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Joined 10 months ago

Women's rights have been walked back, causing child rape victims to struggle to find abortions, to say nothing of women being forced to carry fetuses who will die upon birth. Trans rights are being shit on, to the point that gender affirming care is being denied to people even where it's legal. Taxes for the wealthy are too low. The middle class is rare to be in. Health insurance is insanely expensive and it's difficult to see a doctor even when you have it- emergency rooms will leave you waiting for 6 hours or more. We simultaneously have too many people, and too few children with a looming crisis of too many elderly. We have microplastics in the air, oceans, food, fetuses, everywhere. Housing is largely unaffordable across the globe. Homelessness is out of control. Massive, destructive wildfires are the new norm. Heatwaves are killing people. Migrants are clamouring to find new countries to live in (which will get worse due to climate change) causing all kinds of social frictions. The youth are anxious, depressed, and suicidal.

But please, tell me how things are good for people over all?

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She was 16, so yeah, he's right: he was banging a child.

Even if he isn't convicted of the others (one was treated at a clinic after the assault) dating a 16 year old when you're 30 is gonna get you some time.

Assuming this is all true (I do believe them, but it's up to judge/jury to decide) but he somehow manages to get out of this, his reputation is in the toilet

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Or it is, because once you get expelled from teaching and your name is making headlines, you can rake in the $$$ from all the free advertising

I mean, society did fail her but that doesn't mean she shouldn't take responsibility for what happened. She left her gun in her purse, unsecured, around a six year old with serious mental health issues. She is absolutely liable. That doesn't mean that she is the only one to blame, tho

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Uh, bottle the tears of women and throw them (the tears, not the women) on your male enemies?

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Better to draw a giant dick on the windshield in lipstick or eyeliner. No permanent damage, the point gets across, and it's a bitch to get off properly. Never did it myself but I watched an adult woman do it (as a child) and it struck me as such a clever way to get back at an asshole without being a bigger asshole. (Full disclosure, she wrote "bitch" in huge letters across the windshield, but I think drawing a dick is funnier)

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I used to be a consistent tipper.

Now I refused to tip at all.

I want workers to demand what they are worth to their employers, and I'm willing to be the asshole to help them accomplish that.

If we all stopped tipping, they'd have no choice but to turn the low wage issue around onto their employers. Then employers will have no choice but the pay their workers more, because otherwise they'd leave their industry for something else.

I don't care if that means we, as consumers, have to pay a bit more for the food and service. I don't care if that means that some businesses won't survive. I want fairness all around

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I'm in the "her life her business" camp, but I can at least see how that could be a problem given teachers like Mary Kay (I can't spell her last name, the blonde that seduced the 6th grader) but I'm also in the camp of: "parents it's your responsibility to police your kids" if the parents are concerned about their kids seeing nudity

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I like the use of "guy" as unisex. Like the word "dude"

He's a dude, she's a dude, they're all dudes

I use "guys" plural to refer to any group of people, including all women/girl groups. I know saying "that guy" still means "that man/boy" but I'm hoping people will adopt it as completely unisex

A guy can dream (I'm a cis woman btw)

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I don't drive much anymore, but when I did I would avoid gas stations with screens (aside from payment screens obviously). If I saw that an unfamiliar gas station had one, I'd get back in my car and get gas elsewhere even if it was a tad more expensive. Forced viewing of advertisements makes me violently angry, and I don't need the stress of trying to repress that anger

I would just like to point out that the Holocaust was not JUST Jews. Other people were persecuted as well (such as LGBTQ+ peeps)

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I'll never forgive her for clinging on to power. She destroyed her legacy and ruined lives for the greed of it

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Agreed. What also bothers me is that he admitted to having his 17 year old son be his accountability partner. He really couldn't find anyone else? It had to be his underage son? That's weird, yo

Agreed. I'd go a bit further. Anything regarding sustenance should be a right:

Housing, healthcare, access to clean water, clean air, at least one hot meal a day, and emergency services should be a right.

I'll even go as far as arguing that internet access should be included in that list.

Better yet, college

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Dont give him ideas

Agreed. We all have bodies. Underwear is appropriate for shared spaces (most people dont want to sit on anyone else's ass juice) but aside from that this prudishness of the human form that many people have is silly to me.

Even if the dad DID walk around like that, I think that's his business. We should all be allowed to wear what we want (undies for sanitary reasons) and if something is offensive then people could just, you know, not look!

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You can either walk around and talk to people (most people are receptive to being spoken to) or nervously hold your drink in hand, as you wait for someone to approach you.

Personally I prefer the former. If I'm by myself I just look for someone who seems nervous and uncomfortable. I'm friendly, and as long as I'm in a good mood I tend to make people feel comfortable around me- but I have had times where I just stand there. Standing and waiting is highly unpleasant. Better to hide in the bathroom if that's what you'll be doing instead of chatting. Highly recommend chatting or "mingling"

(If someone is lame, boring or seems uninterested, just approach someone else. Most groups will also make a space for you if you approach them in the event that there are no loners)

Why do people like cake, I just don't get it. Why not just eat cookies if you want something sweet

Ok, but Wishbone is cuter

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I don't really see how people chosing to be barefoot has anything to do with their ability to make eye-drops, unless the aforementioned people are using their feet to do it

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Less butthole

I'm now imagining falling asleep around a campfire, and there's... a shadow

Sometimes I need a break just turning on the computer. Or putting dishes in the dishwasher. Or moving the laundry from the drier to the bed.

