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Joined 1 years ago

I don't hate Apple but I do hate their influence. They release some wireless earbuds and then suddenly all the manufacturers "don't have enough room for a headphone jack", ...get the fuck out of here.

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The real problem is over 50% of the voting age population just doesn't vote

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When this sack of wet dog shit was walking around talking about how Article 2 gave him unchecked power it was a sure thing.

2 jobs available in my state. $11.65/hr and $11.00/hr. Is this some kind of joke?

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And why exactly are we giving fascists a platform?

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Call the movie "Back to the Stoneage". Then send a tech billionaire to the past where nobody gives a fuck about them and they have to work to survive for the first time in their pathetic lives.

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So what is the plan exactly?? Remove Joe Biden and then what? They really think they would be able to beat Kamala Harris AND per pick for VP?

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1 billionaire is too many billionaires

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He is not as free as you might think. For example: If attempted to leave the country right now, he would be arrested. He cannot go anywhere without a secret service detail and he isn't legally allowed to drive himself anymore. He is being watched and monitored all day, every day.

Hopefully, when he sentenced he will actually be put behind bars and not on "house arrest" in a mansion.

You can pass the ASVAB enough to join by answering C on every question. I know this to be true because I worked with multiple guys who said they did exactly that. That may not be true today but it was 15 years ago.

He should consider himself lucky if he gets to die in supermax. The punishment for treason was public execution not all that long ago.

I will never forgive the DNC

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What is it?

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Yet you still don't realize how badly you are failing to communicate in your comments. Which is the whole point of words right?

There used to be a time when corporations were taxed so hard they did everything they could to reinvest their money into the company/employees/communities just to avoid it going to taxes. Unfettered capitalism destroys the humanity in everything it touches.

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I would rather them just spend 1.2 billion planting trees. Just plant a shitload of trees, that's it.

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Your timeline is off

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They still make non-smart tvs?

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It's probably not what they were thinking but a Van can do most anything a truck can do except when it comes to off-road capabilities. For hauling and towing, a Van can usually do the same job without being a machine designed to kill pedestrians.

It's quite interesting from some who lives out of state. Florida seems to be a testing ground for all of these terrible policies, as if they aren't afraid to pass a law no matter how shit it is. Maybe it's because they know people are going to be moving out of Florida because of climate change so they might as well see what kinda shit they can get away with. But maybe it is all talking points.

Tourism to Florida is down across all fronts but the only thing you'll hear from right-wing news is that Disney is "too woke" now so people aren't visiting anymore. Of course that's complete bullshit but that doesn't matter to the talking heads.

The sad part is I can't even tell if that's a real quote or not at a glance.

Can I get that in English?

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A cryptocurrency that doesn't connect to an exchange is just a ledger with extra steps.

I was in a dollar store the other day that had 2 GIANT posters on the front doors saying "NO CASH" "We cannot accept cash payments at this time" and while I was in there I saw 3 people get told they can't accept cash and then the shoppers left the store in a huff.

Statements like "I never learned anything useful in school" completely misses the point of primary education. There is, objectively, quite a few subjects that are "unnecessary" to learn but even if kids don't remember the factoids and formulas they learn how to learn. So when they move on to higher education they know how to take notes, how to study, and that it's okay not to understand everything immediately.

I would wager money the reason this dude is afraid of being alone with a woman is because he was tempted before and "couldn't stop himself". Religious psychopaths, the lot of um.

Your IT department set it up wrong in your Microsoft tenant.

I was in Army basic training during the last government shutdown. What that meant for us was no busses to take us to ranges for training. No hot meals in the defac (cafeteria). Extremely limited ammunition for training. So we matched miles upon miles all over the base to get where we needed to go, pretended we had the ammo for the exercise and then we would march home and eat an MRE (meal ready to eat). 2 or 3 MREs a day for about 2 weeks straight. Shit sucked.

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"Nothing changes if nothing changes"

This doesn't make any sense to me. If Biden dies and Trump doesn't then we will still have the VP. By the time the next election rolls around, assuming Trump loses, Trump will have already faded into obscurity.

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Kevin McCarthy is absolutely spineless. Trying to impeach Biden is so transparently an attempt to make Trump's impeachmentS seem like no big deal to their constituencies.

Might as well throw your vote in the trash. Your little protest won't be heard by anyone who matters.

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And his plan for healthcare reform is going to be released next month too any time now.

I could have lived my whole life in peace not knowing that and you just had to ruin it didn't you?

Hmmm I wonder who is responsible for the aid money not going to Ukraine. Couldn't have been republicans refusing to vote for it. Nope... That can't be it

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And since we have had 4 years of COVID festering in the south, I would imagine in 2024 he'll get maybe 20%

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GM is also competing for a piece of the $5.5 billion connected commercial vehicle market, as PYMNTS reported recently.

The company offers a fleet telematics solution called OnStar Vehicle Insights that features a vehicle locator, vehicle health, driver behavior, performance insights, daily trip summaries and remote commands. This last tool lets drivers lock, unlock and remote start the vehicle from a website or app.

I would rather have none of that in my vehicle, thanks.

There's a whole season of 'The Good Doctor ' that shows this process happening.

Nvidia Shield FTW

I would like to see more American flags at Pride celebrations. Own that shit