I Cast Fist

@I Cast Fist@programming.dev
55 Post – 1493 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just your typical internet guy with questionable humor

If there's one thing the Lockpicking Lawyer taught me, is that the vast majority of locks only work because almost nobody bothers to learn lockpicking. Some "extra safe" locks being defeated by a fucking magnet of all things always amuse me

Good for you. My sausage fingers mean I have to use swipe motions more often than not, and often the word will be wrong, then I have to backspace and type it letter by letter, sometimes getting it right, often getting some letters wrong.

Autocorrect means trying anything akin to programming, or typing commands in a terminal emulator is an exercise in patience. "Just turn it off" - see sausage fingers problem

I'll be here to read those numbers

There was the Virtual Boy and some other things before 2001 (21st century) rolled around. The tech wasn't good/miniaturized enough back then


Road Redemption was a Road Rash-esque attempt some years ago. I remember the performance was kinda shitty, but the game was mostly fine.

Oh, that game looks amazing to play PvP. You can get it for free on the microsoft store, too.

Descent did get 2 sequels and also a spinoff, Descent: Freespace and later Freespace 2. F2 has seen a HUGE amount of mods, partly due to the engine going open source back in 2002

Freespace 3 could be awesome, what with Elite seeing a rebirth.

Not to mention the shit that's completely fucking useless, like Juicero - a "juice squeezing machine" that only works with plastic bags you get from their subscription service.

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And here I was thinking the NG UP! was yet another rick roll

Or just buy a glass or box of juice, which is also cheaper than their proprietary bags

Node Package Manager


Smartphones without keyboards


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Those are very old. I'd wager that the first monarchs and despots wouldn't be too different from such celebrities

VR is late 20th century

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Back in the day, they were just people of varying fame, whether warranted or not.

Ooooh, like that video where every piece fits in the square hole!

And survived several assassinations attempts by the CIA

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Multi-million by eliminating to the bathroom

It'll fill you with gases

The current kids using LLMs for questions are probably going to be quite a bit smarter than us

Eh, I have serious reservations about this. Not everyone using them will double check stuff that doesn't sound quite right, and LLMs may often say shit that's very wrong, but doesn't look wrong, especially to someone who doesn't know a thing about the topic.

My bet is most will go either with bluesky or threads, because "everyone is (moving) there"

So, is a martini with the olive on top, a preparation rebel/igredient neutral or ingredient purist?

What really breaks the suspension of disbelief in this reality of ours is that fucking advertising is the most privacy invasive activity in the world. Seriously, even George Orwell would call bullshit on that.

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I guess human life in India is cheaper than the equipment to safely deal with electricity

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I do remember seeing one of their terms saying something along the lines of "similar games will count as one" for the purposes of installs+revenue, that or someone mentioning it. Can't seem to find it anymore, maybe they removed it? EDIT - Found one mention of it, "Games or apps with substantially similar content may be counted as one project", Unity probably went back on this one, as it's not listed on the FAQ right now

Though considering Pokemon Shining Pearl/Brilliant Diamond runs on Unity, I doubt they'd want to let such a high selling game go untaxed.

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Offering a specific version of the product for reviewers to write about that buying customers won't get? fry-im-shocked.gif

Win11 exclusive? Welp, guess I'll never use it, then.

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Gotta love how Google has spent the last, what, 10 years?, fighting iMessage and losing due to their own short-sightedness/lack of focus and incompetence. The company that dethroned MSN Messenger couldn't win a fight against an opponent that, on a global scale, represents ~25% of the mobile market. Meanwhile, Whatsapp dominates the instant messaging world.

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She’s succeeded by Lidiane Jones, a former CEO of Slack, who’s looking for opportunities to use artificial intelligence in dating app algorithms.

Oh great, just what we needed, app sponsored AI bots to lure people into paying premium

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Google is using artificial intelligence to summarize employee comments and questions for the forum.

Well, isn't that a good start?

Anyway, the TLDR "answer" from CFO Porat is "We were spending too much", while Pichai's answer is "We hired too much people". Way to dodge the question, assholes.

Alphabet’s full-time headcount climbed to over 190,000 at the end of 2022, up almost 22% from a year earlier and 40% higher than at the close of 2020.

So they had around 135k employees in 2020. Why the fuck did you overhire, then? Just to lay off and show off to investors as someone who increased profits in the most asinine way?

Pichai then joked that leadership should hold a “Finance 101” Ted Talk for employees.

Yeah, nevermind me, Sundar Pichai, earning way more money year after year while you're all begging for raises, it's just finances, you guys!

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Subsequently, the project got a boost by the debut of Xilinx Kria System-on-Modules (SoMs), which combine “insanely cheap Zynq UltraScale+ FPGAs with a ton of DSP units and a (comparatively) massive amount of LUTs and FFs, and of particular interest, a hardened PCIe core,” enthused Barrie.

Yes, I understand, the bippity uses mumps in order for the many lutes to flips those zupps in their pacas.

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Basically, it's 727 servers that weren't taken into account before due to a connectivity error. I also wonder if Mastodon counts the alternatives, like Akkoma and Misskey for that regard, or if the increase is actually accounting for those only now. It's unclear what the error was, Eugen doesn't go into detail on the thread.

Excessive lemmy usage detected

  • Once you remove all the tracking and ads, which were already fucking intolerable in 10
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Trump rallies playing Rage Against the Machine comes to mind

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Assassinating people is frowned upon? Shiiiiiit, son, next you'll tell me these barbarians get pissed when their shit is stolen!

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One thing I have to ask for those that say pedos should seek psychological/psychiatric treatment: do you even know a professional that won't immediately call the cops if you say "i have sexual desires for kids"?

I wholly agree that this is something that should receive some form of treatment, but first the ones afflicted would have to know that they won't be judged, labeled and exposed when they do so.

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Social media in general is in the following stage of Enshitification:

  • Launch
  • Growth at all costs, user focus
  • Use size to bring advertisers
  • Gradually shift focus to advertisers and money bringers
  • Ensure users are way too invested to quit
  • >> Sell out <<

It's no surprise that people only end up seeing "carefully curated" content, it's what "sells", or rather, ensures people stay in the stupid app. From TFA: "While sharing has tailed off, consuming content hasn't slowed"

I have an Insta account for some of the part time 3D printing I do, but since I'm not a "content creator", my stuff has almost zero reach. Whenever I open the app, it's roughly 1:1:1 posts of "recommended", someone I actually follow, advert. 2/3 of everything shown to me is stuff I didn't ask for, not to mention when the advertises are actual scams or fucking pyramids

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I mean, the moment you see a passage that barely fits a child and you think to yourself "Hey, I should get in there!", you're just aiming to be the year's winner of the Darwin Awards.

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For everyone debating numbers, billionaires, millionaires, whatever. The absolute numbers are irrelevant, what matters is the wealth gap. If the absolute top of the wealth pyramid, 0.01%, earns more than the bottom 5% combined, it's a problem. A bigger ratio means more wealth concentration, or inequality, whichever term you prefer. The 1% controlling nearly half the wealth of any place, whether city, state or nation, should sound all alarms to do something ASAP to reduce the inequality.

Which never happens, because when you have that much money, you call the shots. Capitalism became a neofeudalism.

I remember a fellow saying Elon is a very business savvy person, because of his 2 other successful companies, Tesla and SpaceX. I guess ruining communications with potential advertisers on a platform that depends entirely on advertisers wasn't a very intelligent move.

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