ANTI-UNITY STRATEGY to – 622 points –

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I do remember seeing one of their terms saying something along the lines of "similar games will count as one" for the purposes of installs+revenue, that or someone mentioning it. Can't seem to find it anymore, maybe they removed it? EDIT - Found one mention of it, "Games or apps with substantially similar content may be counted as one project", Unity probably went back on this one, as it's not listed on the FAQ right now

Though considering Pokemon Shining Pearl/Brilliant Diamond runs on Unity, I doubt they'd want to let such a high selling game go untaxed.

The terms have been changing every day, it's such a shitshow. Like maybe they should've discussed and ironed out the specifics with the community before changing everything idk.

'All games featuring left handed protagonists will incur a 50% fee per purchase based on the first 4 weeks of sales'

Just goes to show nobody at Unity bothered to think this shit through. With the clause they're going to have so many lawsuits with similar-but-not-same games, without the clause devs can dodge the fees like this.

Aww too bad. I thought this was really clever. But okay, Unity lawyers thought of that already. x(