6 Post – 391 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Biden could probably win by promising to resign after Inauguration Day. I think the devils we know are making the devil we don't know look attractive.

You're just not killing enough people. At some point the heirs decide to give it all away.

I'm not Catholic, but can't you just make regular jello, and then have the priest bless it?

Or it shouldn't be a fine, but criminal prosecution for the executives responsible.

You're also assuming she gets 8 hours of work a day at her normal rate. It's not like she's salaried.

The only worse choice for CEO is Chambers. She had a valid reason to just fire his ass. If he's not willing to do what he's told to do, then he's not willing to do his job. It looks to me like the board wanted to get rid of him for reasons that had nothing to do with cancer. Why reference the cancer at all?

I have the feeling the only reason they didn't just get rid of him was because of the cancer diagnosis. Trying to be "nice". But even if the cancer was the reason for not just cutting him loose, there's no reason to bring it up.

How does the CEO not know referencing the cancer would expose them to liability? Did they not sit down with their lawyers before sitting down with him?

Now they're probably going to lose in court and be forced to pay him off.

They should fire Chambers.

It's worse than that. Conservatives want everything to change. Back to the early 1800's.

Despite a long track record of anti-LGBTQ+ comments and advocacy, he has insisted he can’t be a hateful person because he’s a Christian.

I think he's got it backwards. He can't be a Christian because he's a hateful person.

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Fuck, that's so low.

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If they're trying to do it in the Google Play Store, it isn't working. I've never seen so many detailed, comprehensive 1 & 2 star reviews for any app. You just scroll and scroll and it's nothing but people describing in great detail what a turd the app is.

Seems to be all from people who decided to try the official app when spez pulled this crap and discovered that there was a reason no one used it.

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I'm just a dickhead on the Internet, but what you're describing doesn't sound normal or healthy to me. Have you tried therapy?

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It depends on how hard you push the envelope. The closer you get to doing something no one has ever done before, the more likely you are to be in your own.

Of course, any time you're doing something no one has ever done before, it's prudent to consider whether you should.

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I've often thought that this is a perfect situation in which to invoke Eminent Domain.

If the government can decide what my home is worth, and force me to sell it at that price so that they can sell it to a developer to tear down and build something else to sell to someone else, then why can't they decide what a patent is worth and force the patent holder to sell it at that price.

The patent holder should be compensated for whatever they paid to develop the technology. Obviously, if the patent is based on government funded research, then whatever the government already paid would be deducted from the value of the patent.

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Israel has decided to implement a "final solution" to the "Palestinian question".

That's the look you get on your face when you're standing at the podium and look out to see a skeleton wearing a robe and holding a scythe pointing at you from the back row.

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I think the shows with long term success either have multiple independent or semi-independent story arcs or they have a well defined story arc that lasts for the entire run of the show. The characters grow and change as the show progresses which keeps the audience interested.

Where they run into trouble is when the constraints built into the structure of the show limit the number of possible stories, but success leads to them trying to keep the show running after all possibilities have been used. At that point, the show becomes repetitive and boring.

Writing this, I'm reminded of the show, Scrubs.

Scrubs was an excellent show for the entirety of it's 8 season run. The concept allowed for a story arc that lasted the whole run, specifically the story of JD and his friends learning and developing as doctors from first year residents to attendings. There is a natural progression during that process that allows for individual growth of the characters and accommodates natural shifts in storylines to allow for new topics for episodes. In addition there are countless opportunities for different individual smaller story arcs to make each episode able to stand alone as it's own tale.

Because there was a built-in plan creating a structure for the life of the show, they were able to maintain quality and audience interest for all 8 seasons.

If the producers had foolishly tried to squeeze more seasons out of the show after they had exhausted the original concept, they would have inevitably failed. The result would have been a weak and pathetic shadow of the previous seasons and would have rapidly lost the patience of the audience.

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If you want to know when I learned Reddit chat existed...I just did when I read this post.

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He picked the pretty lawyer from the increasingly tiny pool of incompetent lawyers who are still willing to risk whatever career they ever hoped to have in exchange for being hung out to dry and screwed out of any money they expected to receive.

So, of course, the only way that could be constitutional is if they banned absolutely all celebrations.

Sounds like a fun place.

I recently had a meeting with my supervisor, and he was complaining about how a previous meeting ran over time and repeatedly complaining about how some former team members who moved to a different team caused the meeting to run over time because they wouldn't just agree to do what he asked, but kept arguing with him about why it isn't a good idea.

I had to interrupt him to point out that the meeting we were in, in which he was complaining about the previous meeting running over time because of the previous team members, had just run over time, and they weren't in the meeting this time.

I don't think he liked what I said, but he ended the meeting, and that's what I wanted to happen.

He did my annual review three days later and complained that I don't work well with others, and specifically indicated that I don't work well with him.

He's the only supervisor who has ever complained about me in the 36 years I've been working.

