Prethoryn Overmind

3 Post – 208 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


Lobbying should be fucking banned.

5 more...

That is also a giant red flag. Normally, when you are paid via some non-taxable reward, it means your "promotion" isn't ever going to come with benefits that allow you to go climbing up the ladder. You made a good decision there.

My activity dropped because I can't enter a single thread that isn't about, big corpo, Linux, and how I shouldn't spend money.

12 more...

This is what Reddit used to do for me. The weirdest thing Reddit ever did was give me the name of an insect that for years I tried to Google when I would see it and I have legitimately only ever seen the bug 3 times in my 28 years of life. They are so small, so infrequent, and so rare that I thought for years I wasn't even seeing an I sect but just a fuzz from a dandelion once it changes.

I mean for actual fucking years I could not find the regular name, the slang name (usually changes based on dialect, or even the scientific name. The amount of times I searched for "white fuzzy bug" or "white floating bug." No matter the combination. I even would tell people, "I remember seeing this bug and I have seen it so rarely I don't even know if it is real." And most of my friends would say, "yeah never seen it." And then that one friend would say, "dude me too." And then one fucking day I open Reddit and God dammit if I didn't believe it someone gave me the name. Actual years of feeling insane and thinking those little fuckers were a sign of something higher because of how fragile and cute they are and Reddit not only gives me the name, confirms I am sane but enlightens me on the little bastards they actually are.

I am from West Virginia and if you made it this far well by God if you have seen one then I swear on mother nature you aren't insane and we are in this together.

EDIT: A better site and image

Woolly Aphid

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If you are still on Twitter, wait sorry, X, then you literally have nothing better to do with your life.

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Fuck Libre Office and Open Office.

I really hate the, "we should all use Linux" mentality and I see it on here a lot. Let me tell someone who barely knows how to send a fucking file over the internet how to fix their broken repository that decided to randomly break during an Linux upgrade.

Linux and Windows do different things in different ways that make sense in both ways for different reasons. Not everyone should hate Windows or vice versa, Linux, because this entire Lemmy community thinks it is superior in every way.

I get pissed off by office as well but you know what it has some pretty damn good features. It works in the cloud it's easy to sync across my decides.

Windows updates break things but at least MS and Windows has a massive catalogue of fixes and ways to go back.

I love Linux but holy mother of fucking God it is an absolute pain in the ass to fix when it breaks and you expect me to tell my Mom to understand that.

No, we should not all be using Linux because Linux does not work for all models needing to be met. I hate to be that aggressive asshole but Jesus Christ I keep seeing this on Lemmy and it's just a god damn stupid fucking statement. Oh and for fucks sake. If I see, "what kind of Linux system are you using that breaks." Dammit, I have literally seen Linux break in the middle of a college classroom demonstration of just installing it and wouldn't you know it just like Windows it isn't perfect. Get off your high horse people. You don't know something more than the average person because you use Linux or Windows or hell even Unix.

20 more...

Bro, nothing is cheap for you if you do that.

For the average consumer cloud storage is still pretty damn cheap.

Finally, a person with an actual voice. I feel like the, "Switch to Linux," don't realize they sound like, "Just get an iPhone people." To me it all sounds like, "well if you don't like being in this country then just leave."

Linux is not the answer for all people the same as switching to an iPhone should never just be the answer.

28 more...

"Why do you guys simply believe things should get better?"

That is how I read this. More power, more efficiency, better tech is not a bad thing to want.

Just because you want to hold on to a 5 year old phone doesn't mean someone else doesn't at least want to see efficiency in our pockets get better for the value we spend on them.

Imagine if someone said, I have dial up internet. Why are you guys constantly wanting faster Internet speeds.

It's okay to want things to get better. You should not have the mentality of, "it's just good enough."

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Yeah, the only issue is that RCS is actually better and the counter argument is that Apple is breaking the messaging platform by not implementing it in some way.

The other point to make here is that iMessage wouldn't have to just disappear. They could continue to support iMessage while just allowing text messages to be better for those who just don't want an iPhone. The whole thing is hypocritical on both sides. Apple has convinced it's users, very successfully might I add, that it is an Android problem and instead of having choice over your phone, you should just buy an iPhone.

As someone who works in IT this is really not the answer users should get. To me, this is equivalent to, "your computer quit working? Just buy a new one." But imagine you only had one choice and it's because that company refuses to just improve standard text messaging for all users across the board but iPhone users don't understand that Google has a method to fix this problem Apple just refuses to make it a better experience for everyone.

Additionally, I think RCS is an open platform. Google's fork of it carries encryption and group messaging integration. Point being Google genuinely has a viable iMessage solution to non iMessage texts. Apple wouldn't even have to stop using iMesaage.

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My experience has been different. I feel like I see the same, "Linux is better." Shit all the time. All the memes are also, "Windows user realizing this. Linux user not caring."

5 more...

