7 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I just like the fediverse and hope it does well.

Any pronouns

Dihydrogen Monoxide, commonly used in laundry detergent and other cleaning supplies, is also present in Subway sandwiches

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Mx is common-ish among nonbinary people. Here’s a relevant poll regarding people’s usages of it:

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Not sure what the use case is for a federated wiki. It lets you... edit a different wiki with your account from your initial one? View pages from other wikis using your preferred website's UI? Know which wikis are considered to have good info by the admins of the wiki you're browsing from?

This is presented as a solution to Wikipedia's content moderation problems, but it doesn't do much against that that wouldn't also be done by just having a bunch of separate, non-federated wikis that link to each others' pages. The difference between linking to a wiki in the federation network, and linking to one outside the federation network, is that the ui will be different and you'd have to make a new account to edit things.

I suppose it makes sense for a search feature? You can search for a concept and select the wiki which approaches the concept from your desired angle (e.g. broad overview, scientific detail, hobbyist), and you'd know that all the options were wikis that haven't been defederated and likely have some trustworthiness. With the decline of google and search engines in general, I can see this being helpful. But it relies on the trustworthiness of your home wiki's admin, and any large wiki would likely begin to have many of the same problems that the announcement post criticizes Wikipedia for. And all this would likely go over the head of any average visitor, or average editor.

I don't know. I'm happy this exists. I think it's interesting to think about what structures would lead to something better than Wikipedia. I might find it helpful once someone creates a good frontend for it, and then maybe the community can donate to create a free hosting service for Ibis wikis. Thank you for making it.

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This question is analogous to “why hasn’t anarcho-communism yet worked on a wide scale?” Which is a question with many, many facets to it. You’d have to ask a lot of questions separately.

If I were to try, though, I think the simple answer is “people who work in X area usually do not own the means of production and as such cannot redirect the end product to horizontalist organizations.” Most people can’t just quit their jobs to join a mutual aid group because, without being able to contribute things, the biggest thing a mutual aid group can pass around is time, and most mutual aid groups that exist irl are focused on doing tasks like “picking up prescriptions for others,” and cannot replace participation in the capitalist economy.

Nevermind how most governments don’t want horizontalist non-capitalist organizations to gain enough power to provide a viable alternative to living under capitalism.

You don’t owe anyone anything as a trans person. I disagree with the notion that you’re ugly, and I disagree with the notion that you look masculine, but even if you did, the goal of the trans movement isn’t “if you let us be trans then we’ll look perfect and fit exactly into the gender boxes that society expects us to!” The goal of the trans movement is to let people be happy and accepted as whoever they are, whatever way they present. Trans women can be beefy and hairy and fat just as much as they can be petite and curvy, and both are important. Transition is a process, and it’s often a long, hard process, and the goal isn’t just to normalize the idea of transitioning but the reality of it, where people of any gender can look like anything and they might even decide they’re happy to keep looking like that for the rest of their lives. Every person who dares to live and be trans and be proud of it is helping other trans people, regardless of how they look and whether or not they pass. If you want to help, talk to other trans people, organize, be kind and compassionate, don’t just give up because you think your very existence is hurting others. Sky, you’re worth more than you think you are, and you aren’t hurting anyone by being yourself.

That’s the instance logo

The time interval hasn’t changed. It’s 30 seconds, unless you are replacing a pixel that someone else placed, in which case it is 60 seconds.

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No. Extend is the part where they add their own proprietary features to the protocol that create interoperability problems with the rest of the services using the protocol.

explanation, since this one might be more confusing than most:

Traffic congestion does indeed waste gas. However, any place worth driving to is going to have congestion--driving without congestion is easy, fast, and comfortable, so people generally won't take other options until roads become congested. Thus, congestion actually reduces gas usage overall, because it is only once areas become congested that people stop driving places.

Trying to avoid congestion, on the other hand, usually involves expanding roads, something which increases driving, and makes other forms of transportation less useful/comfortable, thus increasing gas usage overall.

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“Poor Mexico, So far from God, so close to the United States.”

People on HRT have a significantly higher mortality rate than people not on HRT

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HRT is short for Hormone Replacement Therapy, a treatment many transgender people use to feel more aligned with their gender identity. It's been proven to increase mental health, and has a low regret rate. However, it is correlated with higher mortality because trans people overall have a higher mortality rate and HRT is primarily used by trans people.

A more extreme example of the same thing would be "People on chemotherapy have a higher chance of dying from cancer than people not on chemotherapy." It's true, but only because people without cancer don't tend to enter chemotherapy.

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Two of the crabs begin to play chess among themselves

If this question is “Would you rather everyone be able to talk, or just people who are correct?” Then, uhm, correct according to who?

I prefer having a range of forums of different functions, from “Only my friends can speak” to “everyone, save for those who use speech to harass or intimidate, can speak” to “only the teacher can speak.” None of those fit neatly into either category here (even teachers are sometimes wrong).

The true mission of Lemmy is to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable :)

It includes transgender women, but I don't think doing so skews the numbers. AFAIK in the US there are about the same number of trans women as trans men, so any increase in the queer percentage from trans women would be balanced out by the decrease from excluding trans men.

I'd expect an AFAB-specific poll to have a slightly higher queer percentage, since it would include nonbinary people while this poll excludes them.

No - semantic satiation is when you read or hear a word so much in a short timeframe that it stops feeling like a real word, and briefly feels like just a jumble of letters/sounds.