I'm a lot "better" at doing tasks than most people that I know with unmedicated adhd, but some days are just... nope, I showered and brushed my teeth so imma spend the rest of the day doing whatever random thing captures my attention for more than 5 minutes

Usually need a few days like that in a week. I just let my brain off it's leash until the anxiety and guilt kicks in and then I get everything done is a fury

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Babies have a habit of grabbing things and shoving them in their mouths. It's one of the first ways they learn about the world. Often they're fast lil jerks who will do this before their parents have a chance to blink.

In short, people aren't feeding kibble to babies en mass. More like babies are touching and probably ingesting the kibble because they're babies and they don't know better

ADHD. I blurt shit out. My emotions are about 6 steps ahead of the rest of my brain. Uninteresting things are death. Time is either too fast or too slow. Sitting still for long periods of time is torture

Please tell me you didn't have to pay that bill

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This is going to sound insane, but I can't get rid of Medi-cal. I did need it during covid because my insurance was tied to work and I was living with some elderly folk. I kept it when I moved in with my (then) boyfriend because I was in an area where I struggled to find a job. But then we got married, and I have been on his insurance for more than a year. I've called (even spoken to a few people), and I've written letters, but they just keep renewing it. Most recently I tried calling again but I gave up after waiting for an hour.

I couldn't even use it if it wanted to because my name is different now, but the fact that I can't communicate with them to let them know that I don't need it is frustrating

And that made me wonder. I can't get through to them to tell them that I don't need it, right? How the hell does someone who DOES need it get through to get some help?

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I've been wondering if a brain tumor was the Maine mass shooters problem as well. We'll probably never know

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He tried sending the same message to 39 women, (assuming that the message would be sent seperately) only to realize that they were all added to a group chat. It dawned on him that each woman could see that he had sent the same message to everyone in the group. He realized the error of his ways, and swift departed. (Presumably out of embarrasment)

While I generally STRONGLY agree with this sentiment there are some things that I either find too repulsive or offensive to want to see on my feed. People calling for the death of politicians, or insisting that everyone other than them is intellectually inferior, or just the general usage of derogatory terms... yeah I don't need to be angry :D

ETA: it also felt like there was way too much Russian and Chinese propaganda on a lot of those. As an American that gave me the ick

It's also how they get more dead mothers, disabled infants, and infants who die shortly after birth


Oh, you've tasked AI with managing banking? K. All bank funds are suddenly corrupted. Oh, you've tasked AI with managing lights at traffic intersections? K, they're all green now. Oh, you've tasked AI with filtering 911 calls to dispachers? K, all real emergencies are on hold until disconnected

I could go on and on and on...

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Distant in all the ways that matter, but we check in every once and a while.

When I say every once and a while, I saw one of my brothers about 5 years ago... after not having seen him for nearly 20.

My sister doesn't talk to me because I told our mother that her child (she put her up for adoption when she was born because my sister was YOUNG) is alive and wants to connect. I haven't seen my sister in more than a decade

My eldest brother is the closest, and I'll be seeing him soon. I know almost nothing about his personal life, and probably won't see him again for at least a year

We're all extremely different people

Has anyone considered that Biden might have an easier time beating trump than he would Nikki Haley? Yes, the trumpers want their orange-over-lord, but if given no other choice they'll vote for anothwr GOP candidate. Some republicans only voted for Biden because they also hated trump. Given someone who aligns more with their belief they'd chose them instead. A woman might also ease their abortion fears because some GOP women might be hoping that Haley secretly supports abortion (because they, too, secretly support it)

Banishing trump from the ballot will only backfire

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Yeah. According to the media he apparently choked his kindergarten teacher soooo

You do the same thing over and over (and over and over) to attempt to level, but all you get for your trouble is shitty gear that you'd rather drop than deal with.

First 40-70hrs are fun. After that... it feels like a chore. It's worth it for the base game, but the seasonal content was a slap in the face. I'm talking they have the player fight the same enemies twice each before they'd drop the thing we need (AND made us start from scratch just to get to do it)

Sure you can try out a new character but the same thing happens. It gets tedious.

For a while we'd play for a helltide, or do some grim favors but again, it get so painfully boring. Again, if you want to play the game go for it, just know that after the main story and sidequests are done there's nothing left but endless grinding

This never ceases to make me smile, no matter how many times it's reposted

I get a firm "stop eating" signal and just can't put any more food in my mouth when I'm full. It took me a long time to realize a lot of other people don't have that built-in feature.

Strangest thing is 23 & me said that I am pre-disposed to weigh more than avegage.

I do not

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Indecent exposure and Trafficking a minor

Are two more that come to mind

This is my fitness downfall. I have a cyclical problem that involves immense pain and fatigue (i have a uterus that hates me) and each time I get into working out, the organ renders me temporarily useless. Getting back into a work out regime after its over seems impossible (though I keep trying) This has happened about once ot twice per year for as long as I can remember (starting to work out and then failing due to the thing)

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