Bleeping Lobster

5 Post – 616 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

“Quite frankly, we've just been thanking God. You know, God’s been so good to us, and he protected us,

Never fails to amaze me how someone can completely disregard the hard work and sacrifice of other human beings and instead praise an imaginary skyguy.

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Went to a cousin's wedding, her parents split when she was little so I'd not seen my Uncle Mal for decades. Tbh everyone was expecting him not to show because he's a selfish twat and knows nobody likes him.

Surprise, Mal is here. He had an inexplicably-attractive, younger date (Mal was a disgusting, horrid-breathed, lumpy old man and his date was a pretty, well-spoken woman in her 30s so we all assumed she was an escort, as Mal has no redeeming qualities).

The whole time everyone is desperately avoiding being stuck alone with him, and everyone is talking about having the same conversation... Mal has written a book, he's a writer now, and he's written a poem he wants to read.

He was given many hints, subtle and not-so-subtle that his poem wasn't wanted and he agreed not to read it. Unfortunately whether due to ego or wine, he loudly interrupted someone elses toast to announce he had a poem to read. Our collective hearts sank.

It was worse than we expected, at one point including cringe-inducing references to his daughter having large breasts. It went on and on for at least 5 minutes of everyone silently looking at the floor, sneaking the occasional "No way he just said that?!" glances at each other. He eventually finished, and just stood there awkwardly for about 10 secs, I assume waiting for applause, which obviously was not forthcoming.

Read the fucking room Mal, no-one wants to hear your shitty poem and no-one cares that you're (allegedly) a published writer now. And your breath smells like a fart pushed through an onion.

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Hello! I’m AR15U! I’m the owner of! I’m transgender and transrace, and questioning transage and transabled. I’m a MAP as well

What in the unmitigated fuck is this? How can someone be so ridiculous... transrace? Transage?! Transabled?!! Is this some sort of weird roleplay to make trans people look silly?

Appropriate gif

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Nothing. The rewards are special flairs and digital trophies. This is what reddit thinks of their mods.

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I'm sure it must be frustrating to have to deal with these attacks, but in a sense they're a signifier of how popular / successful this instance is.

Thanks for all the work you do on it, Ruud.

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No Man's Sky - Finally lifting off the planet into space for the first time reignited my love of space and the cosmos. Made me feel awe and wonder

The Stanley Parable - never had a game make me laugh till I had tears in my eyes before. This game really fucks with your perception of what is real and just how common / predictable some gaming tropes have become

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I lost a friend to ket. He was partying with bad people, he was sick, choked on his vomit and they stole his stuff / left him to die.

Ketamine is a very interesting ride, and has wonderful potential as an antidepressant, but for the love of yourself (and my badly missed friend, John the magic man), PLEASE have someone compus mentus watching over you while you experience it, if you choose to do so.

Also strongly recommend you DO NOT mix with alcohol.

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Republicans are scumbags. If you're a republican reading this, ask yourself what it is about your brain that makes you support true evil.

Do you feel small inside? Like you didn't get what you wanted from life, so now others should suffer?

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I've had this before, except I was drunk, and it was a kebab.

I really, really do not like kebabs... my friend convinced me to get one. This kebab was like it had been sent from the heavens, I was in shock, never had I experienced a kebab like this.

The next day, I messaged my friend asking where we had the kebab... neither of us could remember. I had a vague idea of what the door looked like, we searched every time we were in the city centre for many years, but in vain.

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You can't exploit it. I know some people won't like to hear this, but Chinese expats are a security risk if they have any family still in China. It's well known at this point that the Chinese gov threatens family members to pressure and blackmail residents abroad to perform espionage.

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How on earth is this fuckhead still employed in this position?

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This was hilarious to read. There's nothing funnier than someone behaving unreasonably getting madder and madder, while the person they're dealing with stays perfectly calm. Though I don't doubt it'll result in even pettier behaviour from the republicans.

If they're paying dividends to shareholders, and fatcat salaries to CEO / upper board, whilst their workers need gov topups and assistance to survive... they can get fucked.

It never fails to amaze me that there's so much focus on 'benefit scroungers', whilst a majority of big businesses gain the giant benefit of cheap wages while their workers need gov assistance to get by. There are piggies with their snouts at the top, and they sit on the boards / are CEOs of big companies & multinationals.

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Maybe it's just a coincidence, but it seems like everytime .world defeds from a problematic instance, it's almost immediately smashed with DDOS attacks.

The beauty of lemmy as I see it though IS the federation, if .world is down no worries, I'll just browse on or any of the multitude of other instances :) we are like a sexy hydra of positivity.

Russia just cannot be trusted. Over and over and over again, they show this to the world.

Countries need to stop giving Russia 'one more chance'. Treat the Russian government like the fraudulent, evil pariahs that they reveal themselves to be.

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Yup. Just chucked it into google image search.

TBH I'm not against reposting content from reddit, we need more content here... content is content. I would prefer if people were more clear that they're not the OP though!

Never fails to amaze me that anyone who views themself as remotely pious could support trump. He's the epitome of antichrist, especially if you go by the bible definitions.

