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Joined 11 months ago

I mean, it's kind of a tired joke at this point for women to be treated as these complicated, enigmatic creatures when 90% of the communication issues could be solved by, you know, talking to us.

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This is exactly the feeling I had when I played Assassin's Creed and picked up a flag that said "1/100". That happened multiple times, since there are 400 flags in the game. And what do you get? Absolutely nothing but an achievement.

I hold Mario Odyssey up as a shining example of how to make large optional objectives fun. You don't really get much of a reward for getting all 999 moons, but at least the vast majority of them have fun puzzles to solve so that it's actually rewarding to collect them. Contrast this with, say, Korok seeds.

Potato salad is fucking amazing and I will die on this hill

Just wait until you hear about Mosquito Mayhem, the theme park for mosquitoes!

The EUIPO speculates that financial pressures, like inflation, means that people have less money to spend on entertainment. This can be seen in the way that fewer people are signing up for Netflix or Amazon Prime – and some are even cancelling their subscriptions altogether.

Ah yes, that's the only reason. Not that streaming services are offering less content and functionality for more money, that can't be it.

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Jesus, it's way more dehumanizing to be thought of only in relation to checks notes Large Gametes than it is to simply accept that people of the same gender can be born with different bits.

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I've lost a lot of my rose tint for discord, right around the arbitration clause thing, but I can't deny that it's convenient. Chat, streaming to friends, popping up a new server for whatever project or group, VC for playing games together. There's platforms that do all of these things better, but few that do all of them decently well.

Of course, it's a privacy nightmare and I stick to IRC for anything I wouldn't feel comfortable having linked to my identity, but I wouldn't call people stupid for using it.

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Please don't with this tech elitest stuff. Yeah, most people will continue to use chrome because they don't really understand the gravity of what it means for their privacy, doesn't mean we can't do our best to help them out.

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I hate the guy but don't really like using real, devastating neurological diseases as an insult. It seems much more likely that he's just trying to make his suit hang in a more flattering way.

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I wouldn't call it lazy necessarily, everyone just has limited time and energy to invest in stuff and probably had no idea of the risks.

Honestly they've been incredible. They've been politically active since they were teens and they care more about work/life balance than any other generation before (anecdotally). They've been dealt a shit hand but I'm rooting for them.

It's honestly pretty much the industry standard for indie creators. There's nothing super flashy about it, it just does its job very well.

This along with 7-zip and OBS and the like have been pretty impressive success stories for FOSS, even if most of their users don't even know what that means.

Nah, no need for this kind of gatekeeping. Anyone who deals with js and its billions of frameworks on a daily basis deserves to be called a developer.

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Shorts are such a stupidly blatant way to start showing more ads than content, and they make navigating channels impossible. Hell you can't even get away from ads in search results with premium.

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For those in the US: no medical office dealing with insurance has a clue what they're doing. Why can't you ever "shop around" and get a price for your procedure? Because nobody really knows the price until they submit the claim. It's basically impossible for a human to keep track of the policies that change daily across dozens of insurance providers along with the hugely complicated calculations needed to get a price. And that's before they have software try to rearrange your claim to get the most money possible from insurance companies. And good luck figuring any of this out yourself; even if you manage to track down the policy data, it's written completely in medical insurance jargon and might even leave some room for interpretation.

Basically, even with the insane amount of work medical coders (people who process and interpret medical claims and policies) do to try and stay on top of it all, at the end of the day, you have to just submit the claim to a black hole and hope that it gets accepted. The patient's cost is whatever it spits out.

Also, dozens of doctors across the US get fired, banned from practice in their state, or have their licenses revoked every month. Some of them are unfortunate, like doctors being forced into retirement due to old age or physical inability to do their job, but many others get in trouble for practicing without a license, sexual harassment/assault, and, of course, prescription drug abuse. This data is all publicly accessible, but being on atrociously designed and maintained government websites, it's nearly impossible to keep track of who's in trouble without paying for third party software to do it for you. If you don't happen to catch it, it's pretty easy for a medical provider to move a few states over and set up shop like nothing happened.

