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uBO team (2 people) should not be responding to questions on reddit or elsewhere. They should just update the filters and post a "extension updated, should work again now".

In the end, Youtube will win if they want to win. Google can throw unconscionable amounts of money at their techs to fight the adblockers while the volunteers spend their attention and patience.

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You can not have sex with your employee or employer. The power dynamic ensures it can never be totally equal and there will always be some duress. If someone holds the power over your finances including your health insurance, saying No is never that simple.

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Well, femboys are men who dress feminine. Does that mean you're attracted to them being feminine? Or are you attracted because they're men? Because you can certainly be attracted to women with penises (trans women) and be straight and be attracted to feminine-presenting men and be gay.

Personally I think you should just embrace whatever you find attractive and not worry about the sexuality labels. But I know not every society allows just permissive views.

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They only did it after all the nazis fled to their own site. Reddit changed the algorithm so their blatant rule breaking with stickies would stop flooding /r/all. Back at the peak I checked and it was 75% of the top few pages of all was just t_d. They changed how reddit worked instead of dealing with the rule breakers because they supported the nazis.

Leading financial figures on Wall Street made a show of saying they would not employ Harvard students who signed the statement blaming Israel for the Hamas attack. A billboard truck drove around Harvard campus displaying the pictures and names of the students, and their addresses and other details were published on websites.

That's some intense and coordinated propaganda.

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What the fuck? First they call out Empress for actually being a man from Bulgaria. Then they drop a transphobic slur. Then they defend DRM and publishers.
I can understand supporting the developers and promoting buying software you enjoy when you can. But one of the big motivations for cracking software is software preservation and removing DRM that harms legit user experiences. So I say again, wtf?

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Brooklyn High School coach Tim McFarland and his players repeatedly used the word “Nazi” as a playcall in a game against Beachwood High School. Beachwood, a Cleveland suburb, is roughly 90% Jewish, according to the latest survey, published in 2011, by the Jewish Federation of Cleveland.

However, several Brooklyn players continued to direct racial slurs at Beachwood players during the game, the statement read.

The statements did not mention disciplinary action toward the players involved.

Suspension and removal from football team for those players and have the team take a loss any time this happens. Seems like a basic response for hate speech, harassment, racism and bullying.

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Nah. It's supposed to make all LGBTQ+ kids feel like they are alone and that something is wrong with them so they hide who they are and are easier for others to manipulate.

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Especially with how iffy planes leaving Russia have been lately...

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Israel the nation, government and military is an apartheid state currently committing genocide. This statement passes no judgement on the vast majority of the Israeli people and especially no judgement on Judaism and Jewish people as a whole.

Anyone trying to conflate the two are just trying to apologize for genocide.

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Wearing heals ain't easy. He should just embrace it and get some 6" platform kinky boots.

And it still gave me 800Mbps consistently right at launch time. Good servers.

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Your company is abusing it's employees. Imagine if it was something other than exercise how abusive it would be.

With how a lot of jobs have a lot of their pay based on nearly mandatory bonuses, this is basing pay on controlling you outside of work.

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And then she gets a child credit in her taxes.

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We watched Trump go on national TV before the election and asked Russia to help him win the election. A foreign hostile country was invited to interfere with our democracy.

And Russia complied. That day.. How anyone thinks Trump and his supporters aren't traitors is mine boggling.

And then a number is Republicans went to Moscow on the 4th of July a few years later. I've never seen such an obvious case of someone's handler making a statement.

US prisons are torture and slave facilities. There's no effort, even ostensibly, at rehabilitation. Just the opposite: they want inmates to be reoffenders. This benefits private prisons and benefits "tough on crime" politicians, DAs and cops to prove their existence. The cruelty is the point.

Unfortunately the pro Trump propaganda is strong. If the opposition isn't reminding people how horrible he is he'll get free advertising again and win.

If you don't want to see it either block all political communities or get off social media.

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This isn't even the part that's supposed to make them money. This is investor bait. They announce this and idiot investors who have no idea how this will damage Unity's userbase jump on their stocks thinking it's about to earn a lot more money. The CEO of Unity just sold 2,000 shares. He fucked both his company, the industry and his investors for a quick buck.

