture doesn't work at all. People still torture people, because they think it works. It either produces bad information or no information. But they still do it because well they saw it in that movie where it worked, literally every children's movie they've ever seen. They saw in that one.

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It's a German origin baked pancake. The word Deutsch (German for "German") got mispronounced somewhere as "Dutch"

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Omg, I have friends like this who are like "I don't want to make decisions, I just want the algorithm to decide for me"

I look at them like I just bumped into an alien in those moments. Have a brief "Maybe I shouldn't be friends with you" but then reel myself in and think "they can't be serious "

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My first thought "how can right outside his window be a blind spot?" Can't he just look out the window?

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I think Olympics some time

Not to mention archival purposes for games that will be lost to time if not preserved.

They don't follow their own odd rules in the other editorials they wrote.

See: "our" "us" "you" ??? "The point of the video is that if a conservative is nice to you, youโ€™re being groomed. According to Ian and this Xitter user, Nazis will go around social media debating leftists, intentionally hurting our feelings to make us pay attention, and then turning around and being nice to recruit us. Thatโ€™s pretty much the whole point of the video. And I donโ€™t doubt that this happened to that Xitter user. Iโ€™m very willing to believe that there are groups of nazis who prey on people like this."

I'm not trying to bother someone, but they come out the gate very combative assuming everyone is going to intentionally be a bigoted piece of crap.

As far as the article, I don't think I could be with someone who would literally never tell me their legal name.


Transplant tourism in China ๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ณ

There's only one reason to make a device to give people an invisible lobotomy with that contraption. Transplant tourism is a real thing, if you need a kidney, they'll find some poor Chinese citizen who's broken some menial law or just pull some poor Uyghur, labotomize them, poof there's your kidney match in short order.

Here's a video of what these people are doing https://youtu.be/xUiuVjX2ubQ?feature=shared

It changed my life because after seeing this, for all practical purposes, I try my very best to avoid things from China because I don't want one penny of my money going to support this barbaric inhumanity.

If I see "made in China" I will try my best to find an alternative. For example, I returned to razor mice because they were made in China and got one of the same model instead that was made in Taiwan. It was sort of a luck of the draw, I had to buy two of the same model before I got one from the country that I wanted it from and I returned the one that was made in China. It was about an extra hours worth of annoyance, but it's important to me to keep doing things like that, because of this video. Fuck the Chinese Communist Party and their treating other human beings like animals.

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Physical buttons are things I don't have to look at when I'm driving. That's good.

This is what I hate the most about "protect the children" type rhetoric and the hysteria that goes with it.

I didn't have to grow up and be a guy. I just never even knew there was any other option. The only reason I knew trans people even existed at all is because they were the butt of a joke in a movie. Typically the joke = here's a trans person GROSSSSSS EWWWW

Ace ventura as an example. But I had zero positive influences or anyone to talk to about it.

I'm glad I found yall too. I just wish ...no, it just should not have been so hard to find you all.

I have, thanks for the link!

"Stalling on promises" You mean trying to do shit but have Republicans do everything possible to stop the law and if it passes they do everything they can to not comply???

I think THAT is what you mean.

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I don't get comments like this. Ignoring how democrats won the senate and half of the house not to mention the 2020 election for president.

We're on a winning streak and when is that "red wave" coming again? Don't hold your breath. We kicked republican ass in 2018, 2020, and 2022 respectively. Every election Republicans lose more seats since Donald Trump. Joe Biden beat Donald Trump in 2020 and soo now Trump will win because??? ๐Ÿ† here you go, you tried.

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Right? I've been on Firefox since forever because it's a "no bullshit" browser that just does what I need. It's not running like a thousand instances of itself in the background even after I close it the way Chrome does.

That's a burden of proof fallacy. ๐Ÿ˜•

It's no one's job to prove the opposite. The burden is on the initial claim.

It always felt like paying for the internet twice.

Wireless charging has huge downsides. What do you even mean? Slower charging, huge energy waste, heats up like mad

This is right wing nonsense right here ^

What you just said (even if it were true, which I don't actually believe to be the case) what you said is NOT-infringing on anyone's rights.

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This is what propaganda does to s person. U go on forget about the innocent people who were killed needlessly. ONLY imagine how much worse it could be

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I believe it can be quantified in some way. I live in a country that has no problem with solitary confinement of minors at an early age for decades at a time.

I think that's deplorable and monstrous also. But something about government endorsed (don't tell me the CCP doesn't know about it) organ theft where they kill the donor and keep them alive through controlled brain damage so they can harvest more organs from them. Something about that seems worse to me than solitary confinement, enough that I changed my behavior.

Yes keep it in context, but whataboutism isn't an excuse for objectively dehumanizing behavior from anyone.

(Note: I'm aware of companies and name brands that invest in private prisons, I do my best to avoid those brands, really I try to live my life but do what I can within reason)

I'd say the same about being harassed on Linus tech tip posts

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I'm a 90s kid She her I usually play games to get to know people, idk what Linux games are cross platform but I'm sure there's more now w steam deck.

Let me know if you want to connect on steam or discord

Sounds like russia.

Republicans talk a lot of shit. That's all they're good at, however they're good at it. Especially with their followers.

You wouldn't say that if it was you not being represented.

There's sex scenes in the game. I want a character to look like me. It's only controversial to uptight folk.

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Gary shandling https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/watch-judd-apatow-praise-garry-shandlings-mysterious-genius-in-hbo-doc-203113/

The Larry sanders show is amazing ๐Ÿ‘

Fantastic subtle comedy that has an understated nuance. It's a breath of fresh air among jumpscare slapstick humor that seems to Rule the Day today , see https://youtu.be/4AdHpQW-pEs?feature=shared

Whoa. These types scare me

No. You're a propaganda mouth piece now without knowing it.

You don't have another group to compare, you are NOT making a comparison. You are speaking only in hypotheticals, NOT comparison at all.

You are not talking about two groups that died. You are talking about a group that was killed, by the USA. You are talking about ONE group.

You are arguing in bad faith, without knowing it.

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I always said, if you went to the dentist and other people were exhaling near your wide open mouth, you'd insist they mask. This is like that but the germs they are exhaling float in the air.

Ok Vern ๐Ÿ‘

Pissing off your employees = get them to quit on their own so you have no fault so you don't have to pay unemployment

"The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish."

Lemme cut the middle out of that sentence

The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.

Which is exactly what they do, they establish and ordain. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nomination_and_confirmation_to_the_Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States

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