Company tells employees to run miles each month if they want their bonuses

Lee to World – 389 points –
Company tells employees to run miles each month if they want their bonuses

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Your company is abusing it's employees. Imagine if it was something other than exercise how abusive it would be.

With how a lot of jobs have a lot of their pay based on nearly mandatory bonuses, this is basing pay on controlling you outside of work.

Your company is abusing it’s employees. Imagine if it was something other than exercise how abusive it would be.

Except it's not, because it's exclusively about health. It's a discount health insurance companies offer to companies, and the company uses that money to encourage employees to be healthier.

Your insurance benefit offered after health milestones isn't 30-130% of your salary though

Running 30km (18.6 miles) in a month earns a bonus equivalent to 30% of their monthly salary. Moving up to 40km (24.8 miles) pushes that to 40%. Hitting 50km (31 miles) earns 100%, and the top tier of 100km (62 miles) is 130%

100km for 130%, when 50km will already get you 100%? Not worth it in the least.

Depending on how they track it, exploiting that shouldn't be too hard.

I didnt see what was the appeal for companies until I realized they were US based companies and had to provide health insurance for their employees

Next up they will be forcing you to a plant based diet or maybe straight to veganism. Slippery slope towards forced sterilization or some other Radical procedure that saves them money but is not necessary.