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But you still must vote for the one likely to do you the least harm if you don't want to get fucked. White Biden sucks he's objectively better than Trump for Muslim Americans. Trump was talking about deporting and blocking them from entering.

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Chemirmir’s death comes about two weeks after Texas’ 100 prisons were placed on a rare statewide lockdown because of a rise in the number of killings inside the facilities, which prisons officials have said were related to drugs.

So prisons can't maintain the one thing they are there for: security. The prisons or the government funding them are allowing this to happen. They are complicit in homicide. Society judged this man and sentenced him to life, not to execution. Being lax in duty resulting is death is negligent homicide.

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Probably. But for every Trump fascist getting arrested or making a video "patrolling" a ballot box drop-off, for every fascist getting killed, those are huge news stories that will make voters reconsider if it's even safe to vote. It'll have a massive chilling effect on voters who aren't obvious Trump supporters. Which is the point: fear.

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Wait, the feds can DO that?! This whole time this was a possibility? I don't see allegations of cross-state crimes there, just hate speech and hate crimes. So y'know, average copping. And this is the first time I've heard about the FBI actually holding state cops to account? wtf...

Indecent Exposure charges when?

What I don't get about this is how can Unity change their contract without renegotiating? Do developers and publishers publishing Unity games renegotiate released game contracts annually?

I would never sign a contract that allowed one part to unilaterally change the agreement so they could impose more fees without having to come to an agreement. And if you DID sign a yearly contract to continue publishing a game, that sounds like a recipe for Unity to hold a popular game hostage for renegotiation.

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This sucks. I love jocat and all his videos. This is the second creator sheet Lindsey that had quit due to harassment of shit stains. I'm fucking tired if this being the Internet and I don't even have to deal with death threats to my family like they do.

Even just intimidating jurors is bad enough. Juries are the only thing keeping the courts from running roughshod through democracy is they chose to.

She's a huge bigot. Was on reddit as well to the point she got banned. Which is saying something.

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Yeah. This isn't taking jobs. This is Gizmodo deciding they no longer want a Spanish speaking audience.

Creation Engine 2.0.

AKA Creation Engine 1.0 with more patches than a 1sqmi quilt.

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People aren't going to do that. They'll switch to Apple. Linux doesn't have the presence in public consciousness nor does it have the benefits for average users to matter to them. Tech users don't need to be converted, they already know.

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This was just more MS propaganda so they could buy Activision and consolidate. Further harming gaming competition. It shouldn't be taken as anything but twisted truth for a profit.

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Expect corporations to be lazy. Just look at how every website handles cookies now. They could do it smartly, limit their cookie exposure, or only send the messages to IPs in the EU. But they just put an "accept all cookies or get out" OK box on your screen. And that's what they're going to do once attestation gets popular.

Sites will just require an attestation token and likely only accept ones from Safari and Chromium browsers since those are the ones pushing it. That will effectively make Firefox, Opera and other browsers incompatible with those websites. And once it catches on or becomes law somewhere, it'll be the entire internet. It's an extremely anticompetitive measure and it's internet-wide DRM. Fuck. that.

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I don't think that was a lawful order, anyways. And police have absolutely no authority to command citizens for anything but lawful orders.

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Holy shit. My car doing that once and I'd be a nervous wreck just thinking about using it again.

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Fathers are invested in their children, their partner, their society. Just like everyone else is.

Fight Club is about toxic masculinity. Which hasn't always existed.

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Tankies are Red Fascists. They're essentially communism-flavored authoritarians. I would contend they do not qualify as "left", "leftists", etc but far-right. They support and defend Soviet Russia and the CCP, specifically defending their atrocities and oppression.

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Being anti Zionist isn't antisemitic.

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Isn't this insider trading? If I owned a company and sold all my stock and then tanked my company with stupid news, that'd be illegal.

Though I'm surprised they sold it before the news. This kind of fund-raising tactics piss off customers but investors usually love it, the short-sighted creatures they are.

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It's 5 associates of arts degrees from a cc. Likely most requirements overlapped. I have 2 engineering degrees because the second only took 6 more credits to obtain.

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I'm sure the Fall Guys owner who sold it is happy. Made bank and all it cost them was the livelihoods of all the people who made the game.