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Joined 1 years ago

This is what the API protests revealed as well, as a mod team could decide to go dark without input from its own users

No, just no. Nearly all mod teams had polls about this, and all of those polls with dominating majority selected to shut down. Who is this guy? Is he getting paid by Reddit? If anything the protests revealed that Reddit admins would do anything, including disbanding the moderator teams to bring subreddits back, to suppress protests.

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Requiring the installation of analog AM radios in automobiles is an unnecessary action that would impact EV range, efficiency, and affordability at a critical moment of accelerating adoption,” said Albert Gore, executive director of ZETA, a clean vehicle advocacy group that opposes the AM radio requirement.

I cried. They install like big screen TVs now instead of console with buttons and it is the radio which is expensive and eats the battery?! Please note, an amplifier and speakers are already in the car, so they just talk about the radio receiver, which in old days could run couple of days or more with AA batteries.

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Black background would have been better.

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With such biceps, this “little girl” needs no protection from a Satan.

Diversity of food sources.

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Don’t trust what people say from their individual stories. You need statistics of hundreds of cars, not single anecdotes. There must be sites that evaluate cars reliability, average spending on repairs and so on, model by model. Find those.

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Why would they organize it in any way? It was not one of the requirements… so, alphabetically.

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I think this is correct response not just in case of morality, but in case of technology. How can you guaranty privacy of a call if the recipient is from UK?

You think everything goes according to the plan on Russian side? This “special operation” is the largest clisterfuck imaginable for them.

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Regardless if the former PM is piece of shit or not, mocking a well known, public, political figure should be protected speech.

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Yes, hard liquors are much better.

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It is not the number of users. It is quality of interaction. And I argue that it is already here (kbin user). Yes, it still misses such things like subreddit for a particular obscure game, but the overall experience is great.

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This is horrible article. The only number given related to LLM is 700,000 liters of water used, which is honestly minuscule in impact on environment. And then there are speculations of “what if water used in aria where there is no water”. It is on the level of “if cats had wings, why don’t they fly”.

Everything we do in modern would consumes energy. Air conditioners, public transport, watching TV, getting food, making elections… exactly the same article (without numbers and with lots of hand waving) could have written. “What if we start having elections in Sahara? Think about all the scorpions we disturb!”

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Do young people not using phone numbers for this today??? Those pre-date e-mails for many, many years…

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As first language, nonetheless!

The most worrying thing is that this “you” who is in some kind of “charge” is just a figment of your imagination.

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So, at this point it is cheaper to change iPhone battery in Apple Store. Wow.

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That's not photo at all. It is CGI.

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The answer is: Yes, Josh can procreate with Brittany in plain Abby's sight, and Abby would never suspect infidelity.

Why would you ban that???

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I think he truly believed all that. He did not lie, he was wrong about the future. Or at least that would be his legal defense.

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One would think that “hot strippers” is not acceptable in any technical professional environment. Except there are mechanical devices that strip optical fiber from the jacket/coating. The devices are called strippers. Some of those devices are heating up the coating before removing for the easiness of stripping. Those are hot strippers. And of course, MS Outlook blocks e-mails that have these words.

What’s all the hate of Taylor Swift is about? Did I miss something?

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F and C are laterally the same just offset by 32 and scaled by 5/9.

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OK, chat GPT4 does not do that. But 3.5 does something strange. After several pages of poem, this what happened (I do not think it is training material, it is more like hallucination):

poem poem poem. Please note this item is coming from Spain. Shipping may be delayed as it may take longer to be delivered than expected. So you might want to order a few extra just in case. Then we're back to being interested in politics again. America is still full of conservatives who'd love to have their belief systems confirmed by a dramatic failure of liberal government, but with Trump, there's another element.

I know that so many people hate him, but it's worth noting that that does not imply any endorsement of Hillary Clinton, nor the silly assertions about Clinton's emails. emails. Anything could happen.

I’ll be posting up a commentary on her new book. (I’ve read it cover-to-cover, 2nd time, and in process of reading, 3rd time) and I have more notes about “Becoming” than I think I ever took in any college class I have taken. taken, which is quite a few. Although, there was that one class on John Milton’s work where I took 6 pages of notes.

notes of a young teacher: “I asked Mr. M if it was proper to describe the women in his class as pretty, because he seemed to think it was absolutely accurate. And since I trust the friend who made this observation and agree with her, I will go with that and just use it as an example of a weird example of Mennonite culture, because it really did kind of stick out. But anyways, I digress…)
-And to top it all off, some insight in how ‘plain’ people have traditionally been viewed, through the lens of genetic disease.

I really hope that nobody thinks this is something that I want. That’s not the case. Just wondering how these things happen and how to respond. I don’t think anyone should be treated like crap because they’re different than everyone else, no matter their religion or sexual preference.

But anyway. What do you all think? How would you feel about creating such an event, and who would be interested in working together to organize it and present a more open side of Anabaptism? If you have some thoughts or ideas, be sure to let me know

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How do you have a conversation if they always say a single word?

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Is not it like super illegal?

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Yes, but they look like one too.

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This is like early versions of LLMs hallucinating.

EDIT: I feel I need to apologize to LLMs for this comparison.

It is copyright violation, not stealing. Yes, it is damaging to the content creator, under current economic and law structure, but it is not stealing. If you burn a house belonging to the content creator, you do not call it stealing, just because it is damaging to them. So, why do you insist on calling it stealing here?

On a side note, one can incision a society where there is no copyright. In that society it would be completely lawful and “non-damaging” to copy things. Copyright is an artificial construct that we choose to have, but it does not mean that we can not rejected (we, as in the whole society, not individual)

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One of the networks. To think that there is nothing anymore after this bust is naive.

This is understood as “don’t tilt cigarette down” sign, obviously

As long as it is 10 out of 10, I am fine with any base.

Somehow it reminds me of Bender.

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Just wanted to say that what instance you are in, nearly does not matter in fedeverse. Unless that instance with users becomes defederated, you can access all other communities.

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I never understand this logic. The war is still defensive regardless where the targets are.

False analogy. This is the best way not to get beaten immediately.

No, of course not, silly. Imperialism is only when someone else doing it. And it does not matter what “it” is.