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the OP caption reads like a gen z idiot at their first job. Finally discovering other people have thoughts and emotions they can't predict from the box they've put them in.

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Don't turn off Ruth Gader Binsburg you jerk

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Jobs: Ass

Apple: Ass

Engineers: overworked

The law isn't morality.

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Breaking News: Did you know Nancy Pelosi's a bitch?

Iono, the kind of prick he was (narcissist who traumatized his own daughter and headed a company which needed suicide nets for the workers who made their product), paired with the fact that he signed his own death from his own deliberate delusions makes me conclude he did deserve to die, in more than one sense of the word 'deserve'.

Modern-day low-quality shoes are already kind of a walking subscription

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the media are a bunch of pussies hedging their bets with the audience, also willing to skew anything to cause controversy as long as it doesn't come back to bite them. Sensationalism sells.

Strong is one way to wash over his narcissism, delusions, and the abuse he doled out. And you're wrong, there's plenty of people who take the washing-over to a degree where they think he was a genius above reproach. Yeah, let's focus on the funny moments and brush all that abuse and whatnot under the rug, that's better. I'm so glad a company got to profit from a sociopath's leadership in the end, gives me the fuzzies. Could you imagine giving up iphones and iOS for some alternative imaginary version of those products? Oh my.

unionize anyway. This is just what happens when they're scared. Logic says they did it hoping they would pay less in the end, by ensuring workers have less leverage to renegotiate things in the future.

Individual workers will also have better protection from company misconduct and abuses (including wrongful termination) under a union.

Mf is protecting the attacker by keeping him anonymous

Maybe you never matured. Maybe you're regressing. Who knows.

It's high-school level dynamics, regardless

That's exactly why there's entire store shelves dedicated to selling magazines preying on insecurities about how men look, shows like househusbands of Atlanta, the Kardashian brothers, and why women men are known for talking trash about each other's appearance in the workplace

Hmm, that would certainly change things nothing

Only signs of significant cognitive decline

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We're a key part of the war machine. We are gears of war.

won't fucking ever happen in this version of government

They do, but we're a stupid species.

not bad for a week after dying from cancer

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What about Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time rupees?

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wtf are you on about

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Oh, I didn't realize we needed to manipulate markets in favor of the marketing strategies of corporations, since they need so much help

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Leopards. Faces.

Mm iono, kinda sounds like people finally using the concept of salaried exempt positions properly.

For too long, people let themselves get bullied into equating salaried positions with hourly positions, having their time micromanaged and scrutinized when it shouldn't have been the case by definition.

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always works. I always say it right before they slide right in. Haven't been gay once so far.


Here's that box of attention you ordered. 📦

not in the top right quadrant they aren't

I don't know that they all share those traits per se, but just as damning not only to them but to our culture as well is our tolerance and even expectations that people in charge have those traits. I saw it everywhere when I lived in a deeply conservative small city, anyone with power (including company management) was beyond reproach. The status quo was defended harshly by the overwhelming majority. We have lost our values to greed by using the american dream as a trojan horse full of awful ideals.

probably the best actual outcome tbh

Sounds like a great way to get a wrong answer

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trying to gtfo atm

I hope they get pulled from the road. Problem is, he'll just bribe some government officials

I'm not keen on letting people die just to test how much that level of money can minimize consequences

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Yes. It looks stupid.

We're ignoring decades of heinous unnecessary war crimes against civilians on both sides, periodic provocation on both sides, etc.

I'm not entirely sure what the best course of action is at this point, but trying to define one as purely the good guy and the other as purely the bad guy is a recipe for ineffective/immoral decisions.

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Negative hype can kill a product that could have been good.

Positive false hype can deceive people into wasting money.

Sure, complete honesty would be ideal, but if you say "well it sucks right now but we promise it will be ok when you buy it", not many people would rush to order one.

And they shouldn't. It's just another way of saying "people acting rationally based on truthful information"

Many good products never made it to market because of insufficiently good perception.

That should be a separate issue. It's not the only available path, just one often taken because it's the most forgiving of shoddy business practices, doesn't justify its existence, either.

On the flip side, creating positive hype out of smoke and mirrors can be used to kill a competitor's product for no good reason, so it's not quite ok either.

I think people are starting to realize the depth of corporate deception and bad-faith practices and how that affects everyone at large, and so they're rightly tired of them and trying to reset it all back to simple, effective, and fair ethical standards.

Yeah, without a disclaimer and evidence it's modeled correctly it's just straight misinformation at this point.