A staggering 80% of American households are financially worse off than they were before COVID-19

return2ozma@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 1005 points –

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Meanwhile, comparing 2019 with 2023, Elon Musk had an increase in net worth of about 707%. That's a plus of ca. $157.700.000.000. Yes, that's 157,7 billion.


1 billionaire is too many billionaires

This is only valid until Dolly Parton becomes a billionaire, then 1 is okay

Dolly would never become a billionaire, she'd give away that money to help people lomg before.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Yeah, I think about this a lot. I tend to think of myself as a good person (making other people happy makes me happy) but if, somehow, I was made Queen of Earth the first thing that would HAVE to happen is I'd need a panel of people who aren't afraid to tell me "no". I would absolutely be a dictator otherwise

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