Reddit users who switched to Lemmy, what is the most annoying thing you have seen about Lemmy users?

Prethoryn to Ask – 300 points –

Honestly, the insistence that Lemmy has better discussions than Reddit. Mostly even popular posts have too few comments to constitute any in depth discussion. I won’t be going back to Reddit but I miss the vibrancy.

This but about how almost everything about Lemmy is spun as either good, or better than reddit's equivalent.

Like the other day I saw a post about how Lemmy's active users were on the decline, trying to claim that was somehow good for Lemmy. Or back when Lemmy had its /r/place copy, there were plenty of people saying it was better than reddit's. Basically anything about Lemmy that's somewhat lacking has people desperately trying to defend it as actually superior.

It borders on delusional at times. Yes Lemmy is good, but reddit is still better in dozens of ways, almost all of them related to user count. And this is coming from one of the people who deleted their reddit account and replaced it with Lemmy cold turkey - I haven't been back there (except for porn) in almost 8 weeks.

Yes, I miss reddit for porn. Porn lemmy is lackluster

And not niche enough. The stuff I like on reddit has 28 posts from the last 24 hours. The equivalent on lemmynsfw hasn't had a single post since mid-July and I'm pretty sure the restrictive rules on pornlemmy would just ban it if posted there.

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I still use both Lemmy and Reddit and I honestly think Lemmy is in a sweet spot where there are enough comments for a discussion but not enough to go off topic.

Reddit discussions are never about the OP, they're always riffing on an off-topic joke that someone made in a reply to the already off-topic top comment.

Eh, Lemmy has the issue where the activity is low enough that the substantial number of low effort comments and comments that regurgitate the same bland sentiment are overwhelming.

These comments were annoying on Reddit and was my primary reason for leaving.

Hackernews manages a better balance. It is not as active as Reddit but there are a lot of insightful comments that balance out the low-effort contributions.

As an example: I’d happily happily throw a block party the day Elon Musk launches himself into the sun. I don’t need to see an article every time he takes a dump and the corresponding 50 comments about “elon is a menace”

Or anything Threads. The amount of exaggerated and irrational commentary about that was incredibly offputting.

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Same dog piling happens on lemmy as it did in reddit. You try to introduce any nuance for discussion on a circle jerk thread, and it's down vote knee reactions.

I tried tildes, but it's the opposite problem. Pages of text for simple arguments that could be expressed in a paragraph, and people mincing words being too polite to get to the fucking point that they disagree. And if you're blunt and to the point, it ruffles feathers.

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Lemmy users also tend to be stuck in one mind set and that is they know what they are talking about all the time no matter what even if their opinion is actually kind of shit.

"lemmy users", most people here have been here for barely 2 months. The site doesn't have a defined culture yet, if it ever will given its fragmentation.

I get that you can't stand having to see opinions you disagree with, but you're really trying to prop up some punching bag here that doesn't exist.

Nah, there is a culture here and there was before the reddit move. If there wasn't then I could just say, "there are now more reddit users and you guys are like reddit users."

However, most Lemmy users who were here before are going to say, "this isn't like reddit."

Also, it's not about disagreeing with opinions because as you have said that is the internet. It is about seeing people who think they are techy and and that there is one way and one way only. I will give you some examples: Linux is way better than any other OS, FOSS is the only way because why would you buy something, Ew 3 dollars a month for Google drive the cloud is just too expensive, just pirate everything that will stick it to big corporations.

It's not a disagreement to opinion because these are things I also believe to some extent but on Lemmy they are extreme thoughts to the point of outright ignoring users asking about something and Lemmy downvoting and ignoring their question. So now Lemmy becomes more inclusive. There is also a, "actually," vibe here and a, "Im not like other girls," culture that most Lemmy users think they are so different from Reddit that they are actually just different kind of jerks.

Oh, then there is the, "yeah man, I know everything about privacy and security." And those types of Lemmy users have no idea how much of a nightmare privacy and security is on the Fediverse in general.

So sure I will prop up a punching bag and take a swing but this is the internet if you feel like the punching bag and this felt like a hit then it probably means I'm not too far off.

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I half-agree with this. I think that this depends a lot on the topic and, while the smaller amount of comments does hurt discussion depth, the individual comments themselves partially offset this by being more thoughtful.

And, while anecdotal, I think that there's a considerably lower ratio of comments with negative discussion value here in Lemmy than in Reddit. I'm not even talking about the out-of-place jokes (although they add noise), but shit like this:

  • "waaah, TL;DR!!" discouraging in-depth explainations
  • feigned lack of understanding as ad nauseam tactic
  • context illiteracy
  • unchecked assumptions towards other users, for the sake of ad hominem
  • "trust me"

Don't get me wrong; you do find this crap here, but IMO it's way less than in Reddit. And they hurt discussion because they either waste the time of the more thoughtful and knowledgeable users, or outright disengage them.

I agree 100%. On Reddit you usually had the same style top few comments but under those you could actually see good conversation and discussions. Here everyone thinks they are right and you are wrong and nothing you can say can change that.

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You can't have a discussion about anything without some tankie blaming it on Ukrainians / the west / capitalism, etc.

