2 Post – 126 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If Reddit won, why have Lemmy and Kbin's userbases grown so steeply since June? Why has the quality of Reddit's content plummeted terribly? Why is /r/place just one endless ocean of "fuck spez"?

Reddit only "won" in the same way that Florida "won" against illegal immigrants and is now facing a massive workforce shortage in essential industries.

Reddit may not be dead yet, but it's mortally wounded already. It's bleeding out and will be dead in every way that matters soon.

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Should cars be required by law not to let you drive to drug deals? Should glasses be required by law not to let you read banned books? Should testicles be required by law not to produce government-unsanctioned sperm?

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Well, mental disorders are spectrums. It's not either you're completely sane or you're the mayor of cuckoo town. It goes in shades.

If you identify with five or so items on that list of 21, that's fine. You're still in the "nornal" zone. If you identify with 16, like I do, that's ADHD. And I do have an official diagnosis from an actual psychiatrist, thank you very much.

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If your diet lacks certain vitamins, a vitamin supplement may help. If not, it won't. Excess vitamins are eliminated by a healthy body.

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Lemmy has undercover ads now?

I averted a nuclear holocaust ten minutes ago via the Butterfly Effect. You're welcome.

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I'm not. The Sun isn't real, it's just something The Church made up to control the sheeple.

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This comment reads like a deconstructionist modern art piece.

Good, maybe in two or three more years Windows 11 will be useable. Right on time for Windows 12 to roll out and drag Microsoft users back to the Stone Age again.

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Exactly. But AFAIK every Denuvo game eventually gets cracked, so at least we will have the pirate copies. From a preservation standpoint, a dumped ROM is much better than a physical cartridge anyway, since it's more portable and easier to back up. It's the contents of the cartridge minus the physical limitations.

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What are you talking about? I can still access my files just fine.

Thank the heavens for people who dump ROMs and share them online. Seriously. When people think emulators they think piracy, but it's vital to conservation too.

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The truth is we can't know for sure. There's no way to look into an alternative timeline to see what the Cold War would have been like without nukes as deterrents.

@Zirconium said "probably" and you flat out called it a lie, so you're more wrong than they are.

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I am an intelligent adult, as is demonstrated by my collection of overpriced cartoon dolls.

There are so many games out there and my waitlist has already grown so long that I feel no problem in completely ignoring any game that has Denuvo. Odds are it'd be so long before I got around to it that the hype would be gone anyway.

There's an important difference: those guys are all dead, and so are their victims. Somebody's great great great great grandmother won't retroactively become more abused just because you look at a painting.

It isn't about enjoying art created by someone who did awful things, it's about continuing to reward that someone with fame and fortune and giving them free passes to do more awful things just because they have a talent that you appreciate. It's about valuing aesthetics over morals. By all means, continue to enjoy art made by scumbags. I do. Just don't continue to bankroll their abuse of others after you find out that they're scumbags.

Suing for the right not to be sued. Isn't our society glorious?

It can't be retroactively amended, that's not how contract law works. The GPL isn't something you sign up for and you have to accept updates. It's a model license that people are free to use instead of writing their own. While a lot of people do license their software under "GPL version X or later", that is not mandatory and it would severely hurt GPL adoption if it were made mandatory in a future version.

I commented a lot on tech support subreddits and I don't want to delete my comments because other people searching for the same problem might find the solution there. I think it's more important to help people than to spite Reddit. Why am I wrong?

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Oh, I didn't mean to imply that Lemmy is getting bugger than Reddit. I just wanted to point out that Reddit is bleeding a lot of users. And judging by how Reddit's post quality has dropped, it's bleeding the best ones.

I use Fira Code. It looks great and I really like the programming ligatures.

The claim was that "the bomb probably saved more lives than it killed". Not that it was necessary to make the Japanese surrender. Mutually assured destruction via nuclear warheads is what kept the Cold War cold. Who knows how many people would have died all over the world if the USSR and the USA went into direct armed conflict?

