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Joined 12 months ago

SAP, the most forcedly convoluted and horrid amalgamation of acquired software, held together by a support team that barely know how it works, is forcing their workers to go back to the office, where they will communicate with everyone remotely.

Color me shocked.

I used to be able to email their support staff and say "I need access to XYZ" and they would respond "Who's access would you like to copy?" And I could have told them any name I would like and they would just give it to me.

At one time my boss gave me approval to do all the ordering for our department and gave me access to financial transactions. 6 months later, and a half million dollars spent, they realized I was never given the training that the access required. Guess who had 20 one hour trainings to complete in 2 weeks? Management blamed me.

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Web MD. The website. The website designed to make visitors feel a false sense of expertise about their health so that they don't leave home to see a doctor about illness, is threatening their workers to leave their homes, to unnecessarily return to work, during a wave of life threatening and easily transmitable illness, that they will have to bring home.

Or bleach and alcohol.

Better yet, let's just say don't mix bleach with anything but water.

Last year I was sick for 7 weeks with covid, RSV, the flu, and then covid again. I had to go to work while still sick with covid because I was out of sick time, even though their own policies should have prevented me from returning. I told all my coworkers to stay away from me and avoided them like I had the plague, because I essentially did. Had I actually not cared about other people's health, I could have lied and destroyed the entire department for months with recurring spreading illness.

I had to have a meeting where I was being threatened with a PIP for attendance, while I was still sick and wearing a mask, for my job at a vaccine laboratory.

I've heard some of the more advanced bullshit detectors have pressure pads that the bullshiter sits on to measure how much actual shit they are holding back while taking a bullshit test to detect the actual bullshit, but that might be bullshit.

Last week we got 18" of snow. 6 days later and it's 72F. My favorite season is being erased.

1000 forks plus packaging is 4lbs.

250 forks per pound.

Standard forklift capacity is 5000lbs.

250 x 5000 = 1,250,000 forks.

Maybe slightly realistically and safely, due to load height and placement restrictions, let's just call it between 750,000 and 1,000,0000 forks.

Forks can fork a lot of forks. Fork.

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Mobile has extensions too. Ublock on Firefox mobile is a god send.

It's not really laundering because the income was legal. It's more like a game of Russian roulette blackmail to allow a negotiable tax evasion rate.

There are a lot of figures left out of the article, but it sounds like a preemptive bailout to handle a company fully prepared to cause the rolling blackouts that would also damage themselves. Plus those credits can most likely be sold and bought like any other commodity, only a bit less regulated. Given a few years of climate change those credits will be extremely valuable. Then again, I'm just a speculative jerk on the worldwide web with an opinion. I could be wrong.

Corner the market then lower your prices. It's basic economics!

I pay for the box. I eat the box.

"Hi this is adult film star Brandi Maxxx..."

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"And how long ago was your last doctor's visit?"

"Uh, 7-ish years ago?"

" Great. That'll be $350."

It starts out as $1.99 but everyone forgets that as life goes on they take more pictures and videos and have to keep upgrading cloud sevices to keep their memories intact.

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NFTs were doomed because of what they are.

Getty, the giant corporate image copywriting company, is essentially selling images with the same intent that NFTs were created for. The only difference is that once the image is sold on Getty, it's actually sold. Finding another copy of the image is nearly impossible. The image then actually has value and most importantly, sole ownership.

I tried to find a photo I saw in a TV show and found they bought it from Getty. That photo is gone from the internet. Aquiring it would mean contacting the TV studio with the cash ready to buy the rights and use of it. They bought it for maybe $30. Buying it from them would be an astronomical price and would take a lot of work. Buying to resell would be a gamble on the shows long-term popularity.

So instead of buying an image outright, owning it forever, and having all control of it's use, you could buy an NFT that anyone can download, claim you own it yet never be able to access the original file, and you don't have any reasonable right to claim copyright. It's just nonsense pump and dump bullshit.

Would I buy a pet rock? No, but that didn't stop people from buying pet rocks.

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I have experienced it, and in my experience it was in no way possible for it to be confirmation bias. My wife and I sometimes do something weird where we just talk for hours. Crazy I know, but we bounce ideas off each other to an extent that we get into conversations about stuff we have never talked about nor ever searched for. Not even anything remotely close to related to things we search for.