"Oh you stubbed your toe on the table? See, tables are oppressive furniture of the bourgeoisie. The Chinese government wanted to make all tables toe-stubbing resistent, but that would affect IKEA's bottom line and the pharmaceutical industry's profits. I have a source from tankiepeoplesmagazine to back this up."

I made the mistake of mentionning social democracy once. This was followed by the most pedantic, insufferable and useless argument I have ever had on the internet. I had better discussions with wall. This was first and last time I was replying to those comments. It is easy to ignore anyway. Sometime you learn the hard way.

I'm genuinely curious to see that ... do you have a link at all or something to search for?


Always makes me laugh when I see this. I'm tempted to start a hexbear bingo, it'll be the first one on the list!

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All the empty communities without any motivation from the creating user to actually be involved in their own community. I honestly think they should be deleted if they're not active. Inb4 "be the change/create your own". No, I don't want to run a community so I don't create a community. Neither should you. Nobody benefits from all these empty reservations of space. It might actually hinder the people who have a need for a community. It's like showing up at an empty store. "Oh I guess I'll go somewhere else for this then"

I’m annoyed by all those Facebook-type boomer comics you see on basically all meme subs. Reddit culture managed to get rid of them, but for some reason people here seem to love them

Look, sometimes people enjoy brainless humor and that's okay. People have hard days. Twelve hours in the field days. Sometimes people are tired and just want something easy and that's perfectly valid.

As the sages of old said, "It's okay to not like things. It's okay, but don't be a dick about it."

I know, I don’t really care, I’m just replying to the thread :)

It’s annoying but also interesting to see that people upvote different things

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This platform is almost 100% idealism and politics. Any hobby/technical community goes completely inactive.

Second this. A lotta dumb political crap.

Most of the crap itself isn't even political. Just dumb crap people from "political" communities.

What I wanted was the style of old school forums to discuss games, movies, sports teams etc and that’s not what this has turned out to be. Was happy at first and as the weeks have gone by I find it’s almost the same as Reddit (and even worse in some ways.)

Way too many political arguments and posts, to the point where it’s a turn off because it’s injected into everything.

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Lots of wanna be communists that are well intentioned but have little real world experience

My wife studied sociology, that includes the work of gramchie, Dubois, Lenin, Marx.

I didn't, but I got plenty of exposure. What's clear to me is that hardly anyone actually knows what communism is. That includes Allies and opponents of it.

They all think they do. But they really don't.

It’s really goddamn preachy. There’s a real sense of superiority a lot of users have that I don’t recall as much on Reddit.

There’s also the fact that small communities are dead and it’s next to impossible to grow them, so you’re stuck with the same people on the front page every day.

Going from like 30 million users and bots down to 50 thousand people will do that.

Of course, but the niches I’m interested in have a few hundred thousand people worldwide and they’re not here.

On Reddit I wasn’t particularly interested in the front page because it didn’t fit my interests, and Lemmy has gone in the same way. But the only interaction is on the front pages now, so that’s where I am.

The FOSS and privacy preachiness really gets to me sometimes. I will admit it has gotten me to think about taking steps towards degoogling my life and things which admittedly is probably a pretty good idea but God sometimes it feels like if you aren't using Linux and graphene OS and browsing everything from behind atleast 3 vpns you might as well not even breath because you don't protect yourself correctly.

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The number of pro-communist posts in here is comical. The amount of anti-capitalist posts is almost comical. Obviously related to some degree.

The lack of posts outside of a few main news and politics communities is frustrating.

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Political extremists. So about the same as Reddit, though they seem to be a little more frequent/outspoken here. Also funnily enough the complete opposite side of the spectrum. Used to get called a dirty commie because I believed in Nationalized healthcare, but now I'm apparently a facist for not worshipping the CCP.

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Just lack of numbers. Reddit's at it's best when I can use it to discuss some incredibly niche topic. That early 2000s RTS that nobody remembers? Got a few dozen redditors still posting memes. New indie game drops? There's enough redditors on it that we can talk about it.

But lemmy seems really bad for trying to enjoy any community that isn't a big political or meme centerpiece. Any particular game or IP that isn't a lowest common denominator? It'll get maybe 3 posts a month.

No more interesting discussions of gameplay mechanics or inspirations or character analyses, no burning out an entire workday browsing the top all-time and giggling like an idiot, it's just dead here.

The same massive numbers that made reddit insufferable for some are what make niche communities inhabitable at all.

It's perfectly fine to use both platforms and still enjoy the niche subs on Reddit. It's a shame they're not all in one app/website but it is what it is.

Hopefully if you start creating those topics/communities, people will eventually flock to it.

That's what I'm attempting anyway

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  • The amount of people that like to shit on the U.S. constantly... Like damn I get it, we definitely have problems, but people here would have you think it's like the wild wild west over here... I promise I'm not fearing for my life every time I go out.

  • The extreme left views (I'm liberal myself but some of the things people say here really have me scratching my head sometimes)

  • The amount of Windows bad, Linux good posts.

  • The amount of people that immediately shit on Apple because of privacy, but use an Android device that accesses the Google Play store (yes I know you can install custom privacy roms, but let's be real, how many casual users are doing this?)