We've had two people retire last year directly because of him. There is another person who refuses to have a meeting with him unless it is recorded.

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After years of my family saying I'm too difficult to buy gifts for, and me saying, "What the hell are you talking about? Just get me LEGO!", one of my kids got the message and has been getting me LEGO sets for Christmas every year.

It might have started when I bought myself the Cinderella Castle set.

The only problem I have is I'm 53, not 13. Sitting hunched over a pile of LEGO bricks for hours leaves me in pain. I need to come up with a space where I can play without injuring myself.

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Also bleach and ammonia.

Basically, don't mix cleaning chemicals.

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... state judges won't finalize divorces during a pregnancy. Established in the 1970s, the rule was intended to make sure men were financially accountable for the children they fathered.

So, I'm assuming if you knock someone up in Missouri without being married, you don't have to pay child support?

Are judges in Missouri just too damn stupid to include conceived but as yet unborn children in any child support requirements?

Or perhaps, it's just about making sure men can continue to abuse their own "property"?

Fucking racists think if you're anti-racist, you're anti-white.

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No no, you're wrong. The problem is taxes are too high and the people on the absolute top don't get enough money. If we just make them a bit richer, the wealth will finally start trickling down on us.

Wait! I think I feel it trickling down right now!

Nope. Just piss. Again.

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How about not electing people who would even entertain such an idea in the first place?

The people who vote for Trump vote for him because he would entertain such an idea &/or they are deluded enough to think they're not on his list.

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That was the salary back when he was complaining which it appears would have been sometime in or around 2000.

It's $253,361 now.

As the excerpt from the article states, the 173,600 would be over $300,000 today. So, you should really feel bad for the Supreme Court justices. Their salary raises haven't kept up with inflation.

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When we painted our house. We got estimates from a dozen different companies. I asked them all what kind of guarantee they offered. All but one responded with, "there's no way to guarantee paint"

The most expensive guy said the paint came with a 10 year guarantee and he'd guarantee the workmanship for 8 years.

He explained that he used a probe to test the moisture content of the wood, and wouldn't paint it unless it was dry enough for the paint to adhere properly.

While he was painting the house, he came to me to explain that he was having trouble with the front porch. The roof was leaking and he was concerned it would never dry out enough. He said he'd do his best, but he was sure it wouldn't work

With the exception of the porch, we got a good, solid 15 years out of that paint job.

Of course, we've needed to repaint for 10 years, but we can't afford him anymore :-(

Edit: it cost about $17,000 in 1998.

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He's sentenced for wire fraud, money laundering and making false statements. The article didn't say anything about the insurrection.

Me and the wife will probably see if there's something on TV.

I think the article makes it seem different than it is.

He was going to get a lighter sentence because he was showing remorse by playing guilty. Then his behavior between the plea and the sentencing showed that he wasn't actually remorseful, so they go back to what they would have sentenced him.

It's like if you get offered a discount on a bill if you pay early, then you pay late instead and have to pay the full amount. They aren't charging you more, they're just not offering the early discount because you didn't hold your end of the bargain up.

So, he's getting the sentence he deserved without credit for showing that he knows what he did was wrong.

Lesson for other defendants: the time to return to being an asshole is after everything has been settled.

I don't know. I've always thought of him as number 2.

Tell me you just read the Republican Party Platform without saying you just read the Republican Party Platform.

Well, if the fake cigarettes aren't going to give you cancer, the website needs to pick up the slack!

Fascism is always a right-wing reactionary movement against leftists.

Except, in the U.S. our fascists don't have any real Bolsheviks to stop, so they have to pretend that the center-right conservatives are actually Bolsheviks.

Keep in mind not every lost pregnancy is a choice. They are also trying to jail some of them for a personal tragedy they experienced. You have a spontaneous miscarriage and the doctor prescribes misoprostol to help with the process, then some asshat tries to throw you in jail because Jebus told him to.

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I just listened to the This American Life podcast episode about this.

I enjoyed the schadenfreude, particularly listening to different people talk about how the new leader must be a deep-state plant put in place by the Democrats to destroy the GOP in Michigan. No, you dipshits, you voted for her to be your leader. You wanted someone who fully bought into Trump's lies about the last election, and (big shock) the person you chose is a complete moron.

There were also two Muslim dudes complaining that despite being elected to leadership positions in the Michigan GOP (they ran unopposed), they were cut out of involvement and planning. They claim it is because they are Muslim. The leader says it's not true, but they have screenshots of communications with her that back up their story. Got real "sheep desperately trying to support the wolf party" vibes from them.

We need more GOP organizations like this. Once the GOP has completely self-destructed, we can go to work on the Democrats, and maybe end up with a government that actually cares about people instead of billionaires.

I don't think it will ever happen, but it's still nice to see the GOP unwittingly destroying themselves.

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Thankfully he recovered, that was 20 years ago, he's fine.

Or that's just what it wants you to think.

Stating the truth that anyone with a brain in their head already knows.