1 Post – 211 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

There’s also the option of biting the bullet and paying for YouTube Premium.

No. Never. I'd rather stop using YT at all than giving in to coerced user-tracking.

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What? She likes sex? Such a freak! What a scandal! /i

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If it's a website which only works with a specific browser, it's a shitsite.

Aaand there goes another service again, which I've never used and now will probably never even think about using.

Disclaimer: My comment is a reaction to the stuff Todd and his minions said in the article, not necessarily about the game itself. I haven't played Starfield yet. I just find the statements really weak and want to express why I see it that way.

Yeaaahh that's nice for maybe a couple of hours, but then it starts to get boring. That's not how you keep players engaged, although there are of course those who don't find that boring at all.

We're not astronauts, we're not there. Astronauts had the thrill of the voyage through space, stepping on the moon and feeling with ones own body how it is to walk on the moon's dust in low gravity. Also astronauts had and have a shitload of scientific equipment and experiments to carry out, i.e., a purpose beyond the mere jolly walking.

If they were just there for walking and that for days, weeks, months, they would get bored pretty fast as well.

Take a look at No Man's Sky. Similar problem. The procedural generation algorithm made planets look familiar after you've seen a couple. There is nothing new. Exploration became unrewarded. But Hello Games has massively improved on that over the years and produced a game where you can sink dozens of hours without getting bored so easily.

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What? Unbelievable. I'm shocked. Shocked, I say. This really comes as a surprise. I would've never expected this. No one would have seen this coming. This is really outrageous. They are innocent. I can't comprehend this. No way! It's not acceptable! /i

– Apple Fan, probably (without the irony flag then)

Weird plex, but okay.

Don't use Amazon. It's not like they are the only web shop for stuff you would like to have.

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I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole.

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No. Steal the shit out of Reddirt. Idgaf.

You need to separate most materials in order to recycle them. The plastic of a lid is different from that of a bottle which are both different from a wrapping. Separating materials is key to successful recycling. A lot of times stuff can't get recyled because people don't separate it before throwing it away.

Or you could just use, you know, reusable materials.

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Was it satisfying? How did it feel? Don't be shy about details.

I'm... err... asking for a friend.

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And here I am fixing missing sources on some wiki articles just yesterday.

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Meanwhile, comparing 2019 with 2023, Elon Musk had an increase in net worth of about 707%. That's a plus of ca. $157.700.000.000. Yes, that's 157,7 billion.

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While that would indeed be awesome, that's not the route they proposed. It's more about slowing down the perception of time, rather than being able to actually do something peoductive during that.

Philosopher Rebecca Roache, who leads a team of scholars, explains two methods to this madness. The first involves psychotic drugs that distort a person’s sense of time.

With a simple pill or injection, prisoners may believe they’ve been incarcerated for much longer than any natural human life could allow.

The second approach Roach explains is a bit more complex. Option number two involves uploading human minds to computers (da f*ck?), and speeding up the rate at which the brain functions. On her blog, Roach writes: "[...] This would, obviously, be much cheaper for the taxpayer than extending criminals’ lifespans to enable them to serve 1,000 years in real time.”

Despite thinking, "wow that's a disgusting way to see and treat humans", and some obvious moral concerns (like, social isolation for what feels like 1000 years, which will fuck up most people badly), which make this feel like a black mirror episode, the mind-upload issue is technically extremely tricky. Even if we had the technology to "upload" the human mind, it will be a copy, a clone, not you individually. And if we don't have an option to download the copy back into your brain, it will just be a waste of energy.

More importantly, an intriguing question is raised: After such a download, will this be you? Or just a copy of a copy and thereby another being which just replaces another one.

Another thing I find important to ask here: what's the point of penalties? These suggestions seem to me like psychological torture rather than measures to "correct" social behaviour. In no way resocialisation seems to matter here. So we just fuck people up by that and unleash them onto society afterwards. Doesn't sound good to me.

Sorry for not keeping my reply focused on your idea. I had some time to spare and this kept me busy.