Edit: Oh yeah, our company was very serious about HIPAA training and treated patient data with extreme caution. Some offices... really didn't. It got to the point where we'd straight up have to reject ticket requests for having identifying information. Our ticketing system was secure on our end, no telling what was going on outside of it.

As a side note, for the trans people out there, don't accept that you have to be misgendered on your medical records without a bit of a fuss. There's special modifiers that specifically override restrictions on sex-based medical procedures when your reported gender doesn't match their requirements. Unfortunately, whether your provider knows about or uses them is a bit of a toss-up.

On a brighter note, as stupid as it is that every single diagnosis has to be codified specifically for the insurance industry, there are some funny codes in there.

Some favorites:

Now there's a new standard coming into effect, ICD11. The biggest complaint with ICD10 was the overly specific codes they had to keep track of. They did change things so that you didn't have a completely different code for every single type of, say, dolphin injury, but they did add many more animals.

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I disagree, but only to the extent that you know the person well enough to know they'll use it or they explicitly ask you for it. To me, gift cards are a way to alleviate the paralysis of choice and guilt for spending money in certain ways. It's like "I know you couldn't mentally justify spending a $100 bill on a high quality set of sheets, so I'm giving you money specifically earmarked for that purpose."

It's also sometimes handy if you want to give someone money for everyday needs and know they'd feel guilty or embarrassed about receiving money directly. A gift card for a store you know they go to a lot can be a fairly tasteful gift. Again, though, it's only worth it if you know they'll actually use it.

And don't get those prepaid general purpose gift cards, those things are straight up scams.

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How horrifying to have your wanted, stillborn child cut open like a high school science experiment. And what about infants who were able to take a breath before dying shortly after birth?

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Honestly, as a mainly backend dev wanting to do more full stack, webdev is frustratingly intimidating. I keep trying to look up best practices but there's so little in the way of consensus. "Use JQuery, no use Vue! React is better, but also React is clunky and bad. Write pure js, no don't that's a waste of time, at least use typescript." It's all such a mess and I spend so long trying to figure out what to use. I'm trying to just pick something and stick with it, but I keep worrying that I'm not doing things the best way.

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The terms have been changing every day, it's such a shitshow. Like maybe they should've discussed and ironed out the specifics with the community before changing everything idk.

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Shoplifting is not a death sentence. Driving away from police is illegal, but not a death sentence. She's trying to leave? Fine, step to the side, take her plate number, and put out a warrant. At no time was it necessary for him to pull out his gun.

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Holy incel, batman!

I kinda like using emoji that are similar to my skintone. Not really making a statement, but somehow it feels a little more "me." Hard to explain why it matters, it's not like I won't use the yellow ones if that's all they have. Just kinda like "hehe, that's a lil me in that message."

One thing that we have learned is that piracy is not a pricing issue. It’s a service issue. The easiest way to stop piracy is not by putting antipiracy technology to work. It’s by giving those people a service that’s better than what they’re receiving from the pirates.

  • Gabe Newell

Still as relevant today as it was 13 years (dear god) ago. Sure, not every pirate would pay for media, just like not every pirate pays for games, but charging increasingly more money for a worse product is going to push people towards a solution that basically allows you to search for and watch anything you want, ad-free.

There's people practically begging to spend money for certain shows and movies to be available, but they're just not available on any streaming service. What else are they going to do?

Everyone and their mother is playing Balatro, and for good reason. Super fun deck builder based on a normal playing card deck and poker hands. Great music and visuals, too.

Also, check out Inscryption. Truth be told, it's not really a true roguelike deckbuilder, rather it uses the genre as a storytelling medium. Still, really fun game with solid core gameplay and an engaging story. There's also DLC that lets you play more of the deckbuilder part indefinitely.

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I really feel conflicted about this. I hate Musk as much as anyone and think this experiment is a little irresponsible, but if I were going through what that guy is dealing with, I'd probably want to give it a try.

