Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. to Lemmy – 1378 points –

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Do young people not using phone numbers for this today??? Those pre-date e-mails for many, many years…

The communication dynamics of kids are weird. Weirder than I remember anyway. My teenager knows other kids who literally will not talk to you if you're not on Snapchat or Instagram. For whatever reason they simply refuse to text.

My kid spends an absurd amount of time taking pictures of half her face to send snaps with.

I think if you don't want to text or call me, then you don't want to talk to me that bad.

Communication has become reactive instead of proactive.

what exactly do you mean by that? isn't communication always about reacting to each other?

Ive chatted with people before who exclusively talked on snapchat even after getting their number. Its strange to me. Ive since deleted snapchat and have texted a couple of these people with no response. Im getting too old.

It's just funny because people who prefer to communicate through email seem more geriatric than people who prefer to communicate by phone

For real this just makes the 23 year old seem inept. I don't get this meme

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