  • People always asking if something is FOSS...

These are just a few off the top of my head.

The amount of people that like to shit on the U.S. constantly

This has been my experience too. It's really quite off-putting.

I was born in Seattle. Grew up in Los Angeles. I was taught American exceptionalism and said the national anthem every school day of my childhood, K-12.

And I believed it all.

My parents, my teachers, my ministers, my neighborhood police, my news sources: They all fucking lied to me, and did so willingly and maliciously like PragerU. The people of the US are fine (no better or worse than any other) but the society that depends on lying to children and jamming them through a doughboy-processing education system to make them interchangeable, disposable, replaceable laborers and soldiers to be expended on billionaire vanity projects really needs to burn.

The society of the United States sucks and, without comment on any other society. It needs to be set right. And I say that as a US citizen.

I was taught American exceptionalism and said the national anthem every school day of my childhood, K-12.

I was too and did the same, but I was taught to break away from the mold and usual thinking as a young adult pretty early on (thank you parents and to some of my teachers). I'm sorry to hear that those people in your life lied to you and never thought to help you break out of that mold.

The states is so vast that what you're saying doesn't always apply to another person. It's funny because you mention being born in Seattle and growing up in LA. Well I was born in Georgia and most people would have you believe living in the south is shit (which to be fair, some places are), but I can say my life experience has been completely different than yours.

As I mentioned before the states has its problems for sure but it's not all bad and your experience can vastly differ from another.

Yeah it's a thing in most online forums but the reality is pretty opposite. It's a long dead joke at this point and I personally just roll my eyes and move on when I see it.

You can usually tell they are Eurotrash or incel Eastern European within the first 6 words for those types. I just end up blocking them.

I find most Europeans don't understand the size of the US and think thier tiny county somehow equates to what works in a country the size of the US. It's completely lost on them that the EU would be a more apt comparison and the dysfunction between the EU members puts the US dysfunction to shame, but the irony of that is lost on them. By comparison, the member states of the US are effectively a cohesive unit and we act as one and the states have each other's backs even when not required. We have interstate rivalry, but it's mostly good natured and completely forgotten when there's an outside threat. The EU, on the other hand, is a bunch of fiercely proud, independent entities that can barely function when lumped together and they tend to throw each other under the bus when it suits them. The hypocrisy and cognitive dissonance is incredible.

The US has it's problem, oh yes, but the EU isn't an example of how to run a union by any stretch and what works in a tiny country doesn't work in one where a single state is larger and more populace than that entire country.

When you can drive across a country in 2 or 3 hours, I just can't take it seriously as a country. It's like a clown car of a country.

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Chill the fuck out with the linux supremacy. I hate windows too but linux is not as friendly and efficient as you think.

Do you have a moment to talk about our God and saviour, Gentoo Linux? /S

I'm left on the political spectrum but by and large y'all fuckers are over the deep end.

especially lemmygrad

I have seen people praising North Korea there lol

I'm not even talking that much.

Wanting to kill billionaires.

Wanting to kill landlords.

It's fucking disgusting.

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Wow they're worse than I thought, why would anyone praise North Korea I mean that just sounds insane.

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The sheer amount of pro-communist/pro-china comments is insane here. Plus the number of giant emojis that spam up the whole comment feed. Honestly, most of my real issues come down strictly to Hexbear users. A lot of their behavior completely ruins the platform for me.

That and the lack of fanbases for the things I like. There's very little Star Wars or Halo fan presence here. Feels like Star Trek is the only fandom with any presence here, so I have to go back to reddit for those things.

The sheer amount of pro-communist/pro-china comments is insane here

It's been increasingly noticeable for me. That and the Linux die-hards (can see why the "how to tell someone's a Linux fan" meme exist now)

I'm in the same boat with communities as well. Very little for stuff like Destiny or Game Dev, and even when those communities exist they're typically a lot lower in quality.

Only reason I haven't gone back to reddit as my main site is because the mobile app is actually as bad as people say. But I've been visiting reddit communities via web browser a lot more frequently over the past fortnight.

Exact same experience here. Small communities may as well not exist. I’ve been browsing Reddit in a web browser a lot more recently because it’s the only way there’s interaction about my hobbies.

1 more... is defederated from hexvear if you're looking to be totally free of them. Obviously you would have to join lemmyworld and some people don't want to do that for various reasons, which is totally fine, but you'll get a ton of content without the spam.

It's VERY noticeable when I'm on an alt account (either to view c/piracy or because the DDOS attacks have .world down) and a hexbear user is in the comments. Defederation was 100% the right decision and I'm eager to block the instance on all my alts when it becomes possible to.

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The pro china/Russia stuff is super weird. Also the hex bear goons brigading everything.

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Despite being a techie myself, I'm frequently irritated by how much technical conversation there is on here. I seem to see comments all the time that use some unrelated computer programming concept as a metaphor or a similar non sequitur. It reeks of intellectual elitism and is just a reminder of what a small community we still are. I kind of miss the amount of 'normal' people on reddit with more varied interests. That said, generally speaking the quality of conversation on here is really high which is amazing.

This. I can use Lemmy for politics and tech/science news, but not much else.