I am an Android user but this comment should be taken very lightly. As this is not the cause the truth is that Apple is at fault here for still using SMS as the default messaging protocol. However, with that being said, SMS breaks messages on iPhone and the devices have been geared towards iPhone users in away that makes it seem like Android is the issue with image quality and texting. The marketing is excellent on Apple's end towards the competition and it is working.

However, that doesn't mean iPhone isn't the problem. I have a sibling who got bullied for having an iPhone. Apple's answer to these problems is just, "get an iPhone." This is equivalent to, "can't figure it out? Just Google it." The problem with this mentality is it gives more power to monopolizing platforms. Apple is a growing giant and if they had their way you would just have an iPhone and if Apple has expressed anything in the past 8 years it's that they aren't exactly the innovators with mobile devices anymore. To me the problem is on an iPhone nothing would change.

A little irrelevant rant but my point is that the average iPhone consumer has been given a marketing ploy so it is a deal breaker because they think it is an issue and in all fairness it is one but only Google is trying to fix. Issue is that Google should have tried to fix it years ago. You can't blame iPhone users for wanting to use other platforms to message you if your message is compressed heavily by Apple's shitty and stupid fucking decision to keep using SMS to control the market. The care about user experience is overshadowed by the desire to use that as a means to make money off of a user that doesn't understand messaging protocols. Fuck Apple.

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Some Verizon retailers are more or less based on what they sell you. Motorola pays the most while Samsung and Apple pay the least amount. Meaning there is incentive to sell you something over something else.

I think beer is gross, personally, so this isn't a post about me but reading the comments it is interesting to see beer drinkers here decide against it due to cost and wanting other choices. I have news for you guys there are cocktails and other great alcohols that cost as much as your 7 to 10 dollar beer and they taste fucking great.

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I don't know Google Drive options are pretty fucking cheap.

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Fuck the rest that pillow is the only way to go. Dreaming means I hit REM every night which means I am better at most of the other times almost automatically

There are quite a few InfoSec people here. While I have never held an official InfoSec job I do have a degree. However, my degree is debatable about whether it actually educates me as intended.

Point being there are a lot of people that have more knowledge than me as well as experience but I want to learn. As someone who is always listening to security podcasts like Hacking Humans or Darknet Diaries, naked hacking, or even InfoSec journalism around popular ongoing issues in the world like Click Here. I always want to learn and get experience.

I currently work in IT for a hospital. Is there any way to help with this kind of thing to learn and build on knowledge to help? To volunteer time to potentially see what is going on?

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Found the Lemmy user who is upset that someone called them out.

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Gotta love the, "I am the leader here," mentality.

Oh no your lack of belief in my actractiveness to you has made me attracted to you.

What do you do?

  1. Roll a d20 this is a DnD scenario now.

  2. Ew, well I am not attracted to you, internet stranger.

  3. Wait, what if you were a woman? That would be less icky.

  4. Ugh comments like this prove humanity has gone backward.

I am bored all of these are acceptable answers...

4 more...

Honestly, because diamonds are just cliché, over priced and over made meaning that don't have a real high value and all the other gemstones have gone so unloved over the years. I mean, as a 28 year old man I fucking love my emerald earrings. Ruby ones as well for that matter. Fuck diamonds my dudes puts some color in the bling.

I am wearing opal right now. Diamond are just kind of meh.

I have been using Blokada 6 which is a subscription based VPN service. There is a decentralized service called Matrix that lets you run the Fediverse version of Discord called Element.

Element is where I heard of Mullvad and learned more about VPNs and how they work or how most of them operate.

Here is what you need to know if you want a standard VPN that just blocks ads and does the basics there are plenty out there, Blokada 6 being one of the best.

If you are truly concerned and care about your data being encrypted from point to point then there are very few of those. The benefit to Mullvad is it does just this and is tested by it's users and they are based in Sweden. There is a classification of people o like to call paranoid but those same people genuinely love Mullvad, sooooo. I gave it a shot.

The company doesn't believe in a subscription model. You pay as you want and go and can even pay for it by mail. Here is what I like. Mullvad offers a browser based on Tor that Tor trusts.

Mullvad will protect you using Open VPN or WireGaurd if you like data encryption on your network work. Not only that it will actively monitor and tell you if you have a DNS leak which is when your DNS isn't being protected properly and can potentially be seen by your network providers and others. Not only this, it works, it isn't slow, and it's encrypted all the way around.

I will be switching to Mullvad permanently once my next Blokada payment comes out.

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One Google search on Dextero and I will pass one using it as a source of information.

That seems kind of shitty. Where did you end up going? I just started an IT job for a hospital in my city. Still learning the ropes for sure.

What exactly were the reasons? Just curious.

I either pay to use the app or I get ads that pay for the platform to continue being used but I don't want to see the ads so my ad blocker blocks the ads.