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I don’t think that’s true. Like, yes, priming is a real thing, the mere exposure effect is real, and the advertisement industry exists for a reason, but something you don’t pay attention to is unlikely to stick with you; the danger in algorithms is much more how they influence your emotions and your consumption patterns than how they inject your brain with unwanted thoughts

The second wave of arrests was almost entirely students, because Columbia has been on lockdown and it’s been increasingly difficult for non-students to get in in the first place. The “outside agitators were at fault” narrative that Columbia is pushing is at odds with this.

Every year, traffic congestion wastes billions of gallons of gas.

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Huh, okay. Good on you for being consistent.

I find the banning of individual users to be highly necessary, to prevent spam of porn/nazi shit/general assholery. Instead of everyone having to spend a long time forming their own blocklist, they can sign up for an instance with a mod team that they trust to do it for them. Defederation is a useful tool towards that end, because (for example) Exploding Heads is an instance that explicitly allows racism and such, so a well-moderated instance will defederate with them rather than having to ban hundreds or thousands of individual trolls who sign up over there because they like racism.

Subscribing to a community does not curate content. All subscribing does is add it to your list of subscribed communities, so it’s one of the ones that shows up when you look into your Subscribed feed (sometimes called the Home feed). Subscribing to a community will not impact the Local feed or the All feed.

Lemmy does not have “curated content” outside of your subscriptions adding to the Subscribed feed, and your blocks taking away from all feeds.

I’ve never heard of bribes being used to bypass a driver’s test, at least where I’ve grown up (Washington, US). If you tried to open a conversation like “where do I go if I want to bribe you?” I imagine that people would just assume it’s a joke.

OP seemed very confident that they love the mother figure they’re talking about, they just wanted to know if that counted as loving them “as a mother”. I don’t think asking “what type of love does this count as” is an indicator that you don’t actually love someone. Or, at least, it’s not nearly as strong an indicator as having to ask “do I love them”.

I don’t think it’s uncommon at all to experience love and then have trouble figuring out what exactly caused that feeling—and having to do this questioning doesn’t necessarily imply that the love was imperfect or incomplete.

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My bad, I didn’t know HRT was a term used outside of transgender healthcare. Thank you for the info!

This is only true if the mastodon instance in question has gotten copies of the post—if nobody on an instance follows your pixelfed account, and nobody on an instance follows an account that boosts posts from your pixelfed account, then (with a few exceptions) the post won’t appear in that instance’s Federated feed or that instance’s hashtag feeds

Its soft and cuddly and, to some extent, the same colors as the trans flag. It’s a much bigger thing among transfems than transmascs, and I’ve heard that part of its popularity is that it lets transfems feel soft and cuddly, when previously they’ve spent their whole lives under male social expectations where that’s less encouraged. It being a meme is a fun way to celebrate the expressing of a buried part of yourself.

I think that’s an unnecessarily high standard to hold love to before it starts to count as “true”. Though, at that point, we’re just arguing semantics. I agree that there’s many things love can be between “not love” and “true love”. I’m not sure we disagree on how much the love matters, just whether or not it counts as true.

I misinterpreted you saying “if the love can be questioned then it isn’t true” as meaning “if the love can be questioned then it is lesser, and OP is wrong to value their relationship with their ex’s mother so highly”. I see now that that’s not what you meant.

Thank you for responding, and have a good day!

I’d say any health emergency, for anyone you care about, should count. Although, the validity comes more from how the event affects the worker than from whether or not the event is objectively serious, since that’s impossible to measure. So it’s hard to say anything with certainty.

That's fair, if it's well-advertised by instance admins then it could have like 4x the contributor count.

Are you also against the idea of banning individual users for the content they post?

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The math is not right. Percentages don’t multiply like that.

A change from 0.25 to 7.25 over 71 years means an annual increase of about 5%. That 5% annual change, starting with $7.25 15 years ago, would take us to around $15 today.

Omori and the To The Moon series both hit pretty hard for me. Some others that were up there are Undertale, ESC, Secret Little Haven and Night in the Woods. OneShot, though, felt personal in a way no other game has.

If you’re looking for something arcadey and replayable, the Touhou series might be worth looking into. Great music, too.

Yeah, pretty much. I’m not repulsed by romance/sex but I enjoy songs more when they’re about other things. Lemon Demon sings songs about stuff like [having a toy train set] or [being a haunted, half-human arcade machine] or [being Ronald Reagan in a romantic relationship], Tally Hall sings about various subjects in weird ways (see The Bidding or Turn The Lights Off), and Will Wood sings about mental health and how things interact with that (see Love, Me Normally or Dr. Sunshine Is Dead)

Ah, yeah. I consider myself lucky to be aroace because most people struggle less with “imagine not being attracted to people” than “imagine you want sex without romance,” which requires defining what those mean, and also convincing them that you’re not just afraid of commitment. I imagine it’s getting more publicity over time but the average person (and even the average queer person) just hasn’t heard of the split attraction model and has never thought of romanticism and sexuality as separate things.

Hexbear only recently started opening itself up to federation. It’s one of the old leftist instances that was around before the reddit api fiasco. Think lemmygrad but more tolerant and pro-lgbtq.

Smaller canvas, to make it feel less empty and encourage more communication across communities (or competition! >:] )

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About 2300 in Terraria. Great game.

The pledge of allegiance, not the anthem. But yes, it was every day. Although, where I grew up, it was never enforced, and most kids didn’t stand or participate.