This place is a far worse echo chamber than Reddit, and mods fall right in line. I've seen too many posts get downvoted to hell for simple opinions, and other 'dissenters' get posts removed that should have just been part of open discussions.

I've said this before, even in a lighter tone, and those posts mysteriously disappeared. I'm betting this one will be removed too.

You will tell people facts and you will get down voted because someone thought it's your opinion

Mods are on a different level of power tripping here on Just today my comment "rent free" got deleted by a mod (in technology) because "it might offend someone and that might lead to an argument." That was seriously the reason I got from the mod L4S for deleting my comment.

that sounds like a fine use of moderation to me, it contributed nothing to the discussion topic

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The obsession with Linux and privacy. Every post it seems like anyone using windows is committing a cardinal sin. I have had to use linux in the past, and let me tell you, I don't intend to go back to it unless forced to. I still have mental scars of trying to update my gpu drivers

This! I use Linux on my laptop but also have a desktop that runs Windows 10. Some people here act like windows is completely unusable when in reality it's much more user friendly than Linux.

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You get that in any early adoption of technology. It tends to be techies who jump on first, whom tend to value those things.

I would love to tell you that today things are much easier with Linux and that it's a seamless plug and play experience. And honestly,a lot of the time it is.

But not always. Right now I'm waiting for a live USB to finish flashing so that I can chroot my corrupted GRUB.

Still, at the end of the day it's probably 95% hassle free, and I can play AAA games just fine, without having to deal with Windows pushing me to use Bing on Edge. I understand that's not something a lot of people care about, so carry on. I just get excited about how good Linux is these days and like to share it with people.

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If anything Lemmy users so far have been much less annoying than most reddit users. I feel like I'm reading through less garbage, and comment sections don't look like the same joke repeated ad nauseum.

Of course you are reading through less garbage. There are like 100 million reddit users and like 10 Lemmy users.

My experience has been different. I feel like I see the same, "Linux is better." Shit all the time. All the memes are also, "Windows user realizing this. Linux user not caring."

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Not the users but lemmy itself. Sorting by hot is pointless since you see the same post for days at a time. I get lemmy is small but shit it can't be that hot for that many days.

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Bots copy pasting content from Reddit.

There are community filled only with that, no upvotes, no comment, no nothing.

When you finally block the bot those communities disappear as the bot is the only active user.

When you finally block the bot those communities disappear as the bot is the only active user.

And that's why the bot exists

People not marking nsfw content nsfw.... Front page is a minefield whilst in public transport

I asked our instance admins to defederate because of this.

The good thing about lemmy is that you can still create an account on that instance if you want to.

That’s the beauty of the federation. It’s not like a subreddit got nuked and is no longer available. I have this account on .world, if I want to see some titties I just move to another node in the wide world of instances. Like various neurons getting cut off from some synapses but still available by other paths.

That and fucking sexualized anime girls. Fucking don't need that shit on my screen

When I first joined Lemmy I was happy with how few anime subs I had to filter compared to reddit...but it seems like the horny weebs are starting to make the switch. I hate that genre (style?) where they draw everyone looking like children. Gross

[Edit] love to get downvoted for saying that hentai with children is disgusting

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Hexbear neonazi tankies one one side, overbearing blocking on the other.

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Incessant posts about Reddit (and Twitter).

Fuck yes, it's like hanging out with hundreds of bitter ex-boyfriends. We don't care about your past relationship, it has been months. Just shut up and move on.

The defederation topic and how it impacts me.

I'm an adult, if I find something offensive I'll either block it or ignore it. However, not giving me the choice offends me and IMHO goes against what Lemmy and the fediverse was suppose to deliver.

I understand (and read) the reason's why site owners defederate and I view it largely as "Lemmy isn't mature enough to support more granular blocking - yet", so I wait patiently and hope this trend towards defederation doesn't turn into a powertrip by site owners "for the good of their users...."

Imo, defederation isn't the exile sentence everyone is making out to be. It is used like you said as a bandaid as a moderation tool, but really just about "anyone" can boot up an instance and have complete agency on which Instances are visible.

I'd be more concerned if all the big instances ganged up together to form a whitelist club, but this this is a more complex discussion, and there is no sign of it happenning.

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Depends on the reason for me. I totally get why .world blocked those 3 communities (not a defed I know but still) given the possible legal issues and given the admin isn't a lawyer and can't afford to retain a high powered legal team. Blocking those communities until they have a legal opinion just seems like good sense to me.

The hexbear thing - they're evangelical totalitarians politically. They believe what they believe and everything they talk about revolves around that and they need you to hear it, again and again and again. It's just mentally exhausting dealing with them, especially when a large part of their freely admitted m.o. is brigading/dog-piling.

Being fedded with lemmynsfw didn't bother me, I hardly ever saw anything from it as I rarely feel the need to go on 'All'. I understand there were some anime jailbait issues? That's probably a pretty good reason to defed from an instance.

So, and this is admittedly all from my perspective, I haven't seen any overbearing uses of defedding.

And I think people need to realise defedding is not like banning. On reddit if a sub got banned it was gone. On Lemmy if one instance defeds from another, the other instance is still there. You still have the choice to view it.