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Dark Reader. Not invulnerable to sudden blinding at night, I'd say one site in 200 seems to sneak through. But imo it beats all other dark mode addons I tried and certainly the default dark mode.

Often when a headline has only part of a sentence, it was taken out of context so I watched the video.

narrators voice "it was not taken out of context"

I personally have strong dislike of all fundamentalist religious teachings but the things this guy says are despicable. We don't have to respect someone's opinion but we have to respect their right to hold it, and saying vile shit like this only furthers divisions.

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Firefox user for many, many, many years. I tried chrome once and was dismayed at how sluggish it was, hogging ram & cpu.

FF just gets better and better with every update. I'm amazed that more people aren't using it.

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Had no idea something existed for this, I'm forever deleted annoying tracking info from links. Mozilla continues to impress me with their privacy additions... latest update notified me about email masking which looks like it'll be a major boon once I work out how to use it.

If anyone wants to read the actual details, there is a link in the article to a more-detailed one on

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My first thought after laughing at this was... "wtf even IS myyrh, anyway?"

a fragrant gum resin obtained from certain trees and used

Cheap fucking bastard gave the baby Jesus chewing gum.

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"you can’t help shovel your dogshit fucking crap ideology into everything." he froths, while shovelling his dogshit fucking crap ideology into everything. What a weapons-grade bellend.

I'm quite interested in using Linux, but it won't run many, if any of the 100s of plugins I own, let alone my audio interface, or my production software.

At least, that's my assumption. I did a search and can see there's a decent DAW for Linux (the amusingly-named Cockos Reaper), it's affordable at $80. But I'd also need to buy a new audio interface, there's a few that have Linux drivers. An expensive experiment. My interest is because it'd be amazing to have a stable system to play music live, with no weird Microsoft shit happening in the background guaranteed.

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She posits that some people have a 'combination lock' which, when the right numbers all come up together, pushes them over the line into a horrific violent act.

EG if someone was beaten by their father as a child, go through some trauma as an adult, are under a lot of stress, then some guy in the street who looks a lot like their dad used to starts screaming at him because he bumped into him, then BLAM they're smashing his face in with a nearby brick before they understand what's happening.

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This is the best version of the 'Eric Andre shooting someone that he then blames for being shot' meme I think I've ever, ever seen.

I'm not sure this is a good idea. Surely this sort of messaging is better aimed at independants / floating voters? You'd think that any republicans who see this are going to go straight into "REEEEE DEMONCRATS SEE WHAT THEY DO THEY KILL BABIES REEEEE" mode and dig deeper into their mindset.

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Completely and utterly damning. He's a rapist. I hope an investigation and conviction follows this reporting. Also maybe now's the time to codify that 16 year olds shouldn't be fair game for 30 year old men.

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DO NOT DO THIS fucking hell. Just nearly broke my thumb ligament. That did not feel good. Do not be an idiot, like me.

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Yeah this isn't the flex she thinks it is, surely. "Ah but you see, no-one saw the ads you paid for!"

There have been studies which found playing tetris for an hour or two after seeing something traumatic can prevent it taking root in our longterm memory.

I tried it once after accidentally clicking a link on reddit that turned out to be gore, I can't remember exactly what it was now (about 9 months later) so it must have worked

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I'm not going to link directly to any pirated content as I don't want to break the c rules, but iirc the creators of Disco Elysium literally asked people to pirate the game instead of buying it, as none of the sale currently goes to them, seeing as they were (according to them) unfairly ousted and had lots of money kept from them.

There's a good summary here:

That is fucking insane. $3 per hour wage increase in 31 years?!

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You're thinking of Trump now, as a deranged old man. It's entirely possible he studied it back before he was a rambling incoherent loon. A lifetime of hamburders, drugs and privilege must really fuck a brain up.

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People seem to forget that trans people always existed, you just weren't as visible (understandably).

I remember being sat in a bus station in the UK about 20 years ago, someone quite clearly in the early stages of transition sat there just waiting for their bus, and most of the people around pointing and snickering (had to edit that word because automod thought I'd dropped a slur). I made eye contact and gave them a smile, they mouthed me a 'thank you'. Was a small moment but stayed with me.

What's so hard about treating people with dignity and basic respect?

That's pretty genius. Unfortunately it seems that's where his intelligence ended, he went back to the well too many times and was caught.

I remember a pause for a minute's silence announced in the upper concourse of a train station (UK) last year. It was disconcertingly comedic as the people walking in either on the phone or with a friend were very confused at why everyone inside was standing motionless and glaring at them.

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Personally I think it's a bit rude when someone is hanging over into my seat, pressed up against me and forcing me out into the aisle. I'd like to sit in 100% of my seat please.

I put some weight on over the pandemic and I do sympathise that losing weight is quite hard. But fuck if it got to the point I needed 1.5 seats, I'd either do something drastic about it (like the time I had 500 calories a day for a few months and dropped from 15 to 12.5 stone, sorry for the caveman units), or book two seats.

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Awesome, some of my favourite clubs were sold off to be used as offices. Can we turn them back into clubs now?

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