Nobel Rule Prize in Pysics. to – 169 points –

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This is what propaganda does to s person. U go on forget about the innocent people who were killed needlessly. ONLY imagine how much worse it could be

You're arguing in bad faith. My entire argument is about the proportion between the people who did die and the people who could have died, so how can anyone make that argument while forgetting one of the two groups and focusing only on the other? A proportion implies both groups.

No. You're a propaganda mouth piece now without knowing it.

You don't have another group to compare, you are NOT making a comparison. You are speaking only in hypotheticals, NOT comparison at all.

You are not talking about two groups that died. You are talking about a group that was killed, by the USA. You are talking about ONE group.

You are arguing in bad faith, without knowing it.

Sure, buddy. Whatever helps you to sleep at night.

Feeling bad about killing a city full of Japanese innocent people who were about to surrender does.

Enjoy the warm feeling of pride in your country's murder.