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The instance isn't yours. It doesn't belong to the users. You are graced with being allowed to use it. The owner of the instance is the one that gets into legal trouble because you want to post your loli furry pictures to the world. If I ran my own instance I would be restricting content as well. And federating with an instance that hosts that shit forces them to also host that content.

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Some of them keep talking about their Ex (Reddit).

What is a tankie?

someone who's into communism less for the equality and more for the dictatorship

IE, someone who likes the authoritarian governments who incorrectly call themselves communist.

People who don't want to solve the problem, they just want their turn on top.

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I'm a socialist but the level of communism here gives me a headache. Wish I could block the whole hexbear instance

Some apps for Lemmy support blocking whole instances. Both Connect and Sync does.

Blocking hexbear has made my Lemmy experience much more pleasant

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afaik some clients offer this client-side, like Connect for Lemmy(Android)

Currently using Memmy and would love if this was added. As is I’m using Lemmy significantly less due to the never ending barrage of this type of content.

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Linux supremacist and the wannabe commies are pretty annoying.

Other quality of life features would be nice. Like searching for a specific post

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not the users, but there isn't really enough discussion on here it seems like, just general memes. i like memes and shitposting but a man can't live on shitposting alone

Super opinionated people who are completely blind to the thing they're discussings shortfalls.

See: anything to do with Linux.

It literally feels like a blast from the past. I remember being on forums in the 90s and early 2000s hearing all this Linux evangelism. Then I say "the second a user has to touch a command line, they're out" and everyone acts like this isn't a reasonable take.

Thankfully though, Linux has evolved and ChromeOS and Android have shown how lower needs users and limited platforms like mobile can use Linux and not have to deal with the complexity of old-school Linux.

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So I couldn’t help myself, and looked at a bit of your posting history.

Gotta say, you seem a bit angsty. If you have opinions different from what’s mainstream here (though I’m not sure arguments about Linux are really mainstream, even here), that’s all well and good, and a decent enough reason to not enjoy your time here.

But your engagement seems somewhat anger driven, and that seems to colour your challenges here, where feeling like you’re the lone voice of wisdom seems to fuel your angst.

You got to it before I did. This whole thread is your typical asking a question as way to sound off about something else in the comments. Dude is grumpy and needs people to see.

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The lack of them, I guess?

There are lots of communities, but many of them are absolutely dead. My fav subs were BJJ, Hajime No Ippo, Squared Circle, and CS Career Questions. None of them are active here.

Extremism - Reddit as its share but also has millions of "normies" to balance things out. Here there doesn't seem to be any moderates.

The platform itself is dysfunctional and will prevent any real growth in average users.

Just TOO many Linux fanboys/martyrs, it is a good OS but damn stop trying to go full on religion with it.

Lol dude the Linux community on here has got to be full of young new tech users with very little experience. It is hilariously bad.

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There are so many tankies here. CCP propaganda and Stalin apologetics everywhere.

Obsession with Reddit, Linux, being communists. Everyone here is a former reddit mod/addict, I'm not surprised. This place is somehow worse than reddit in a different way.

I keep blocking any communities mentioning Linux on my feed, yet it still never stops.

I'm a huge Linux supporter. I maintain an infrastructure of thousands of Linux servers, don't have a single Windows install. My work laptop runs Linux, the only one in the company not on Windows or OS X. I have a mini-PC proxmox setup running a bunch of VMs for different services like pihole, FoundryVTT, NVR, etc. I use Linux for everything except my gaming PC.

And even I find the Linux fanboys absolutely intolerable. Go ask a question in @tech and any possibility of an actual helpful answer is drowned by hundreds of "Install Linux" comments that are all up voted to the top. The entirety of some of the most popular communities are completely worthless because of zealots like them.

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You'll have to leave Lemmy altogether for that, I'm afraid. A lot of Linux True Believers here.

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Everyone just talks about Reddit and Linux. Also people are just generally jerks on here. I don't comment much because I just see people getting dragged for not being as knowledgeable as others.

Yeah, there is a high concentration of early adopters and hackernews refugees.

That is exactly me, lol. I came on lemmy before all the reddit&twitter dramas, as an alternative to hackernews, that is a bit more diverse. Cool to see it grow a bunch, but we are kind of a pain to deal with.

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As much as I'm skeptical about the unchecked power of corporations, I feel like Lemmy tech enthusiasts are completely hostile to the more mainstream kind of enthusiasm that actually like a well designed product.

Like, you can whine about the theoretical problems of a centralized service all you want, but if you're not syncing with OneDrive (or an alternative, though those are kinda worse) on your Windows computer you're literally sabotaging yourself. I could go on about other examples, but I'll limit myself.

I don't care if you think Linux is better. For the average person, Linux is incomprehensible. Now don't get me wrong, I like Linux too! I use Linux for my servers, and it's a great option to have. But the ideologues who push it to everyone are infuriatingly dumb, and serve only to push people out of the tech community.

As a whole, this site has too many ideologues, and not enough nuance. It's like the whole "Reddit atheist" phenomenon but worse: people here are unquestionably critical to an absurd degree, and refuse to accept that there may be alternative viewpoints on what they're saying.