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I don't mind ads, I understand that websites need to finance themselves to cover their costs (and maybe build up some capital to expand). But I do mind tracking, user profiling, personalization / user targeting, trading this data with dubious companies worldwide, and obnoxious ads, for example pop-ups or auto-play videos with a 1 micron sized close button, or a forced timed ad which is hiding the content.

It's like having a bunch of people following you around, taking note of everything you do, evaluating that data, making statistics, dicsussing it with other people you don't know, etc.. Then, when you want to make yourself a sandwich, step in between you and your sandwich, taking up a megaphone and scream into your face : "OH, WE NOTICED THAT YOU ARE MAKING A SANDWICH. CAN WE INTERST YOU IN NEW FANCY BUTTER KNIVES FOR ONLY 59,99 €?" [Then going on about it for 3 minutes before they are stepping out of your way].

There are laws against that in real life, and in the digital realm this is missing. Considering how much time a lot of people spend online this is something which needs to be taken seriously.

It's really scary sometimes. There was a time when I was stupid enough to use facebook, just to stay in touch with friends. Once I talked with a friend about allergies and asthma, and I told them I have a pollen allergy. A short time later an ad showed up on my facebook feed, advertising some nasal spray for allergies. Wtf?! And that's just the surface. "Harmless" ads. Who knows what else happens with that data?

And then we get stuff like Cambridge Analytica.

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In case you are serious or someone else is serious about this:
Masks, just like underwear, are permeable. If they wouldn't be, you would suffocate as no air would be able to reach your lungs. (At your rear, that's just a consequence of low requirements towards the material, which mainly serves as a covering and being able to dry.) So gas molecules are usually not stopped to pass through your underwear or masks.

The main difference between, e.g. FFP2/3, masks and your underwear is the size of particles that are able to pass through. Your underwear will be able to catch some moisture of a juicy fart and probably some shit particles. However, most of the gases and smaller particles can pass through. Filter masks are able to stop most particles down to a certain size. For FFP 2 masks at least 94% of particles down to a size of 0,6 micrometers can be stopped. Particles smaller than that are likely to pass through. FFP 3 masks block at least 99% of particles down to the same size.

The thing with viruses like Covid-19 is, that they are usually expelled from an infected person via the respiratory system, that means, your mouth and nose. There, the virus cells are mostly soluted within the moist air you breathe out. Moist air means: there are very tiny (mainly) water particles which are spread over a certain volume of gas. And they are floating with the currents of the gas. That's what basically constitutes an aerosol. Particles, tiny and lightweight enough to float with a gas (for a while).
You can see that clearly with spray cans. With breathing air it's not so good to see with the naked eye.
Those moist particles, loaded with virus cells, are usually large enough to be filtered out by FFP masks. It's not perfect of course, but it can help a great deal and contribute to prevention measures.

The stinky stuff in farts is afaik a pure gas and not an aerosol. (Did you know that in terms of gas volume, just about 2 % of a single fart contains the smelly chemicals?) Which is why neither masks, nor underwear help so much against stinky farts.

FFP masks are mandatory in jobs where dangerous smaller particles can enter your body. They help against dust, smoke and a lot of aerosols. But they don't filter out pure gases. That's what gas masks are for.

In terms of infection spreading, a neat side-effect of masks is that they can slow down the velocity of exhaled air, which helps to reduce how far the aersol spreads around a person. Trying to blow out a candle while wearing a mask isn't as easy as without a mask, which demonstrates this effect.

Futhermore, there has been a study suggesting that wearing a mask for a while or wearing it during rainy weather can - up to a certain point - further improve the filter capabilities of such face masks, since the moisture accumulates on the surface of the mask (in- and/or outside) and by this forms another protective barrier.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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Raytracing produces realistic visual effects without requiring tricks like ambient occlusion, screen-space reflections, shadow resolution and so on, since those emerge as a result of raytracing anyway and are much more realistic. I'm currently rendering a Donut in Blender where the effects are clearly visible in comparison.

However, due to the high amount of optimization in visually impressive realtime rendering engines like game engines, I agree with you that I don't see many benefits comparing ray tracing in games with contemporary alternative techniques.