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I have a strong hatred for how many storefronts are taken up by "antique shops" (i.e. dusty warehouses full of junk you couldn't give away) instead of actual businesses in the last two small towns I lived in. Makes it so you can't really get that much shopping done downtown.

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I cannot get behind the sentiment of "online communication is awful so we shouldn't even attempt to do anything about it." Yeah at some point you have to learn to shake it off to protect yourself, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't make any effort to moderate online spaces as well. Don't give assholes quarter in your game if you want to retain your community.

You can't remove the suck from people, but you can remove the people from your community.

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It's quite possible he had no choice since his health insurance was likely tied to his employment. If his wife was also on that insurance, it could be too big of a risk to drop it.

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Damn, Gen Z is killing it

Genuine question, what makes your house safer for a sleepover than other parents'? Of course you know your house is safe, but other parents could feel the same way.

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Very genuine question: why do cops never use taser guns for situations like this? Presumably they knew the weapon was a knife, so no risk of a shootout.

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Okay, I consider myself pretty reasonable in the face of inconvenience, but there's no way in hell I'd sit in a seat covered in vomit, and I'd certainly make a stink about getting another flight paid for. I know the flight crew probably didn't have time to fully deal with the situation between flights, but the airline should have some kind of contingency for dealing with a potential biohazard situation.

I hate how a lot of settings pages have stopped adding save/apply buttons, especially when they don't provide any indication that your changes are being saved after each modification. Like do I just close this window? What if I want to cancel the changes?

Also more sites seem to be adding these reactive-only search bars that dynamically fetch results as you type. Looks cool I suppose, but it's a huge pain in the ass when I want to add a search shortcut in Firefox and can't because they don't actually have a search URL.

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I have to disagree, the activists that really get things done do have a one-track mind, because it takes a lot of energy, money, and time to make any progress in just one issue. You can certainly care about many things, but you can't go to every conference, cover every issue in your speech, raise money for every cause, etc.

It's self-fulfilling at this point. People don't buy into Google's new stuff because they know it won't be around for long. Then it does poorly and gets the axe, proving everyone right.

I think nuclear energy is a great idea in theory, but I have absolutely zero trust in companies handling nuclear waste responsibly. It's not like they have a great track record.

That being said, pretty excited about this if it's as safe as they say.

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Honestly the entire thing evolved quickly from silly random humor to a full-blown story with recognizable characters and drama.

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And tracking the installation of games across millions of machines is more reasonable?

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Unfortunately, people need to eat

It's a pretty standard survival crafting game, I've seen it describes as Ark + Pokémon (particularly Legends Arceus if you've played it) . The game actually doesn't have much of the wild shooting combat until much later levels. For the most part, you focus on catching "pals" for xp while putting them to work on your base. Like Pokémon, you get wild pals' hp down to increase the chance of catching them and then throw balls like your life depends on it.

The combat with your pals is pretty basic, you can command them to help you in battle but they really do their own thing beyond that (including kill the things you were trying to catch). That being said, managing large battles while throwing out balls and trying not to die can be pretty fun.

The real appeal is setting up your base and putting your pals to work. Each type of pal has a different set of jobs they can perform, so you have to plan somewhat carefully to make your base as efficient as possible. Generally, the jobs involve either resource gathering or crafting. Crafting lets you queue up items for your pals to work on so you can start cranking out supplies pretty quick. Really, though, the appeal is getting to see a couple dozen guys running around working like a well oiled machine, and they have some fun animations to keep things interesting.

It is pretty playable, though there's definitely a few bugs (mostly pals disappearing into the terrain). The amount of damage various pals do with attacks seems almost divorced from their level, so you can be blindsided by something half your level if you don't dump a lot of upgrade points into your health. Also, you currently have to run your own server to play multi-player, so it's tough for people who don't know their way around port forwarding and stuff like that.

All that being said, I've put about 10 hours into it so far and am having quite a bit of fun with it. It feels like there's still a lot to explore and do.

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