A company is going to continue making revenue. I don't know why anyone is shocked by a company that makes ads changing a site to ask you to view more ads. Genuinely baffled that users waste their time complaining about something a big trillion dollar company owns and actively runs changing their platform to continue making them trillions of dollars then getting on here and going, "take that Google I am fed up."

Meanwhile, I have just been paying for YouTube premium with no ads supporting the content creators I love and moving on with my life.

EDIT: These comments are why Lemmy isn't growing.

16 more...

The average Lemmy user knows fuck all about, security, privacy, operating systems, act like they are unique, and are inclusive despite wanting more people to understand more about the way they see things.

Libertarianism and anarchism aren't cool and don't work.

You are a part of the problem if you hate Nintendo but think you are helping the developer by pirating their games.

You are an even bigger problem to bringing more people to your way of thinking if you are constantly negative about those people buying something they like just because you wouldn't.

Thinking you are alternative because everything you think is mainstream makes you mainstream.

Your choice of FOSS and OS doesn't make that product good by design. Just because you can't operate and OS doesn't make that OS bad.

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Lemmy users also tend to be stuck in one mind set and that is they know what they are talking about all the time no matter what even if their opinion is actually kind of shit.

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Nah, say it like it is. Racism.

I disagree, the umbrella goes right back to the main center case and point. Even if you don't directly support this you are still affiliated with a party that pushed it and that makes you indirectly associated.

Repubs can go fuck themselves.

Look, I am all for seeing pros and cons. A.I. has a massive benefit to humanity and it has its issues but this article is just silly.

Why in the fuck are you using ChatGPT to set a cancer plan? When did ChatGPT claim to be a medical doctor.

Just go see a damn doctor.

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I think I read that it previously supported full blown extension and they removed it due to some under the hood changes.

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I don't really think this is a fair question no matter how you look at something or what you support.

The question he is asking is fair and this commenter genuinely once an answer to avoid the assumption which and then spin into misinformation about a subject.

It's not about giving benefit of the doubt its about asking for a valid claim. I don't support book banning and I hate this guy but I also hate Trump but I wouldn't want the current case to something of the opposite stance based on the way you are thinking.

Imagine if Trump was not given the benefit of the doubt and we got something factually wrong about his case. That creates room for an appeal. Same goes if Biden was on that stand.

Asking for something to support a claim is asking for something to support a fact not an opinion. The commenter is well within their rights to ask for information to support a claim not giving Bill the benefit of the doubt.

I second this. Lemmy is fully of "techy people" that think the only way to be "techy" is the way they define it without realizing if you aren't universally adept or open then you are curating your content to a point you are part of the "sheep" you claim not to be a part of.

If you like anything you pay for then you are wrong. If you still use Windows you are wrong. You need to abandon everything Google and Apple but still buy a Google product and run a degooglefied version of the product. So give the company you hate your money but not your data. Makes perfect sense.

It's either Linux or the highway but not everyone wants to use a terminal to use Mullvad or Tor every time you want to access the web to shop for a pair of shoes. Despite the fact you can write a script that still requires you to use a terminal to run Tor or what ever.

Not everyone wants Torrent speeds to pirate that piece of Microsoft software or movie. Some of us want to be, "normies" and just buy and use things that work without all the work that is unnecessary in our every day lives. We want to go to work, make money, spend time around people and things we love.

Yes, we get it we are the reason corporations and capitalism exist but I don't see your FOSS downloads and open source software slowing that way down. We don't need online tech heros who can prove you can free yourself. We need activists and people like that running got local politics and leadership helping actually put a stop to being taken advantage of.

Posting something about Unity enraging game companies is something anyone can do. But shoving a community off that you should be respectfully educating rather than shunning just because someone didn't want to pirate a movie and instead watch it on a Windows machine through Linux isn't or doesn't change anything.

I am no longer on Reddit but Lemmy is fully of tech people who also often have 0 fucking clue what they are talking about. Which is quite ironic.

The Earth is dying and it can live on without us once we are dead.

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The game I want to play isn't available on Linux.

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Because purchases not made in the App Store are purchases Apple isn't making revenue from.

Mac already can side load and Windows can side load these days as well. Hell my fucking Chromebook that is going on, 7 years old can side load Linux software and Android applications and not any single damn one of my machines have I had a security concern with an app.

Most people don't even know what side loading is. Apple was hellbent on stopping it because it stops revenue.

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These kinds of comments are why my usage has gone down. There is an inclusive we are different vibe and this mentality that people just shouldn't have an opinion if it doesn't fit the Lemmy opinion. It's just weird.

Let's just gas light Obama for the fact Trump is actually a fucking sensitive little bitch that can't handle being poked with a joke.

Why is the target of your comment towards people that use Windows?

I am not sure why People on Lemmy feel like if they point something out to people who can't see the comment is going to get them to change their mind.

I have and use both Linux and Windows. I prefer both for different reasons.