MTG shows Hunter Biden revenge porn for congress. to politics – 445 points –
Marjorie Taylor Greene Inflicts Hunter Biden Nudes on Congress

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I will never understand how people don't realize that Hunter Biden is irrelevant. He's not a politician.

Well, Ivanka and Jared collected paychecks and used government positions to benefit themselves, so Hunter MUST be doing corrupt stuff.

It's because conservatives have zero imagination. All they do is project their own crimes into their opponents assuming everyone is as evil and guilty as they are.

"Hunter Crime Family" is laughable when we have a literal ex president crime family. Accusations Hunter took foreign bribes is pathetic when it's almost certain the entire trump family is in Putin's pocket.

All they do is project their own crimes into their opponents assuming everyone is as evil and guilty as they are.

I don't know if your theory holds up..

I don't think MTG has Jewish space lasers...

Same people who lose their mind over hunter ignore jared and Ivanka actually being hired into the white house, a crime, not filling out their sf86, a crime, and profiting off of what they knew from being in the white house.

Look we don't have all day to list off every last single crime that family has committed, in the white house alone.

Yeah, you kind of have to limit yourself to crimes committed on a particular day to keep it down to a manageable number.

Most people attacking hunter know he's irrelevant. The right loves staking an absurd position or threatening massive harm to extract concessions without giving up anything important.

I also suspect that some of this is to poison the well so it's harder for democrats to prosecute trumps kids for all their crimes.

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