Relatable to ADHD – 515 points –

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Well, mental disorders are spectrums. It's not either you're completely sane or you're the mayor of cuckoo town. It goes in shades.

If you identify with five or so items on that list of 21, that's fine. You're still in the "nornal" zone. If you identify with 16, like I do, that's ADHD. And I do have an official diagnosis from an actual psychiatrist, thank you very much.

Ah but 15 out of 21 is also normal right?

Like 0-15 normal
16 - 21 ADHD

You don't have a hard Border, it's the job of professionals to say If you are "normal" or have ADHD

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I think Identifying with number 16 would put you in the eating disorders category though.

I'll show myself out now...

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