
1 Post – 161 Comments
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Condensation shouldn't be an issue as long as you're not cooling below the current dew point.

However, after experiencing one of these underfloor cooling systems once, I can say that the biggest issue is that cold air tends to be heavier and thus stay down. So in order to cool the entire room, not just the layer of air right above the floor, you need something to move the air, which is probably why they're providing fans. Either that or you can just lie on the floor all the time...

Floor heating works because warm air rises. I never understood why 'floor' cooling wasn't piped through the ceiling, instead. There are probably some engineering or heat transfer issues there, though.

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I know your comment was light-hearted in nature, but I'd like to point out from the article:

"Investigators say the Rio Preto-Jacunda reserve is >bordered by ranches with a record of environmental crimes, >including repeated encroachments on the reserve.

Razing protected rainforest for pasture is an illegal but >lucrative business in Brazil, the world's top beef exporter.

The crime often hits remote, hard-to-police nature reserves, >overlapping with other organized criminal activities >destroying the Amazon, including illegal logging and gold >mining."

These are people looking to make a buck with a 'fuck you, got mine' attitude. And it's happening all over the world in grey-areas with regards to law enforcement. Burning down stuff is one of the favoured methods, especially if you can bribe officials to say that it was an accident (as does not seem to be the case here, however so props for that for what it's worth).

The article also mentions death threats by the ones doing the arson towards those against their interests. People are the reason we can't have nice things.

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because saying you'd need to build a power plant for every 72 homes would not make the technology very attractive

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While spez is indeed a truly horrible piece of work, we should also keep in mind that he wouldn't be doing this without having some serious backing from shareholders. CEOs are the public figure presented to us for the 2 minutes' hate but let's not forget that these decisions are taken in huge boardrooms. So maybe we should say 'fuck spez et al' instead of just 'fuck spez'.

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sounds like a... water-boarding school.


I had a slight glimmer of hope at the start of covid-19, when people were dazed and confused and isolating and waiting for a vaccine. At the very start, I actually thought humanity is proving we're not that bad.

The rest is history now.

isn't NATO a defensive treaty? which would mean no obligation to participate in actions of aggression?

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Funny, but it used to be customary to tip the executioner so he'd ensure a quick and mostly painless death. No tip meant blunt axe or sword or insufficient drop height leading to death by suffocation instead of neck snapping. Maybe for the electric chair it means a dry sponge? The Green Mile comes to mind.

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Now I just know this article is wrong:

"But explaining things that reside “only in consciousness”—the red of a sunset, say, or the bitter taste of a lemon—has proven far more difficult"

Lemons are sour, damn it, not bitter! Lemons are part of the universe and sour, so any consciousness that perceives them as bitter is not part of the universe. /s

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yes, immurement does seem like adequate punishment for his kind

It's easier to tell people to just use a rubber when on antibiotics rathern than explain to them that it's only for some unpronounceable substances for most of the population and have them memorize a list of substances for which it's safe to go on as usual - azithromycin is safe, amoxicillin is not. They may sound fairly similar to a layman.

It's because some substances (in this case, antibiotics) mess with the units in your body that process them and prepare them for excretion. They may inhibit or induce them, but these units process a whole load of other stuff. Including birth control, which can lead to less activity from the birth control pills because they're inactivated quicker (in case of induction) or the biotransformation to the active form is slower (in case of inhibition, for prodrugs that are inactive as is, but have active metabolites, no idea if this is the case for birth control though).

A similar thing happens with alcohol, for example, which is why you should always be honest with exactly how much alcohol you drink or what other drugs you take when talking to an anaesthesiologist, or any doctor prescribing you any sort of medicine, lest you risk ineffective anaesthesia or treatment (the first one is worse imo).

are you me? I sort of recognise my own patterns in your description.

also wanted to get more info on the topic and looked up wikipedia. the banner made me chuckle.