Nevertheless I think that's the future. In the long run, there's nothing better, i.e. more accurate, than simulating the behavior of light when it comes to visual realism.

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How to construct systems which are used for civil applications but can easily be turned into weapons.

Or the good old question of science and responsibility: do you use nuclear fission to create energy or to kill an enormous amount of people?

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Ah yes, that's the linux community as I know it. There is one thing someone wants to achieve and dozens of ways to do it. ;)

It's really a marvellous surprise that the court in Hamburg did not make a completely stupid judgement regarding IT topics, given their history of bad decisions in that area.

And also fuck Hamas and everyone who thinks that violence and killing are good ideas.

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Note to self: It's 2023. Men still have a big fear of being labeled gay.

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We need to remind people that they work for the employer, not the other way around

Oh and I was sitting here thinking, that employers and employees share a mutually profitable relationship. Employees provide services to employers and employers provide financial gains for their employees.

But no, modern slavery it is. Alright.

They'll probably be ignored for abusing the report system.

I'm notoriously good at avoiding parties. But if I were at one, I would be the kind of person who would ask to unwrap the foil if I'm told there was a cyst in it.

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So there is still hope that our machine overlords will make good decisions.

Europeans People Party, large political party within the EU which is largely full of conservative right-wing folks with the german Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen at it's top. She is also currently president of the European Commission and has been known to be involved in corruption and to favour company interests, as well as the rest of the fuckers in the EPP.

So I guess the context is: If EPP stays in power, that's good for top-business-people, but bad for everyone else. Thereby detrimental for such competitive-practise-laws.

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It's objectively worse than Firefox. For example, Firefox recently passed all minimum security requirements by the German Federal Office for Information Security. No other browser meets them.

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You get AI tools shoved down your throat everywhere nowadays. Whether you want it and it's useful or not.

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Take the following with a big spoon of salt, since I am not a lawyer. Those are the results of interest and some reading on that topic.

Insulting someone is illegal in Germany (§ 185 StGB). You can get financial penalties and in worst cases some jailtime. However, if you insult someone back immediately, those can cancel each other out and the judge can exempt both of you or one of you from punishment (§ 199 StGB). Furthermore, since it is considered a crime, you could, theoretically, detain the culprit in case they want to flee until you are able to get some identification on them, i.e., see their ID card, or until someone like the police arrives (§ 127 StPO). Also this is not okay if you already know the person or have easy means to determine their ID (e.g., your neighbour or someone working at a facility you visit). In all cases the proportionality of your actions are important. (Beating someone senseless just to detain them, because they called you an avocado in a mean way is certainly not okay. This might be slightly different however, if the person in question commited a violent crime and is still acting violently.)

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Firefox is the best.

Disclaimer: I'm not an expert. I invite you to correct me if you know better. Sources are at the end.

If you see taste receptors as chemosensors, then yes. We have those all over the place. In the lungs, brain, kidneys, the gastrointestinal system etc.. Even in sperm. Although a lot of those are not well studied yet, it has been found that - depending on the cells and region - they can serve specific purposes, like metabolic regulation, or airway relaxation. Basically a way for you body to react to chemical signals. However, afaik they do not contribute to the taste sensation when you're eating. (Except of those in your mouth, tongue and nose of course.) So you don't need to go all Cartman style.

But(t), a lot of those findings have limited validity, e.g., because of investigations using cell cultures instead of in vivo studies, or because several animals have a different (or even completely lacking) set of those receptors than humans.

Sources, which I skimmed for this:

I liked Win 7 and am still liking Win 10. That Win XP nostalgia isn't up to date anymore.

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Yes, let's just shove everyone into one drawer and completely forget that some do it for fun, some out of financial necessity, and let's also forget all the problems it can cause when using such an image in lectures, research and similar professional settings. /s

I would find it awkward if not only my colleagues but also their pets would suddenly be in my home. I would need to wear pants and I don't even know how everyone would fit in here. There's not enough space.

Evil humans also manipulated weights and programming of other humans who weren't evil before.

Very important philosophical issue you stumbled upon here.

As long as no minor or major public figures are remaining for leaving Twitterix.