We used to have and use a lot of Google home minis. Within hours we would see ads for the exact thing we were talking about. We would see ads for thing related to conversations we had within hours. We started getting hyper vigilant about it. We started randomly talking clearly and loudly about nonsense subjects and products that we have no sense to talk about and waiting to see how long it would take to see a suggested ad pushed to us by Google. It usually took less than 24 hours no matter what it was. This went on for months.

It became a running joke to us and I would walk into the room and say something like "I would love to buy a farberware brand vegetable peeler. There is nothing more that I would like than to purchase farberware brand appliances and homewares". My wife would laugh, and usually before the end of the night I would have large targeted ads on my phone for farberware appliances.

Honestly since we stopped using the Google home minis (since they barely work with anything due to googles bullshit software support) it happens far far less.

It's true everywhere. My wife and I both placed separate orders. I placed mine first and watched the driver wait 30 minutes, after picking up my order, until her order was ready. Then they got confused that both orders were coming to my house and didn't drop my order off. They figured it out after a few minutes and came back, but after 45 minutes of sitting in a car nachos are pretty fucking gross.

He sees Carlson as weak and easily influenced. Carlson isnt stupid. Carlson has been typecast as an outsider. Carlson has been on a lot of JRE & friends podcasts which have a stronghold in modern media that caters to young men, conspiracy theorists, and GOP boot lickers.

I think Bow Tie Tuck is a better pick than many realize.

Nobody likes you when you're 23.

I would prefer to not talk about him at all, but if there's any reason to discuss him I'd prefer to call him farthole taint. Or just farthole. Or .

You reminded me of a video news story from the early 2000s where the news station interviewed a guy, who panhandled while pretending to be a wheelchair bound homeless person in front of Walmart, as a sort of "gotcha" journalism piece. He was totally open and honest about it and was chuckling the entire time. At the end of the piece they asked "so now they we have outed you on tv, how are you going to trick people into giving you money?" He replied, "I'm just going to go over there (while pointing to adjacent stores). "And you think you will get people to give you money?" "Yeah, no one knows who I am and people forget so quickly that it won't effect me". (These aren't exact quotes.)

In a way Trump does the same thing. Everyone forgets his past actions quickly, blames the outcomes on the other party, and just moves on to different allegations he can spin. There's so much news surrounding him theres little time to actually interpret his actions, and he can just shift gears to another group of downtrodden citizens to swindle if he pisses his supporters off.

So you wanna be key buddies? Respectfully.

I had a specific problem today that googling didn't help (it was a google account problem, go figure). I added reddit to the search terms and clicked into reddit for the first time in months. All I can say is that their UI is purposely horrible. Like, so fucking bad.

I would rather join tiktok than use reddit at this point. That should sound like sarcasm, or hyperbole, but it isn't. Lemmy is feeling like the last social media network I'll join, and as soon as lemmy gets to the toxicity levels of reddit, which no offense but I feel will be soon, I'm probably going to be the weird person that just uses their phone to call their family, utility companies, and watch hardcore anal fisting, footing, and prolapsing videos.

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Well I do have around 200 pictures of my butthole, and if I was held for ransom where those pictures were emailed to either of my grandfathers then I would pay a tidy sum to prevent it. Grandma, mom, dad, step-niece, I don't care. But if my grandfather might see my butthole, I would happily pay $40m to keep him from seeing my bare back butthole and balls. I don't want you all to get the wrong idea, I love Gramps, but he has seen enough of my butthole, and I want to stay in his will.

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I don't mind Oldspice's BEARGUN BEER THRASHER. Reminds me of my childhood abuse.

Luxury car makers will have a harder time justifying a high price tag when an electric Kia will match their 0-60.

Mark my words, cars will be the next common planned obselesence product. As soon as the battery doesn't take a charge people will junk it and buy another just like the phone market.

You weren't replying to my comment, which is nowhere near this chain of comments, but I think you were targeting me. Your satire is too close to being serious. I declare that you're an idiot. Fight me now.

Your wife, and don't call me dog.

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Let's take a step back from this pointless argument. Shrink rates have been between 1-2% for arguably forever. Retailers currently are aghast that their shrink losses went from $90 billion to $120 billion! Yikes! That sounds like a big increase!

Yet, that shrink percentage has not significantly increased. It's been around 1.5% for a few years now. Doesn't that make you wonder though? If the percentage of shrink loss isn't increasing, how are the losses increasing 33%? And even more perplexing is, how are these companies posting record profits? Quarter after quarter their profits are increasing as much as 6% even with these record breaking shrinkage losses.