I feel like I've seen this sequence of events before

especially the looting, that was done for the woman and the children. I bet they'll donate looted items to some charity /s

They might be doing it just for this though. To prevent actual russians that want to surrender doing it, you convince the other party that it's usually a trick, so no more accepting surrenders. Then you go back to your own and tell them 'there, now nobody will believe you. you have to fight for us or die'. between this and the brigades hunting down deserters, it's a really nasty spot to be in for those that don't want to fight. Back to fragging then?

Nonsense, Microsoft will just put lots of PMs and Scrum masters on the task and they'll have a working reactor in 1 year max.

/s, just in case any PMs are reading this and think it's totally reasonable

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Yes, as others have said, it's paracetamol with some other stuff.

Something I've not seen mentioned yet however is to please be mindful that these do contain it and try to not take additional paracetamol (say, in tablet form) without watching your dose. Paracetamol overdose leads to some very nasty effects. Be careful not to exceed the daily dose of paracetamol, as stated in the product insert.

with the risk of feeding the troll, maybe this will sway some fence sitters from adopting this argument

because we allow people to shave (some even do it with straight razors, too - dangerous shite) themselves and others with little to no oversight but we don't let them perform surgery without proper training that takes a decade or so to master. should that make surgery illegal?

also, if you want to talk safety for home implements just look at the number of people that die due to carbon monoxide poisoning (or sometimes explosions) because of improperly set up heating at home. did you know it's illegal to operate on your own gas pipes without proper permits? yup, you need to be qualified for that so you don't rig your house into an IED

or if you want to have some fun, play around with some improperly discharged fridge capacitors, and see what that gets you. yet, you still have a fridge, I'd wager. by your logic, if it's allowed in a home, it's safe, right?

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Shit, man, now I want to see a paper authored by some rando PhD and JizzmasterD

Wouldn't this be more of a double implication though? Without China to manufacture goods, the West is out of goods, but without the West to purchase said goods, China just gets stuck with a huge amount of goods it can only sell at a discount to other nations, thereby reducing their profit margins. Surely if other places were willing to pay just as much as the West for goods, they would be sold there as well, to not have all eggs in the same basket.

Sort of like what I read on a lunch place - "Eat here, or we both starve".

Not trying to start a pro-/anti-anything discussion, genuinely curious about the mechanics at play here, global economics, game theory and all that.

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So the answer is for the ones who make nice things because of a nice system they have to just stop because the other crabs can't get out of the bucket. Maybe their beef should be with their idiot boss, not with the guys who do the work.

Whatever happened to companies learning from other's successes instead of trying to keep others down?

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Thank you. Your service is well appreciated!

It can also lead to priapism if you somehow (through great pain, I'd imagine) manage to retract it and the tight part becomes stuck during an erection. If not treated in time the lack of circulation leads to necrosis.

Genuinely curious why you don't agree with overpopulation as being a problem. Mathematically, more people on the same finite rock means less rock for each individual person. Since resources are tied to amount of rock available, it seems to mathematically check out.

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Not OP, but basically tap water, depending on where it comes from, may have more or less calcium in it. If you're used to drinking high calcium water, you might not be drinking lots of milk or eating much cheese. Shifting to purified water would remove said calcium from the diet and leave you at a slight deficit. Incorporate some other source of minerals into your diet.

Same goes for other things you would get from water like sodium (though not a concern if your diet is high enough in sodium), magnesium even if you are blessed with a source of mineral water.

The human body uses these ions in way more ways than just say... calcium for bones. Calcium is important for example for proper muscle function (including the heart muscle), as are magnesium, sodium and potassium - that's why you feel like crap when hungover - drinking too much caused you to eliminate too much water. And the kidneys cannot eliminate just pure water, they do so by using some of the aforementioned ions, and since alcohol forces elimination of water from the body, the kidneys start throwing out whatever they can to get the water out too, starting with sodium and potassium. That's why salty snacks taste so good with alcohol and bananas are recommended for hangovers.

But I digress.

