Finland to reseal entire border with Russia as temporary reopening sees new influx in migrants | Euronews to World – 284 points –
Finland to reseal border after temporary reopening lures migrants

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Russia just cannot be trusted. Over and over and over again, they show this to the world.

Countries need to stop giving Russia 'one more chance'. Treat the Russian government like the fraudulent, evil pariahs that they reveal themselves to be.

This isn't just a matter of trust in Russian government.

Many Russians and Finns are connected one way or the other - quite some Finns have relatives in Russia (especially Karelia and Saint Petersburg), and quite some Russians have relatives and close ones in Finland. This kind of shitshow breaks down families and leads to immense levels of suffering, and that's not "all Putin's fault" (even though he did a lot of shit to get us where we are)

Russia has shown interest in solving the issue together, and Finland works on legislation to stop asylum seekers without closing the border.

But the idiocy of what happened yesterday is hard to describe. "We will keep borders open unless they are gonna come again". OF COURSE THEY WILL, THEY WAITED ON THAT BORDER FFS. At that point, Russian government can do very little to stop these particular people from going there.

Not to mention this is extremely inhumane on the side of Finnish government and only comes as a result of immigration crisis caused by uneven distribution on asylum seekers inside the EU - but as sealing borders with EU, from which majority of them come, is super impractical and politically consequential, they are gonna focus on just a few, the minority, coming through Russia. It is reactionary measure against a long overlooked issue.

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