It's almost as if they have taken advantage of the publics attention of COVID era inflation, and price gouged the retail market. It's like they priced their products 33% higher than they were, in order to make record profits, and those higher prices can easily be conflated into record shrinkage losses.

Weird. I'm sure that can't be what's happening though. My always friendly Walmart has always been set on giving me the cheapest prices possible. They couldn't be trying to change the narrative to make it seem like customers are thieves. They love their customers, and would never patronize them for something as greedily evil as a drop in their revenue bucket.

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We all know that the vision pro is a porn machine masquerading as a innovative product. That goes for all VR. The first youtuber to give headset reviews centered around their ability to immerse people into porn is going to be the first channel I didn't accidentally subscribe to.

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I was fired in June for a mixed non-descript bag of reasons from my previous employer of 8 years. The reasons they told me were not what they told the DOL. They told the DOL that I was fired for attendance issues, which is weird since I hadn't been absent since March, and the company's on-site nurse told me not to come to work. I used 2.5 days of my yearly allowable 6 days of sick time within 6 months. They also told them I falsified records.

What's really weird is that it happened to coincide with my complaint of workplace harassment by a former boss.

The worst part was they lied to the DOL and told them I admitted to falsifying records. Little did they know, I recorded audio of my HR meeting so I could prove that I didn't admit to falsifying records.

Anyways, after months of fighting for unemployment benefits (they didn't even give me a severance), I won my appeal hearing. My previous employer didn't even give the DOL an in service phone number, so they didn't even attend the hearing.

They really were banking on me not trying to fight them. After months of me sounding like an insane person to everyone I talked about it to, I finally got vindication.

And before you think this must be some small operating business where my boss just didn't want to show up to lose, this is a large publicly traded company with thousands of employees and is an industry leader in the field. The site I worked for was a drop in their revenue bucket with a mere 70 million in net revenue.

I may be jobless right now, with 5 kids, a mortgage, and had my name dragged through the mud, but I'm so fucking proud of myself for sticking up for myself and proving that I was fucking right the entire time.

They still haven't been able to fill my position, have had more people quit and are in dire straights according to an inside source.

Oh and the kicker? Turns out the last woman they fired complained about the same person, but they gave her a giant severance package even though she was only employed with them less than a year.

Can't wait to see that place bleed itself to death.

Im fairly certain that what I'm about to say will be disliked by ketamine users and abstainers.

Ketamine is garbage at everything besides temporarily lobotomizing people. It works for it's many uses because it makes the user stupid. It's often given to suicidal people, not because it's a miracle drug, but because it incapacitates them in a safe manner.

That said, it's great at making people too stupid to be able to hurt themselves, most of the time. It's great at numbing psychological pain because the user will be too stupid to conceptualize their own thoughts or realize where they are physically.

It's also hard on the urinary system and has a fleeting high.

If you like ketamine then by all means, you do you. If you may be interested in trying ketamine, become a zombie safely, just don't expect it to cure your depression, woes, or any of your other problems.

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It's of my own opinion that they are absolutely avoiding the WARN act, while also trying to dump a ton of workers into the market to raise unemployment rates, lower the wage demand power of prospective employees, thereby decreasing job mobility.

Its quite telling when every CEO sounds off like a mocking bird about trivial shit like returning to office after making record profit for 3 years.

I badly want to write a rant but I've already met my quota for today.

Sorry I ranted a bit anyway.

Next is that pesky porn problem that makes up most of the traffic.

"But not too, just what they ordered..."

"Hmmm... Solve world hunger...Why don't we do that?..."

"Sir, your dinner is ready."

"The flies were wild caught yes?"

"From Botswana sir. Just as you like."


Is life

You might look even better in a burka.

How exactly does one do that?

Edit: nvm I found the portal. I'm intrigued but I don't know what I would do with mountains of porn urls.

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I'm desperately trying to find a new phone that isn't a Samsung. I switched by force from LG to Samsung and even though the Samsung was 3 years newer, it was a downgrade.

It pushes so many notifications I have given up. I'm going to have to spend $1400 on a Sony just to retain my SD card slot and get rid of the bloatware.

Since starting my hunt, my garbage s20 is pushing so many s24 ads. Guess how many phones have an SD card slot and a FHD+ screen?

Nine. 4 of them are made by Sony.

Edit: I forgot to mention that my samsung phone also gave me a notification Ad for the S24. I didn't think to screenshot it because my notifications are so aggressive that I have become brain dead to this bullshit. I can clear a wall of 15 and within 3 minutes have another wall of 10.

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