And I'm not fond of capitalism either. I just think that the constant negativity is draining.

I think that Linux is fun and easy to use (depending on distro) and that helps to bring people in to the tech community.

Unfortunately, I listened to the people telling me it was difficult for a long time.

This is the major issue. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

However I agree with the original comment, general people won't use something that isn't simple (whether that reputation is fair or not).

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The most annoying thing is hexbear and that everything needs to be political.

Especially when it's that cringe combination of both

So many damn Linux memes and supremacy posting.

On a more real note though, a bunch of the smaller communities I was part of on reddit, and nearly every specific gaming sub I was in aren't here, or at least aren't anywhere near as active.

People here are way to eager to get into political arguments out of nowhere, usually in bad faith. The front-page is covered with doomscrolling content, being here too long makes me miserable and hopeless. The rest of the content is mostly tech stuff, which can only be interesting for so long.

What I miss from Reddit, is the variety of diverse communities, people having fun and polite conversations, a sense of humor, and a lot of happy content or stuff that's interesting but not limited to tech.

At this point, I feel like the technology is much better and the user base much larger, but the user group is so extremely specific.

I wish people from all political spectrums would engage in a civil conversation here and not reduce it to mockery and attacking. What's the point of discussion if no one leaves with something new to think?

Where on reddit were you having political conversations that were "civil"? That was certainly not my experience.

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People complaining about the promotion of FOSS on a FOSS powered site. Lemmy amd Mastodon are a golden opportunity to get people onboard with FOSS, no shit they're going to evangelize it. Not to mention the early adopters were obviously FOSS devs.

Arguing about which instance is best / instance superiority / complaining about users from _______ instance.

My friends, we are on a collective group of web pages being hosted an run by individuals as a fucking hobby. Shut. Up.

To the admins, thank you.

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The political opinions of the average Lemmy user are a lot more radical and the users themselves come off as a lot more arrogant than the average Reddit user.

Which is honestly shocking to me because I thought Redditors were bad. I block any community that is about politics or users that try to inject politics where it isn't pertinent.

What's radical in the US is common sense in a lot of places.

To the downvoters: Isn't universal healthcare considered radical by many in the US? How about free college? Or, most of the stuff that Bernie Sanders wanted and was considered "too radical", except his political view would be considered somewhat conservative where I'm from.

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Lot of linux users here.

I once asked a linux user how his day was, and he said "Marked as duplicate, question locked."

I asked what that meant and he said "Artie Efemme"

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Sense of humor is a very limited resource on here, I've found.

Reddit had this magical mix of: "The world is about to end", "Now for something funny", "Here is something interesting, but neutral", "Here is a someone shitty getting away with something shitty". Here it seems like it's just posts about the world ending, corporations doing shitty things, and occasionally Linux/Reddit commentary.

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Lotta radical communities here who like to brigade posts on other, completely unrelated communities. Conversations were calmer with fewer slurs being thrown around a couple months ago.

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Being really eager to defederate over relatively minor crap. What's the point of Lemmy then, man?

There aren't mod tools yet. They are working on it. The only option is defederation which is kinda overkill and dramafilled right now. More mod tools will come because it is open source after all

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They aren't sports fans. One of the things I do most often on Reddit is participate in various gamethreads in /r/nfl, /r/cfb, /r/hockey, /r/baseball, etc etc etc. There are gamethreads on Lemmy, mostly on the instance. I'm the only one I've seen post in them, except for bots.

I know its here, because I'm constantly blocking new sports communities that pop up in All.

They aren't my kind of nerd either. All the communities for my hobbies are dead. The largest Magic: The Gathering communities go days without posts, the warhammer communities get maybe 1 paintjob post a week, and I haven't found anywhere to talk about how awesome the X-Men comics are right now.

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The privacy crowd that is rather large on Lemmy reminds me too much of a stereotypical paranoid conspiracy theorist, pushing for things solely for their privacy features, even if everything else about the product is garbage. 9 times out of 10, even the people advocating for certain privacy features have absolutely no need of them, and they get overly upset when certain criminal groups take advantage of these privacy tools for the exact same reasons they advocate to use them; they're just doing very questionable things to necessitate the extreme privacy.

The irony is this platform is about as insecure as you can get simply because of the federation perspective which really shows you how many "security minded" people talk out their fucking asses.

To be clear I'm one of them but I'm not deluded enough to remove myself from what is practical and reality vs what is baseless fantasy. They're all in on fantasy.

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My only real complaint is that some of the groups I was in on reddit either aren't here, or are super small here. As far as the people go, maybe I've just been lucky but most folks have been pretty nice, and thus far I haven't really run into the extremist stuff some folks ahve mentioned.

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I can't keep track of who is defederating whom, I don't really want to host my own instance here but I want to decide myself what I do or don't see

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I have a sense that the islands (instances) are concentrating/amplifying more extreme views echo chamber style. I'm sure it was there on reddit too... but I feel like I am exposed to more far right and far left viewpoints that are presented in a toxic/offensive manner on lemmy. It happened occasionally on Reddit but it is daily on lemmy. I am browsing All to find new content and not really liking what I find.

