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Joined 12 months ago

I'm nearly at 7 with my employer and I've found the situation to be quite good and I see no sign yet to jump ship. There's still good gigs out there.

I'm sure the person you are responding to had good reason to stick around 20 years. It's possible only recently did the math not work out for them.

People in the real world like to rub their parts together and don't concern themselves with these labels.

Yes these labels are meaningful and can help you define who you are and what you want but don't let them get in the way of finding someone who wants to consensually rub parts. It's really just an Internet thing and niche sex culture.

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Why are you acting like these people here replying are your direct abusers? We don't even know you and you are accusing us of trying to murder you.

Do you not see how insane these words you are saying are?

I'm sorry your life has been hard and seemingly full of abuse, but we are not those abusers.

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This will just push websites to change the orders and names of their query params (maybe regularly).

I don't think one can safely omit all query params from all sites and expect a decent experience across all websites.

You are fighting a good fight, I salute you, but query params (the part of the url where the identifiers are included) are a valid and core part of Internet addresses. Trying to strip them away universally will only work for so long.

I think that's why you haven't found a tool that meets all your needs yet, because many sites have legitimate uses for those params that don't include tracking. You'll probably need tools designed specifically for Amazon and other specific websites/services.

Your insurance benefit offered after health milestones isn't 30-130% of your salary though

Running 30km (18.6 miles) in a month earns a bonus equivalent to 30% of their monthly salary. Moving up to 40km (24.8 miles) pushes that to 40%. Hitting 50km (31 miles) earns 100%, and the top tier of 100km (62 miles) is 130%

I'm just going to block you. That way we can both live in peace. Have a nice life

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Could you pull the ladder up behind you any harder?

Use it daily and don't have any ads. Idk what is different with my setup

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Stop reading the news and spend some time in your local community. It's the best way I've found to shake that feeling of dread and exhaustion

Get some more iron in your diet. If you feel compelled to chew ice, you may have anemia

Not so sure that the bankrupted blockbuster is a great example of how a business should be run.

Blockbuster failed for a few reasons chiefly that they didn't adapt to the internet fast enough. However their rental model did not bring in the revenues.

Whereas the competition, Netflix, did offer similar services (rented movies) for a flat subscription. Yes, Netflix also offered it via mail, however the Netflix model has (nearly) always been a flat subscription for its movies.

Arguably, using evidence we've seen in real life, the subscription model is preferred by consumers and businesses alike. (Note: I don't like them and have strived to cancel most of the subscriptions services I use)

How could you keep data use below 1 MiB? That's a significantly small amount of data in the modern era of anything Internet connected.

Were you mostly on wifi? You said you used your mobile primarily for entertainment, that usually takes data.

I believe you I'm just drawing a blank at how you were using your phone and its data plan!

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Classic example of experience bias. "Well in my experience this is how the world works"

Sorry to hear that. I hope you get to sleep next to your wife and dogs soon.

Yeah, I'm with you. The entitlement around media (games movies TV) is insane to me.

Surprised you don't take this sort of detail up to your skip level. Corporations are not entirely blind to issues in all cases. Actually, I bet you have raised these concerns. For all the folks nodding along, talk to your boss' boss!! You owe it to yourself to try

They tried to stand impartial (my most generous interpretation of reddits in-action towards the donald) and it really fucked them.

It's so weird how many platforms cater to harmful rhetoric in an effort to stay neutral only for them to later ban the community after the damage has been done.

If I were more conspiratorial I'd suggest the Donald survived for as long as it did on purpose and with the explicit support of the reddit admins/execs..

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So you are suggesting that a student looking up information on Wikipedia is the same level of academic dishonesty as someone turning in a paper written by chatgpt?

What the fuck?

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I expect "ads" for new music on the music listening and discovery platform.

Y'all are making it seem like these are nordvpn ads on your homepage. Fuck off with this disingenuous comparison

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They work in my town just outside a large metro area in the US.

That said, no one seems to actually use them here and are always crossing traffic at the worst times.

It's really frustrating to watch people of every age playing chicken with cars daily.

For me it was when his videos turned into advertisements blatant for paying the bills. He moved to CA, lost the passion for yt (which I don't blame him, life happens) but then the videos he would make were soulless adverts in his vlog style.

He seems to be "back" now doing videos with passion and vigor. I hope he's having fun again

Uhh it's not like the UK is actually any better in this situation if it's true that they are sending random migrants to Rwanda

Thanks! I wish I had this info for an old build.

Sidebar: Kind of silly how you and others are tripping over yourselves to include something against win11 while providing tech support. As if you'd be a pariah if you didn't include some disdain.

"Here's some win11 troubleshooting advice, not that I'd ever be caught using it! ;)"

Uhh what? There's no American tax website to login into to "verify" things were handled right. One still has to do a decent amount of work copying data into third party for-profit company web forms.

While it's easy for some to manage, it's by no means a simple process compared to what some other countries offer

Rae Drummond has a reported net worth of approx $65m as of last year.

The top 1% of United States net worth starts at $12m. She is just inside the top 0.1% of us net worth which starts at $62m.

I mean the game came out in 2012. It's not really that absurd to base ones licensing contracts for 14 years when the medium (games) generate the vast majority of their revenue in the first months.

Most digital products have an end of life. I agree that the whole digital ownership part isn't fair, but I don't think a 14 year selling window due to licensing is the part to be mad at.

Could you elaborate on which? I've seen a lot of sketchy reviews recently

Easy to find in the code, they hard coded it and referenced this site;

objectively be more secure in terms of data privacy

Please elaborate how email would be objectively more secure if you could block Gmail.

You can already block Gmail today from any other provider by putting a filter on incoming @gmail addresses. How does that make email more secure?

I don't believe the world is as zero sum as you are postulating. I truly don't believe if ai were to be objectively better at creative pursuits that humans wouldn't do them.

I think you are removing the agency that people have because you are associating it to economic output. I disagree with that premise and I don't think that it's rational to suggest that humans only pursue things because it produces value.

Or frankly any online game, live service or not.

This model is not new or unusual and these prices aren't out of line with industry comps.

I don't really like it, but it's barely news that game companies continue to adopt this monetization strategy.

Fortifying foods is very important in Africa and lots of ongoing research and rollouts are happening there. Neat to see China doing it as well successfully, but they are not the only nation trying to solve nutrition and hunger

Agreed about corn fortification coming from China specifically being interesting.

Hey OP, check out this defcon talk. I think it's relevant to your question

only see them half the year is a normal reaction

Being pedantic here, but most custody arrangements are like this anyway.

Obviously, half the parents being overseas makes that significantly harder and probably untenable for most.

As someone who leans agnostic, I would say this is a strawman argument. Unicorns and religions/gods are not related.

Awesome, thanks for the details. Bummer that your plan changed you really had it worked out :(

I'm glad running has worked for you, but the perspective that depression is a caused by a lack of movement seems dangerous. It implies fit and active people can't be depressed because they are active. That's just not true.

Activity can help lift someone out of depression, but it's not a cure all barrier between you and the world of mental health.

Disagree! Sleeping with the windows cracked open in the winter is amazing.

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A solid amount of new memes I see are from Tumblr posts. A lot of people went back prior to Twitter changing ownership, and then many more after that too.

Haha, I sleep in a hoodie and my wife is baffled by it, she's a furnace and couldn't possibly.

I really enjoy having that hood, feels like I'm strapping into sleep time.