44 Post – 1041 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

It's fine I actually like seeing all the posts from Germany and France and the UK, it was just weird to see the same meme show up so many times with no explanation lol

The actual word is "citrusy"... What kind of restaurants have you been going to? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Looks like a job for some pliers

It's literally in the article my source is right there. The only person trolling at this point is you. There is literally nothing I can quote here that isn't in the article, so copying and pasting it for you serves no purpose. I am done arguing with you about it, so I am blocking you now.

Have a nice day

It was rejected because the settlement would have made the company bulletproof against any further civil suits and effectively left the most villainous people with billions of dollars

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Dude, it literally says it in the article in the post. If you can't be bothered to read it that's not my problem. I'm not going to go through and post quotes and links to an article that the post has already provided. It's not difficult, just click the link in the post

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Yes. It says it quite clearly in the article above. That's where I read it.

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You’ll need to make a licensing deal, like Google and OpenAI have done, to use Reddit content for model training and other commercial purposes.

So it's not actually about protecting anyone's data, or making the internet a nicer place to be at all, Huffman is just mad that they're potentially missing out on more revenue streams. I can't say I'm surprised

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Maybe the nuggets at that location are close to their expiration date so they're only selling larger sizes to get rid of them faster?

You read the same article I did buddy, I don't have any other information. If you disagree with my assessment of it that's fine, I'm not going to sit here and copy/paste the whole article for you though.

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Ironically if they did hire a white man to play The Little Mermaid, the hard right nutjobs would be screaming that it was part of a "woke trans agenda" to normalize crossdressing and eliminate the traditional American male from society lol

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The person who reported the case to police was under the impression that Gutierrez-Farfan was a licensed provider.

Right, because licensed medical providers so often practice healthcare out of an old drink cooler in the parking lot at the mall lol

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Interestingly this statement is only presented completely without context. What role where they talking about? I'm sure Steven Miller wouldn't be satisfied until white men in blackface are playing every role in whatever it is they're talking about lol

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Wait until they find out that Billy is short for William

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I hate to keep bringing this up, but I don't think it counts as a "shit post" if you're just posting an actual real thing that you found in the news

I'm pretty sure that's just a regular news post

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He did prove one thing, and that is that rich people legitimately think anyone who has less money than they do is just lazy. Even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary and his own failure the article seems to imply that he still thinks that is the case lol guess he didn't learn anything at all...

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It's because being hateful has become part of the conservative identity. To be accepted as a right wing conservative you have to spew hateful garbage about something pretty much constantly. If you don't then they think your weak, or start calling you a RINO

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I thought they called it Soylent as kind of a joke. I'm sure they're already fully aware of what Soylent Green is lol

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I just read an article the other day that said LG is about to start charging subscription fees for washing machines 🙄

I will go old school and start washing my clothes against a rock in the river before I'll pay a fucking subscription to use my own washing machine

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The article should be titled "City politicians upset that local church opposed to their plan to criminalize poverty"

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No one calls any of those things spaghetti though

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He's never going to pay to help any of these people because he believes they are supposed to go to jail for him. He believes that's part of the "plan" that only exists in his head.

He has even expressed the opinion on record that he thinks any loyal Republican should always take jail time to protect him and never speak against him. He really does think he's a mafia boss

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Isn't this the exact reason why we have antitrust and monopoly laws?

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Every time a liberal gets a head cold the republicans start screaming that they're not physically capable to hold office anymore, but Mitch McConnell can have a stroke on live tv in the middle of a debate and they're ready to give him another year... Sound pretty typical

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Want to learn more? Here's everything you need to know about the elusive dongfish!

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Fun fact: the little flavor packet in that grocery store ramen has as much sodium as you should get in an entire day in it.

Source: my blood pressure

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Is anyone surprised by this? He's spent basically the last 8 years training his cult members to commit homicide anytime they are even mildly inconvenienced...

Now I'm no political expert, but "black people will actively vote the Nazis back into power because they want sneakers" just doesn't quite sound accurate to me... Maybe I'm missing something here?

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You'll just drive yourself crazy trying to understand the logic behind the kind of moronic inbreeding racist idiots who put this flyer up. There is no logic, because they are just disgusting hate filled people. The only "reason" is that they need someone to blame because they won't take responsibility for how miserable they have made their own lives.

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At this point I'm just assuming that by the time I'm "retirement age" there won't be any social security anymore, and I'll just have to keep working until the day I either drop dead or win the lottery

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They want migrants to come work the hardest, shittiest jobs but they want them to all live in the crappy housing outside the city limits because the townsfolk don't actually consider immigrants to be human beings. That was the gist of the article as I read it anyway...

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This reminds me of a guy in several of the Japanese classes I took in college. He kept trying to convince the professor that he should be exempt from taking exams because he was president of the anime club and was already basically fluent because he watches so much anime. Everyone including the professor thought he was joking at first lol

The dude could barely make it through one sentence when we would have to read in class

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I have noticed there are like 6 news instances that all basically post the exact same things every day and if I view all sometimes I'll see the same story posted 5 times in a row. I think this is something that will change over time as some of these basically identical instances get more popular and others disappear.

It feels like growing pains of a new platform

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I got the iFixit pro tool kit a few years ago and I use it all the time even for stuff that's not electronic lol

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That's probably so it's easier to see them instead of being hidden on the outside edge of your foot I'm guessing?

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You want them to pay to design TWO ROCKS???? What are they, billionaires???

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Because being inherently hateful isn't part of the liberal identity? The terms "liberal" and "progressive" imply acceptance and inclusivity by definition?

Is it really a "shit post" if you're just posting a factual account of something that actually happened?

After reading that article I feel like I need to go take 10 showers now


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Why does everything need a label? Can't they just be happy?

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I work at a call center, and a few years ago I got moved next to this person when we changed management teams. She was a very nice person in general, but for some reason as the day went on her voice would get louder and louder. I was amazed our manager never said anything as it sounded like she was screaming at the people on the phone by the end of our shift. I thought maybe she was just having a bad day or something so I didn't make a big deal out of it.

She kept getting louder though.

It got so bad that I was eventually pressing my hands over my headphones because she sounded louder than my own customers I needed it listen to. After about a week of this I'd finally had it, and I tapped her on the shoulder and asked if she could please try to keep her volume down since I couldn't hear my own callers anymore.

She looked at me like I'd just kicked a puppy or something. She made a HUGE show of gathering up all of her possessions and moving all the way to the other end of our row as far from me as she could get, all in complete silence

I think she actually expected me to come find her and apologize lol but since THAT wasn't about to happen I lived happily ever after never having to listen to her big fat mouth ever again

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