I haven't seen much far right stuff here, but I see toxic far left rhetoric all the time on Lemmy and it's honestly extremely off-putting even as someone who's solidly left of center.

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It's been, what,two months?

Are we seriously trying to create an arbitrary divide and pick fights already?

Still talking about R. Get over it! Move on!

Still talking about R

To be fair, I haven't seen that much talk about R over here, I think most people have moved on to Python or even Matlab.

That some people tend to ask boring and repetitive question about Lemmy vs Reddit.

This platform is wonderful but the people on it circle jerk politics and aren't open to discussion. The community has dramatically shifted left. We're very far from the center now.

Came for the platform, considering leaving for the people.

slaps lemmy instance

This bad boy can fit so many tankies in it.

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About users? Too wholesome. I feel like I need to be on my best behavior

About Lemmy?

— Why do I need to login so frequently?

— Why do my filters keep resetting?

— But most of all, lemmy doesn’t yet have the volume to keep some of the more specialized communities active

— and I wish we could get r/AskHistorians to rebuild here ?

— and how the eff do you do markup here?

— and why does the context button only work half the time?

— and how do I see my comments, especially when the context button isn’t working and I’m trying to figure out what someone replied to me about

Most of those things are due to growing pains. And some of them might even be specific to your instance.

Because I'm definatly not experiencing all of those issues from my instance.

Nothing so far. Sure, it's smaller and there are growing pains here and there, but the folk pretty nice here. Think I'll stay for a while...

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Reddit tier memes being spammed around everywhere, I have so many meme subreddits blocked among other stuff

Most annoying for me is calling for or defederating from instances which have diverse points of view. This is inclusivity hypocrisy. Ignore or block what you don't want to hear. Don't speak for me. You may have supporters that think the way you do, but there are multitudes who think differently. It's the antithesis of equity to silence different opinions, no matter how offensive they are to you and/or to those who think like you. Simply block them so you do not have to endure differing, offensive speech [even if you consider it "hate" speech]. What I hate, others may adore. So just block it.

Yeah I don't get it either. I see people moving back to Reddit because of this shit. Lemmy is already much less user friendly. Defederating over dumb shit just makes people move away again since they can't find the content they want without having ar least a couple accounts.

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Their annoyance with Reddit users. "Quit trying to Reddit my Lemmy!"

For me it's been the people trying to turn this into a carbon copy of their Reddit experience. I get the desire to fill the void after leaving Reddit, but this is a different place with a different group of people and a different social dynamic. We don't need copies of the subreddits we had on Reddit. We don't need separate communities for every type of meme or joke like we had over there (yet). Creating niche communities is a little premature when we don't even have the larger ones reading critical mass yet.

And to a much lesser degree, I would like to stop seeing people say "sublemmy." But at least I understand how we got there. "Community" is such a generic term, it's easy to not realize that's what they're called.

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I mean, this is kinda just an internet problem in general, but it's just a prevalent here on Lemmy as anywhere else, so it does count as something annoying Lemmy users doing. And that's just general aggression

It seems like saying anything is a great way to get someone downright furious with you. Again, that happens everywhere, I just wish there was less of it on Lemmy. I think FOSS topics are a great example. Just in this thread alone you can see people already getting just... really worked up on both sides of the FOSS subject.

People get really aggressive about what qualifies as a good meme, ffs. And there also just a general culture online (it's died down recently, I think? It was really bad starting in 2016, imo) of humorous aggression, where reacting in really aggressive ways just as a joke is really common, which leads to misunderstandings and causes people to get actually mad if they aren't in the loop of the joke in the first place.

On a bright note however, I have noticed there's a lot less bigotry being treated as acceptable on here. Transphobic memes and stuff of that nature would show up in random communities on reddit a lot more than should ever be acceptable, and they would occasionally (not always) get more support in the comments than they should. Here on Lemmy it seems folks are a lot more proactive in shutting that stuff down before those types get a foothold here. Hopefully it stays that way.

Bot accounts archiving/copying posts from Reddit. If I wanted to see them I’d go to Reddit. Some of these bot accounts I can’t even block because of a bug, maybe do to sheer amount of posts from these accounts.

block the user that post on and the archiving posts will be gone.

Blithely continuing the blatant reposting of the same old submissions, especially the same two dozen years-old Twitter screencaps. Lemmy doesn't even track user karma, and it's still way too small to bother selling accounts for astroturfing! You don't actually have to karma-whore here!

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I did not switch from Reddit, but Lemmy really amplifies any niches that are on here to the point of extremism. It also mostly consists of nerds. Would love to see more diverse and open crowd on here.

FOSSLinuxPCMasterraceElonTech, Reddit was already a sausage fest, idk what metaphor to even use for Lemmy

The overlap between FOSS/Linux/Tech and Elon is ever-shrinking.

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Yeah, people need to post relevant content in order to have some relevant feed. Also, the defederation from hexbear and Lemmy.grad has helped a lot on the pro china/Russia discourse.

I like the people on lemmy. Just wish I could speak German in order to understand the 15% of content that's in German.

You can select languages in your profile to hide content in languages you don’t speak

But there's something fascinating about seeing memes I can't understand.

