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-Charges you unreasonable amount of money

-If you cancel the subscription, you lose it all

-If they change the terms, you may lose access to some of the things in your library


-Costs a grand total of 0$

-Allows you to retain content for eternity

-Requires a 5 second effort to enter the name of a show/film in Sonarr/Radarr

The choice is clear.

61 more...

People are crazy when they promote closed-source AI (okay, okay, generative model) projects like ChatGPT, Bard etc.

This is literally one of the most important technologies of the future, and after all the times technology companies screwed them (us) up big time and monopolized the Internet, they go into the same trap again and again.

First they surrendered the free Internet, now they surrender the new frontiers.

Wake up, people. Go HuggingFace, advocate for free AI, and ideally - for a GPL one. We cannot afford for this part of our future to be taken away from us.

17 more...

This entire tipping thing is terrible - including for dashers themselves.

It means dashers income heavily relies on strangers being kind enough to leave some extra.

It means customers are gonna feel bad for not paying more than their order amount (and they probably will pay the tip)

It means company can employ slave labor for extremely low pay and still have people willing to do this.

Tipping benefits only one party - the companies. We need to stop it.

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Kissinger deserves the hatred he gets, but let's not vandalize Wikipedia, pretty please? It's an encyclopedia, not a political tribune.

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This is not true; Bitcoin is open source and you don't have to guess whether such line is there or not.

It is not.

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An organized group of fediverse admins all united at not federating with Meta, i.e. against federation and also united in this goal

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Not before their brains start to rot by using those in the first place

It's scary to see how even the older generation gains reduced attention span, reduced ability to learn and need for instant gratification on this short dopamine machine.

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A budget that goes into space exploration, development of groundbreaking science that has its use both in space and on Earth, popularization of science among masses, democratizing access to cutting-edge knowledge, making it free for everyone, including kids and the poor, to access at any time? Yes, please.

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Nobody seems to be asking the main question: why would LGBT+ couples want to hire an open homophobe to take their wedding pictures to begin with?

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Looks like they refer to adding their Science wing into the streaming, too.

In this crazy capitalist world peiple started forgetting that public services can be free, like, for real :D

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Still, Lemmy probably ended up with more people than before. Also, hey, I came from Reddit drama

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A little correction: while some of pedo instances are full of potential child abusers, others are based on non-offending (i.e. stop fucking children ffs) principles.

The latter are actually extremely important since they provide a gateway for otherwise potentially dangeous individuals to gain support and find professional help. Trying to instead blindly seed hatred towards people with any immutable traits is never productive, be it any mental disorder, sexuality, or otherwise, same as race and gender. In this case, it only prevents pedophiles from seeking help, making them more likely to become the child predator type and actually pose danger to kids.

Being a pedophile is not a choice. Being a Nazi or a child abuser are, and those should fuck themselves (but also reconsider what they do and what they believe in).

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It's a little harder than you imagine Source: I'm Russian

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Ain't that simply a curtain drama for practical acquisition of OpenAI by Microsoft, circumventing potential legal issues?

This started months ago.

What surprises me, in a way, is that photovoltaics are literally 3,5 times cheaper than just mirrors reflecting light onto a tower. It got REAL cheap. Wish it'd go further!

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I'm gonna say what the author - as well as many here - don't dare to.

We all know modern capitalism is bad, many know capitalism in general is bad and its modern form is inevitable, but that's magically where people stop.

I'm gonna say it. We need to revisit socialism. This is the only way.

What ultimately helped to solve the issue luddites have raised is the rise of socialist agenda, the idea of secure workplace, fair pay, and technology bringing equal prosperity for everyone.

You can relate to socialism whichever way you want, but through the previous industrial revolution the socialist rise was the thing that finally delivered that prosperity, even in capitalist countries, and allowed people to actually benefit from progress. When first states turned socialist, we suddenly got fairer working conditions, free education and healthcare (except for redscared America), and yes - a giant boost in prosperity and equality.

Now, on the brink of the next technological revolution, we either allow those on the top to reap everything they can, or we fight back again to reclaim technology for the benefit of everyone. And socialism is the structure allowing us to do the latter.

We should return to that discourse, no matter how much red scare we face to this day. Saying capitalism is bad is not gonna hurt them. Saying "capitalism is bad, and here's an alternative" will.

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AFAIK is a very established and widely recognized acronym with decades of history. Just saying.

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Regardless of low you look at it, this is great news.

It's not a reason to switch back to Google indeed, but people inside this ecosystem just got a little less surveillance.

I've heard of the issue before.

Stupid? Absolutely. And it's not just iPhones - they are part of the bigger picture. Somehow having "premium" things is huge part of your status in the US, especially among teens. And, despite the fact iPhone is owned by just about everyone in America, it's still somehow seen as a thing compared to which Android phones are broke man's choice.

Result? 87-88% of American teens have iPhones (1, 2), with 90% planning to make it their next choice.

It's an extremely toxic consumer culture driving people into debt - and even if you aren't part of it, you'll be forced into it, otherwise your child will have issues.

Also, Apple will fight tooth and nail to distinguish users, because having access to iMessage - and now right-colored bubbles - is a big part of why Americans go Apple to begin with. It's a local unofficial communication standard.