Maybe it'd have been less than the victims of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, though I doubt it. My point is that there's no way of knowing.

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Very neat, thanks for sharing! What do the dotted lines between non-Fediverse protocols and Fediverse platforms represent? Do those platforms use multiple protocols?

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Wouldn't it be possible to create some kind of "post-browser" that takes input from the web browser and displays it after passing it through ad blockers and whatever else?

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The concepts themselves are some 30 years old, but storage capacity and processing speed have only recently reached a point where generative AI outperforms competing solutions.

But regarding the regulation thing, I don't know what was said or proposed, and this is just me playing devil's advocate: but could it be that the CEO simply doesn't agree with the specifics of the proposed regulations while still believing that some other, different kind of regulation should exist?

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Possibly stupid question: if they found out that people were doing illegal stuff on it, doesn't that mean that they were monitoring people's conferences? I thought that the FOSS community was big on privacy.

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¿Por qué no los dos?

Well, there are still villains like Lex Luthor, Kingpin and Amanda Waller to represent the actually evil part of society. They're just a minority because goofy over-the-top villains in silly costumes are more entertaining for the kids.

It might actually preclude some games from even getting a Switch port at all due to performance.

Outdoor advertising still works. TV ads still work. Social media advertising won't collapse. It may become less effective if legislation moves towards greater privacy protection but it'll still be effective.

Poor white people whose peasant ancestors were left jobless and homeless due to being unable to compete with free slave labor should pay reparations to the descendants of the people who were forced to work for free, while the rich descendants of the slave owners who dislodged one group while exploiting the other put their blood money in offshore accounts and laugh as the poor people squabble over crumbs.

I use DuckDuckGo, which technically means I use Bing minus the privacy violations.

Joke's on you, I used math to exponentiate my last 12 cents by hyperbolic paraboloid and now I'm a billionaire.

Steam is riddled with Early Access games that were abandoned before ever reaching a final release. If you reach your financial goals before finishing the game, you'll get a bigger payout by moving on to another project than by keeping your promises. Users are outraged at first, but their memories are short-lived. Lather, rinse, repeat.

There are some notable exceptions, though. Kerbal Space Program comes to mind.

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It's called the Network Effect. Most people, like you, want to be on the platform that everyone else is using. Others want to be on the "best" platform (whatever that means for them) and when they find one they like, they'll start advertising it to others. Eventually, enough people will move to a new platform that it starts making sense for people like you to move there as well.

Remember how everyone used to be on ICQ, then MSN Messenger, etc? It used to happen a lot with messaging and social media platforms until Facebook and Twitter got big enough to start buying and shutting down the competition. It's happening now with people leaving Reddit for Fediverse platforms like Kbin and Lemmy.

There is nothing wrong with waiting for the Network Effect to push you to a new platform, if it ever does. The point of social media is being social - if you're there to interact with friends, you obviously want to be where your friends are.

On the flip side, the same battle is also fought between giant corporations that amass intellectual property and the people who want to actually use that intellectual property instead of letting it sit in some patent troll's hoard until a lawsuit op presents itself. Seeing as there are quite a few reasonably decent open-source LLMs out there like Koala and Alpaca also training on data freely available on the Internet, I'm actually rooting for the AI companies in this case, in the hopes of establishing a disruptive precedent.

I'd share your optimism if Zuck hadn't come out with Threads to the apparently very positive reception it's had. A lot of people who are on Twitter are also on Facebook/Instagram and the ease of extending those accounts to Threads means that most of them, when they get fed up with Musk, will just trade one giant social media corporation for another and nothing will change.

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We know because of our alarm clocks, duh!

Terrorists and authoritarian governments are each others' greatest allies even though both pretend otherwise. Each one uses the other to endear itself to the people and justify atrocities that they would otherwise never get away with, all in the name of protecting you from the other one.

You can always boost a post/comment and see it later on your profile's Boosts section.

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