
3 Post – 737 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Artist, musical performer, and former derby skater from the Midwest.

I'm single, childless, and married to freedom and adventure.

@artbyflashmob on Instagram

Also a fair point.

It's astonishing.

The capitalists know full well we're more productive working remotely, but their need for control has proven to be stronger than their insatiable greed anyway.

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Fair point

You're not wrong.

The only time we see Democrats pretend to be leftist is when they have no meaningful power to enact change. They're conservatives in sheep's clothing.

It's kind of nice when people reveal themselves to be insufferable douchebags at the outset rather than wasting your time.

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“The purpose is not solely religious,” Sen. Jay Morris, R-West Monroe, told the Senate. Rather, it is the Ten Commandments' "historical significance, which is simply one of many documents that display the history of our country and foundation of our legal system.”

Only two of them are actually law: Thou shalt not murder and thou shalt not steal.

This is all about religion, and they're going to get away with it. We'd be better off if our legal codes were based on the seven tenets instead.

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I mean, I get your sarcasm, but they literally are acting like this because of their oppression.

They don't have a military. They're blockaded. Their citizens are killed at will by the IDF without any repercussions. Hell, Israel is now killing reporters with impunity who try to make light of it.

Palestinians have been living under an apartheid regime perpetrated by Israel for generations, and yes, that kind of powerlessness will result in expressions of unbridled violence and rage such as this one.

And it's never going to end.

Still a tragedy, though, no doubt. It's always been the peasants who suffer so the rich people can have their wars.

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Don't just sign a petition.

Delete your facebook and instagram.

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Nearly everyone who's ever worked with McMahon agrees that he's a piece of shit human being, so it wouldn't surprise me if every bit of this is true.

With that said, nothing's going to happen to him. Robert Kraft was caught on camera partaking in a sex trafficker's ring and the courts suppressed it. He still sits pretty in his owners box every Sunday and has his praises sung by the NFL.

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I hope the unions give these bastards a nice, swift kick in the ass.

If anyone should be taking a pay cut, it's the shitty CEO's whose decisions make flying a miserable experience.

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This is a great thing.

There need to be material consequences for Nazism.

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People's behavior during the pandemic is why I'm absolutely sure there will never be another civil war.

What are these idiots going to do when they find their first empty grocery store?

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It's so weird to read a positive headline. :)

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There is no good reason why this isn't illegal.

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Life is good when you try something new and realize just how annoying it was dealing with ads and fighting against a shitty algorithm.

No more of this 'He Gets Us' bullshit.

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Mexico spends $8 billion a year on defense. Canada spends $26 billion a year on defense.

We've spent well over $100 billion on Ukraine already, and Israel gets $5 billion a year from the US in charity annually.

When do the American people get an emergency spending package, you know, considering it's our money in the first place?

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The media in the US exists to make money, not to spread truth.

Why would they kill their golden goose?

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This is why there isn't a firefighter equivalent of the song 'Fuck the Police'.

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Is this comment satire?

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It would feel much better if any of them had the balls to actually enforce these orders.

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330 million people in the US and both parties are going to run a candidate who should, by rights, be considered medically unfit for office.

I hate it here.

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I spend Thanksgiving at home, alone, with my dogs. It is the absolute best.

I mean, the US has been helping Saudi Arabia starve and destroy Yemen for eight years now. Aren't we also a sponsor of war?

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Deactivated FB six weeks ago.

I'm not saying you should do the same, but I'm not not saying it.

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It is remarkably silly to go to a Madonna show and then complain about sexual themes.

Exceedingly sad story.

It took a viral uproar for the shooter to even be arrested, and I'll be shocked if he faces any jail time. He is going to be tried for it though.


I canceled my sub when I got the email. I'm going to pirate anything I want to see from them from now on.

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Ever since April 2020, whenever I hear something about vaccines, I just assume the worst.

I never got rid of my mask or hand sanitizer. Keep some in your car too. We're all responsible for our own germs because culturally and legally, your right to life is considered less important than the right to stupidity.

I work for a law firm, and yeah, this happens a lot. The stupidity and laziness of our clients' in-house attorneys is making us a lot of money.

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Sometimes I find myself mourning the person I used to be. I experienced something traumatic in 2018 that changed my entire personality and now suffer from Bipolar II.

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It doesn't make a ton of sense to argue that Biden is incompetent and somehow magically running a crime family. Those opinions do not jive with one another.

Also, yes, Boebert probably isn't someone who should comment on criminal activity, especially after deciding to fuck someone in a crowded theater.

This is mildly impressive. I would not have expected Trump's toadies to be booked and mugshot because, as of yet, Trump himself hasn't been handcuffed, perp-walked, or mugshot himself.

We'll see what happens tomorrow.

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Um, my older brother.

My older brother, as we speak, is trying to evict my Mom and Dad out of a home they spent 30 years and $400,000 to pay for. They didn't save for retirement so they live off of DoorDashing, but they're also elderly so there isn't much they can do for work. I'm trying to help them raise money to save their home via GoFundMe.

He committed fraud against them in getting them to sign over the house.

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This is the moment where you paste in some porn fanfic.

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It's storming and 60 degrees where I live.

It should be cold and snowing.

I'm glad I never had kids. Can't imagine how bad it's going to be in a decade or two when the shit really hits the fan.

That it isn't all 50 states is the real headline, if you ask me.

There are still over 20 states where it's legal to pay you less than the cost of a cup of coffee.

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If Trump's presidency was good for anything, it was good for giving us innumerable examples of why it's so dumb to pretend that Democrats were powerless when they had Congress and the presidency for two years.

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If we had a functioning government they'd already be bankrupt or in the hands of a legit oversight authority, rather than allowed to continue to run a blatantly corrupt and dangerous enterprise.

These same people couldn't go three weeks without a haircut in 2020. There are some who'll shoot someone over a pride flag, but not enough to fight a war. They'd be begging to surrender the first time their grocery order doesn't arrive.

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It's always people born to wealth who feel the most entitlement.