TL;DR - Keep your ions in balance, folks - RO or distilled water no longer contain sodium, calcium, potassium and other such goodies. Get them somewhere else.

yup, getting some real "have you tried not being sick?'' energy there. people assume just because they can do something and it's logical for them, it works the same way for everyone,

well except for the 'lazy' part, that doesn't work the same way (according to them)

shit, even trying to explain it doesn't make sense

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Nah. I'm sure they'll go straight for the 8-day work week. Gotta think outside the box here taps head


Never thought the telescreens would be in our pockets though -_-

If it gets too hot, they'll just buy a bigger AC unit. Then a bigger one. Then they'll move underground. Until that gets too hot as well.

There was a meme floating around a while back with a quote from some native american fellow saying something along the lines of 'only when the last bison has been killed,[...] the last tree has been felled, will they realized they can't eat money'.

Their power of the rich only exists as long as the rest of the people are giving it to them. We as a collective are not able to break away though. At the end of it all apathy goes both ways. They are apathetic to human life, the rest of humanity is apathetic to human life. It's a self perpetuating system. The 'fuck you, got mine' mentality is the one to blame here and perhaps it's one of the traits that brought us so far.

And, for all the good and bad it's brought us, we conquered the planet (grey connotation intended there) because it was 'never enough'. For instance, some creatures could fly. We couldn't. So we fixed that by keeping birds in cages as pets and by inventing powered flight.

Undeniably, we've gotten ourselves in quite a pickle with this mentality, but I propose here that they are the inevitable result of humanity. Hoarders have been around since humanity started killing each other for resources (see monarchies as an example). They are probably not fecking off too soon. And I don't believe eat the rich is a solution because people will just eat the closest rich person and change the definition of rich to 'has a bit more than me' to justify it.

I'd say all these articles about social media saying it's broken are just about maintaining the illusion of something better. As long as they can keep it up, people are going to think "it's bad but it shouldn't be!" and just keep coming back hoping it improves. And that can keep social media alive with everything it can do for everybody using it as an income stream.

It has never informed users and a pet peeve of mine is governments using fucking twitter to communicate. And businesses too lazy to create their own webpages (or pay somebody to do it for them) and pay for some hosting (deductible as a business expense, by the way) so they use fecebook instead.

Also, as somebody mentioned in a different comment, it is actually the town square, as it always was (I believe their comment evoked witch trials as an example).

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My phone has IP68 with an usb-c and headphone jack, and the SIM/SD tray. Not a rugged phone though.

Correctly pronouncing a language to the level that it's indistinguishable from a native is one of the biggest (if not the biggest) hurdles to learning a new language. It seems easy but I would wager that exclusively germanic-language speaking people are not able to properly pronounce, say, Chernobyl. (If you watched Brooklyn 99, their running joke with Nikolaj is very accurate)

To one's own ear, filtered through their own perception of the sounds they know and put together to speak the words, it sounds OK. But do try to learn to order a coffee in the local language when you go somewhere and see if they respond in English or not. This may vary between people and their background - say a Swede might pull it off in Norway. But send the Swede to Slovakia and it might be a bit more difficult. Look up the pronounciation for Gulden Draak (spelling?) if you're not Dutch and have some fun with that.

Edit: this is also why shibboleths are a thing

Freeze-drying, it's a d(r)ying art.

I agree. Upvoted because beans but had not much to add to the conversation.

I had a small 160L tank, cost about 1000 dollars. Kept spending money buying more zoas and palys before I realized the filefish was eating them - he never did it while I was watching and started about 3 months after having him. Cute little gobshite though. Isolated him in a temporary tank, but then aiptasia started growing. Filefish back, zoas got munched. Left the hobby now but I fear I might do it all again.

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Yup, sounds pretty much in character.

:::spoiler Spoiler

I mean she literally has you fight her as a romantic encounter, initiative roll and all. :::

I can get behind this flavour of evil. Keep doing satan's work, lad!

I'll be honest with ya, existential dread was not on the list of things I was expecting while browsing lemmy today.

Genuinely curious how you would describe humans remembering stuff, because if I remember correctly my biology classes, it's about reinforced neural pathways that become more likely to be taken by an electrical impulse than those that are less 'travelled'. The whole notion of neural networks is right there in the name, based on how neurons work.

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