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The constant obsession with R. Get the fuck over it and move on, OP

There is barely a difference in content/comments from Reddit and we act like we are so much better than Redditors

Elitism. People who act entitled to Lemmy attracting whatever crowd they like and not attracting the people they didn't like from Reddit.

Not sure if this is a planned feature, but not being able to block instances. I can do that on Mastodon so I expected to be able to do it here as well. Outside of the usual extreme cases where defederation makes sense, that would solve a lot of "lemmy.deez user said this! why doesn't lemmy.nuts defederate from them?" bullshit. Of course there's always the option of changing instance but you're never gonna agree 100% with the owner's choices when it's something you should be able to have control over.

I believe instance blocking is a planned feature for Lemmy in the future.

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There's no chihuahua sub where we all post numerous daily pictures of our weird little dogs then tell each other in droves how absolutely lovely they are.

The things that annoy me about some Lemmy users are the same things that annoyed me about some Reddit users (lots of frequently upvoted meme subs that don't work for me, posting ragebait, political compass subs, etc) and I'm dealing with them the exact same way I dealt with them at Reddit throughout 10 years: block and move on. The best thing about this type of forum is that you can heavily personalize your feed by filtering/blocking/muting and you'll still have some reasonably good quality content (which includes both your niches and the potential to discover either general or specific stuff you'll like) thanks to the upvote system.

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A good number of them seem to be trying to import reddit into Lemmy wholesale.

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These guys under obvious joke meme posts.

I remember I said "literally 1984" and a bunch of people just did not understand the joke and proceeded to write multi paragraph replies detailing why I'm wrong and that "you obviously never read the book"

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do we count the shitty x-post bots with 1 upvote and 0 comments spamming otherwise dead communities

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Probably the fact that people here seem to bond over the mutual hatred of outgroups/people rather than over the interest in similar things.

The quite heavy left bias shows also.

People still make AcHUalLY comments here. That crap is annoying.

People thinking the Reddit community is so much worse than Lemmy, like they didn't just come from there themselves and used to be part of it.

It's just so dry on here. So far I check in every so often just to see what's up but you can never shake the fact that Reddit has the reach and the history. Sadly I still suffer the Reddit mobile experience here and there, but I mostly just use other apps now. Lemmy just isn't close yet and the whole decentralized thing is beyond confusing for new users, I hate how many accounts I need to create.

Plus the delay to the content is huge, it's like 2 days behind the freshest news articles and discussions and stuff, and the meme content is super dated

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Lemmygrad and HexBear have some of the most obnoxious losers I've ever seen and I never had this issue with reddit.

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Too many reddit users have muddied the waters.

On first checking things out, I loved how the nasty responses common in reddit threads was very rare here. Arguments here are commonly well thought out and give the benefit of the doubt. As more redditers switch over, they're bringing the vitriol with them.

Also posting article links from Reddit. I prefer when the poster writes their own synopsis of what the article is about and why it's important. Links from Reddit tend to just repost the click bait garbage from over there.

Do we have any user base statistics for the average age of users for Lemmy compared to the ever growing younger user base of Reddit? (Which isn't necessarily always a bad thing, I love inclusiveness). I can't recall being asked to put in my birthday/age when signing up. (I'm just being genuinely dumb, I would usually just look up this stuff myself but I have to rush this comment, sorry!)

People don't seem as flippant on Lemmy which is fortunate.

I have generally had a better experience when it comes to interaction on here, but I do think there's frequently degrading comments towards Reddit users, especially ones starting out and posting content directly from Reddit. I think it's all usually well intentioned though, they're looking for alternatives, and they wish to get involved and add content. Eventually Lemmy will become more self sufficient when it comes to unique comments or memes for example, but there's a lot of growing pains to get there.

Same redditors with toxic echochamber you are trying to avoid you find them here too. They think their political identity is all that matters.

That they haven't convinced the rest of the useful Reddit users to move across (and create/populate the equivalent /c/ I (used to) frequent for help and advice)! 😜

posts decent content

Also in the post: “this was my top post from Reddit. Posting it here for the karma”

Just post it or post some new content.

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I really like lemmy. A lot of people with similar interests as me here.

Seeing a lot of complaints about controversial communities, but I for one actually like them. I like the entertainment value of the drama, arguments, and trolling.

I am sick of people removed about these instances. If you don't like their content then join an instance that is defederated from them. It's that simple.

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It's annoying how most Lemmy users strut around like they have flavorful, pristine cocks and/or meaty, robust vulvas. Stop being so constructive and fight me.

The Tankies, The Misogynists, The Nazis. Techbro/Gamer moments.

Missing communities is my biggest complaint. There was r/teenagersbuthot which was actually an awesome welcoming community.

For me it's the ability to directly upload videos and play them in app. Let me know if I'm just missing something but that is the thing really holding me back from wanting to post my bouldering(rock climbing) clips.

That they're just the same annoying reddit drones from r/all. Smaller communities have much better dialogue as always.

Generalizing based on others' preferred link aggregator.

There aren't enough of them. I like having long comment threads to read with a feisty dialogue. It's not as fun when every post has 12 replies.

Wow..this post got more air time than news items that matter 😂