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Tfw when you literally got attacked by washing machine

People are concerned because there were examples of such things going horribly wrong, most notably with Google and XMPP.

Way back in the day, Google announced that its Talk messenger will support XMPP, which made decentralization fans very happy - finally, they can communicate with everyone from the comfort of their decentralized instance!..oh.

Google started implementing features in Talk that are incompatible with XMPP, and then dropped XMPP support altogether, ending up deprecating Talk in favor of Google-only Hangouts. This forced many XMPP users to get into Google's ecosystem, since the people they contacted through XMPP were mostly just using Google Talk, and they couldn't be contacted through XMPP any more. As a result, XMPP became worse off than it started and got practically forgotten by all but 1,5 nerds who keep it alive.

now most of their contacts were in defederated Google to which they now didn't have access.

13 more...

Cute innocent girls are nice

Don't let her go through the rabbit hole :D

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That's an impressive feat, especially considering the complexity and differences of yeast DNA encoding compared to more researched bacteria.

I've been registered on Lemmygrad. Got banned for saying Stalin is not a superhero and that he made both good and bad moves.

Noted, moved to

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Not a penny to those bastards. Should YouTube and Google along with it rot to hell, I don't care. Maybe we'd finally get better alternatives running at full capacity.

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I feel like there should be a limit on how many times a country can exercise their veto rights, at least.

US has a long history of single-handedly bullying entire UN with their veto power.

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We certainly should keep corps at a 1km pole from here.

They come and ruin everything they tough in the name of profit. Can they force their way? Partially, maybe, in some ways. But if we welcome them with open doors, it will get way worse. The last thing we should do is give up and say "they'll get their dirty hands into this anyway".

Let's keep this place tidy of bullshit, pretty please.

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Even in 1983 they were worried about being constantly remotely bugged about work...they were goddamn right.

They will now say it's only because they fought and warned us

To anyone who reads this: I know everyone talks about Linux around Lemmy, and that you've already been offered to install Linux a million times.

I understand how much it puts you off.

But this time, give a try. For real. Try it, there's nothing to lose.

The reason we don't ever shut up about it is because Linux is just so much better that many of us don't imagine how we lived without it. Unironically.

Spend a week on Linux. Install Mint, or Manjaro, and run them - not in VM, use dualboot. You can easily delete Linux afterwards if you don't like it, straight out of Windows. Run it for a week.

And you'll be like us.

21 more...

Hot extreme opinion: copyright shouldn't exist, and authors should be covered by other means, particularly public funding based on usage numbers and donations.

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Total war is not just an abstract political move, it's an immense suffering and deaths of dozens of thousands of civilians.

It's easy to play political mastermind from the safety and comfort of your home. People who witnessed war know full well what it entails, and they know it's not just numbers and maps and politics.

It's blood. It's broken families. It's famine. It's the destruction of everything they valued. It's PTSD for just about everyone who managed to survive.

Think twice before saying things like that. Please.

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The difference is that with permissive licenses everyone can take any amount of code, add literally whatever and make it all proprietary. This way, things like MacOS, as well as gaming console firmware for example, were made.

Licenses like GPL don't allow you to do that - if you borrow anything GPL, you have to make your creation open-source, or else a juicy lawsuit awaits you, technically on copyright basis. For example, Android as a base OS is open-source simply because it uses code from Linux kernel, and the latter is licensed under GPLv2.

The latter is superior since it propagates the open-source code by forcing everyone who used the free code to share their code as well. This proved to be very useful with even corporations having their hands tied into showing the code, ensuring transparency and security for everyone.

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Why "both are wrong" is such a complicated concept to understand?

Hamas is super wrong to start this ugly war, for keeping civilians hostage.

Israeli army is super wrong for mass shellings and complete disregard for civilian casualties.

Commanders on both sides of the conflict should be brought to justice.

But telling rights from wrongs isn't the top priority right now. Civilians are dying, and this has to be stopped right now. And right now, this is in the hands of Israel.

A valid point was made here that we should probably have a small section of the Fediverse federated with Meta as a way to access Threads without leaving the safety of the Fediverse.

But the rest should defederate. We must protect what we fought hard to gain.

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As an avid Palestine supporter, I gotta say the news is not about that, and bringing it up out of context is just the means to hijack attention to the position we're all already aware of.

This piece of news is good, regardless of the conflict. Might be a little weird for them to focus on that right now, might be a political game, but it is good regardless.

My congratulations to Israeli LGBTQ+ community.

When you fuck over people with their freedoms, you don't deserve the freedom to be extended to you.

It's the same as paradox of tolerance. You shouldn't be tolerant to intolerance, and you shouldn't give freedom to those who want to strip it away from you.

That's like freedom 101.

Sluzhba Bezpeki Ukraini = Security Service of Ukraine, SSU Basically, Ukrainian intelligence

Almost a year here! Working great! (No, for real, modern desktop Linux experience is surprisingly refined, it's more stable and performant than Windows!)

14 more...

We can go into big depths on how he's actually a corporate slave making his business on sponsorships instead of promoting big systemic changes, but that misses the case you make on how it affects kids.

On the kid side, he can be a somewhat good role model, a generous philanthropist sharing what he has to make people's lives better. I'd say the effect his may have on kids is mostly positive.