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Joined 12 months ago

So, back when I worked in a Verizon store, I dealt with a lot of damaged phones. Any time there's water in a dream, I always check my phone to see if it's water damaged. Other than that, it never really gets used.

Now I'm wondering if I shouldn't start every question with "Riddle me THIS, Batman!" 🤔

Often when I'm talking to give information, people get something completely different from it. I know how words work, but somehow it turns to garbage between my brain and their ears.

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They don't really have to work at all.

Hey thanks! Love you too!

If I am super interested in a book that I got as a gift, I will tear through it in a few days. That being said, I've probably read like 4 adult books since being out of school. Plenty of kids books over the years, (I had mastered Fox in Socks at one point.)

It takes a lot for me to take that much time on a book.

Before the movie came out, the Titanic was probably the only shipwreck I had ever heard of.


Ha! You made me think the exact same phrase twice!

My daughter goes to school in Detroit, and IT'S not even how you imagine Detroit. I was impressed. It's a nice city.

We always stock up when we take her to school and back. 😁

I don't play, but everyone I know who does, learned Smoke on the Water first.

Looks like a hand to me. 🤷🏻‍♂️

But yeah, stop wearing those rings.

Try having a brain that is compelled to actively search for new distractions, and

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I'll give them some credit, not EVERY question is terrible, but damn they sure are depressing. It's like talking to Eeyore.

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I never played sleepy music until I was a teen, and every night I played Cake - Fashion Nugget. Great, mellow tunes, and I learned ALL the lyrics subliminally!

Ok, I did listen to it awake, so maybe it wasn't completely subliminal, but it's been a while and I bet I could still sing 80% of the album from memory.

Nowadays, it's just the fan or AC running.

EDIT: I typed the wrong Cake album originally.

I've had so many troubles with carts over the years. I'm slowly learning more and more.

At first, it seemed like ALL of my carts would break before they were used up. I got a better battery with a display screen, and knowing for sure when the battery is dead/dying or if it's not connecting to the cart has helped me stretch the life of my carts.

Also, overheating the coils seems to be a huge issue. Don't take super long hits, or pass it between people quickly. Hitting it over and over before it can cool back to room temp, will cause your oil to leak into the battery or up into the sucking tube(? I don't know what to call the part you put your mouth on).

During last week's heat wave I left one in my car and found half the oil in my cup holder. Stickiest, messiest stuff I've ever dealt with!

Oh! If the cart hits really hard and even the tiniest hit causes you to cough, unscrew the cart and get a qtip dipped in rubbing alcohol to clean out both the male and female parts of the cart and battery. I just learned that one, and it worked wonders!

Those are people that just want to destroy.

The "cause" is just a convenient way for them to not feel guilty.

Can you get to that wallet? A Bitcoin is worth $60k now.

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After it happened she was emotionally devastated, because she SPECIFICALLY ASKED THEM not to make a mess of her outfit. That was a $200 jacket and those stains are NOT coming out with club soda.

I laughed when I read it, and I read the examples in the right accent, but I really don't see how it makes a difference.

I'm watching a lot of old sitcoms and that's a pretty common characteristic. Seems like there's always multiple characters lying and manipulating their loved ones for relatively insignificant reasons. At the end we all have a few laughs and think that's normal.

I haven't seen it in so long, I only remember one thing about it. Yup. THAT thing. We should look it up one of these days. Thanks for the reminder!

I don't think HR or verifying agencies CAN dig into your social media. I think it's just credit scores and criminal convictions.

But, even if that's not true, which is very possible, I guarantee that your potential boss and any co-workers involved in the hiring process will Google you. That usually brings up court cases or newspaper stories (if there are any), a Facebook, or LinkedIn. If you were dumb enough to post your Reddit name on Facebook... good luck on your job search.

It might be better to NOT ban them. If I read a post and decide that this is not someone I want to interact with EVER again, I can block them and move on. But, if they get banned and come back with a new name, they pop right back in my feed.

I believe you're looking for thoughtsaboutshowers.

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At least they were cheap enough that every kid could feel like a pogillianaire.

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Anything is a bit harsh, but I can understand where it comes from. Before Nirvana, rock was hairspray, glitter and spandex. Grunge put us in ripped jeans, flannel and not giving a fuck.

A lot of it is "technically" not great music, and since many bands have taken that grunge sound, improved it and put their own spin on it, listening to them today isn't very impressive. In fact, I rarely get excited when Nirvana comes on the radio, and I wore a Kurt T-shirt in the 90s!

What is NOT overrated is the impact they made on rock. The whole game changed because of Nirvana, and they definitely deserve credit for that.

That was a wild ride! I used to stay up with my Dad and watch Big Chuck and Little John, and definitely heard Mark's voice when I read that bit.

Ah shit. I guess I'm a PARTY ANIMAL!!!

Get played used to be called How did this get played, right?

I love those guys. Haven't listened to it in years, but even after listening to Spoiler Country on games I never heard of, it often made me go try the game, or suggest it to my brother so he could experience the twist in the raw.

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What Happened to Edith Finch was one of my favorites that I only played because of their review. I had mostly forgotten everything that was spoiled in the podcast, (except for the bathtub) so it was still great to experience the twists and turns!

Because what the US considers left (universal health care, helping the poor, school lunches and affordable education) is considered middle of the road normal stuff in Europe and other developed countries.

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Wha?!? Are they implying that she was hired for her allegiance and not her ability?!? By Trump?

I'm shocked.

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I think the waitress is the asshole here. Kitchen talk should NEVER reach the customer. I think maybe SHE was annoyed with taking your orders, and blamed it on the chef.

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Slight Correction: Your landlord sold your personal information to a company that sends you ads.

It's not much different, but this feels just a little bit worse.

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I've always hated advertising, but I hated it even more once I worked in advertising.

That being said, it's unfair to advertisers. (ugh, I hate saying that, because it's a slimy business, but this is the reality) Nobody has the time to thoroughly research EVERY business that wants to buy advertising. Also, there's a fine line between scams and completely legal yet manipulative business.

Bill might be starting a legitimate small business and wants to advertise to get his first clients. There's very little information available online and no reviews because he's just starting out, but that could look like a fly by night scammer.

Joe owns a similar small business. He charges too much and he doesn't do very good work. That's not illegal, but people who use his services might feel like they got scammed.

Bob's a piece of shit. He wants to take your money and give you nothing in return. He knows what an advertiser would look for to verify his legitimacy, and he makes a fake website full of fake reviews.

In this instance, the advertiser might refuse to sell to Bill, get sued for selling to Joe and spend money and time proving that he's technically legit, and perhaps not even know that Bob's a scammer until months after he's taken the money and run.

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I feel this is very similar to working on a car. Back in the day they fixed those things up until they crumbled to dust. Pretty much EVERYONE'S dad knew how to do at least a little something on the car. But I didn't. The car was just a tool, not a hobby, my dad would fix things when they went wrong and sometimes I'd help and learn a bit, but other than that, I had it repaired or tagged it for a new one.

Cars were always there and easily accessible, but I had to learn DOS to play video games! Computers are now our dad's cars.

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This post could be what does it. You've aired your grievances, and we all agree that guy was a total dick.

The Internet rules in your favor and you are hereby absolved of any liability to let him live rent free in your head.

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Because liberals see "the world vs the ideal world" we see problems and we try to correct them.

Conservatives see "us vs them" and burning the world to the ground is fine as long as "The others" burn with it.

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I've heard that people who drive a Dodge Ram are most likely to have a DUI on their record.

For real. Might have changed since then though.

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